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Altima/Kalyx Rp
" it deep, love?" Ishana asked, as she leaned forward, her face so close to the dragoness' crotch, that she was breathing in the musky scent. "Hmm...looks like you could do with an oral "Bathing"" Ishana said with a sly grin, before lapping at the top of Psyrixia's pussy.

"UGHNG!!! TAHCYON!!!!" Altima moaned, in ecstasy, as his orgasm hit prematurely, his seed blasting onto Tachyons' chest and abs.
"Gods! Yes!! OH! ISHANA!! LICK MY PUSSY!! LICK MY CLIT!! AAAAAHHH!!", Psyrixia oozed her sweet honey over the vixen's tongue as she was building up another orgasm.

Turned on intensely, from Altima's cries of passion and the site of his cumming, Tachyon's climax let loose, as well. "OH ALT!! I"M CUMMING!!" The dragon pumped his hips and shot his hot, thick load into Altima's ass.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Feeling that warm, sticky goodness shoot deep in his ass felt heavenly. "oh," Altima panted, before nodding off, deep asleep.

"Yes, love!" Ishana respined, amongst multiple licks. She tried her bets to please her lover, and, Psyrixia tasted so good. " delicious, honey..."
Tachyon was surprised how fast Altima fell asleep, but wasn't upset. He positioned himself next to the dragon's sleeping body, curled up behind him, and covered the both with the sheet and blanket. "Good night, Lover", he cooed into his ear and gently kissed him on the cheek, before falling asleep.

Psyrixia laid back upon the bed, worn out from all the orgasms that Ishana had provided.  "Oooohhh", she growled, her clit still twitching, "Yes my love, lick me...lick up all my cum. It's all for you." The dragoness rubbed the vixen's flowing hair as she lapped at her crotch.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"so I shall!" Ishana murred, as she lapped at Psyrixias' cunt, occasionally nibbling on her clit. She enjoyed Psyrixias' taste. Out of all the girls that she ate out, Psyrixia was the most delicious.
Pysrixia sat up watched the vixen tongue and lick her pussy and clit, with her legs splayed outward. "My gods! You horny fox! You're gonna drive me crazy! I don't think I can cum anymore, Ishana! But....Mmmmmm, you lick me for as long as you want to."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Ok, well... then maybe we should take a break..then you can do me?" Ishana said, as she pulled her fist out, and offered it to Psyrixia, after taking a few licks herself.
"Maybe you're right...", Psyrixia responded, "The guys are probably sleeping, too. I haven't heard any noise from them, then in a while."

The dragoness clasped Ishana's right paw within her's, drew it to her mouth and slowly lapped at her cum-soaked paw. "Mmmmmm, I taste better than must of really hit my sweet spot with this fist of yours.". as she began sucking the vixen's digits clean, one by one.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Ishana giggled, as Psyrixia cleaned off ehr fingers. "Y-yeah! they probably are asleep... maybe we shoudl go to sleep too! then in the morning, before everyone goes, we...could have an orgy."
Oh yes!...That's be great! I can hardly wait!" The dragoness leapt upon the bed, drew back the covers and beckoned, "Now, hurry up Ishana...let's get some sleep. Or...we won't have enough energy to participate in all of tomrrow's activities." Psyrixia slyly winked at the lovely fox, patting the bed, next to her.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz