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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Kaine laughed maniacally as he increased the pressure, his claws cutting into the man's skull. "Hmm.. interesting.. tougher than I expected, but no matter, this ain't even a fraction of the strength this baby can put out.." he said, squeezxing even harder, ignoring the man's cries as anything but a sign that he was doing well.

After several more moments, his artificial hand snapped closed with a wet crunching noise as the man's skull collapsed in on itself, blood and brain goo oozing from the wounds as he tossed the man's body to one side.

He turned as though to walk away, then turned back at hearing the girl whimper. "Ahh.. right.. no witnesses... Sorry doll, but you gotta die."
Onyxia was just about to add something to Ragweed but was interrupted by Sanya's voice standing up she turned to her, but she saw what looked to be some sort of stand off, "Keep your battles to yourselves...dont drag us into them." The large dragoness looked down at Ragweed then sighed "Mind we taking a flight? Seems like the only way we could chat.." with that she scooped the mouse into her claws before taking flight into the sky ascending quite high away from the action " obviously you didnt come from my world...where did you come from?"
"Me? well, i came from a small city called Amperville, and a few miles from Amperville is Dimwood forest, where i grew up and where the rest of my family is." Ragweed said, looking down at the city below. "where'd you come from Onyxia?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"I come from the world of Azeroth and I lived in a place called Dustwallow Marsh." Onyxia replied "I was flying over the ocean before I came here." she then glanced back at the quarrel they left behind "I hope the rest of this world isnt like them."
" too." Ragweed said, also glancing back at the battle. "so where are we headed anyway?" he asked, looking forwards again.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
After reaching his truck and avoiding police detection, Jack once again removed his armor and placed it back under the bed cover so it could not be seen. Once he was certain no one in authority would notice a pickup pulling out of an alley, he did just that, and drove to the hotel he believed he saw earlier, having to take several detours created by the cops and whatever shenanigans made by other superpowered beings. Parking his truck and walking into the hotel, he checked in and made his way to his room, seeing a red convertible, and talk of some really attractive woman on the way.

"Hmmm, some model or something must be here. Meh." He said to himself looking for his room number.
"I'm not sure...we have to let these people know that we wont hurt.." Onyxia then was quickly cut off as she wasnt looking where she was going she ran squarely into a jumbo jet passing over the city. The dragoness apparently got knocked out and started to free fall with Ragweed in her claws.
"O-ONYXIA?!" Ragweed said, scared half to death as he suddenly plummeted towards the streets below. "Wake up!!! please!!" what do i do what do i do what do i do!?!?!...wait!! he spied an alley between two buildings far below, with lots of clotheslines strung on across. "thats it!" he wrapped his tail around Onyxia's stomach, and tried to move over towards the alley. hope this works!
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Paperman clicked his brtiefcase clsoed. The insurence was done. He left before any damage meant his next of kin would be picking up a substancial amount of life insurence. He left the site of the battle, as a lady dragon flew overhead with a large mouse in her arms.

"Can't be too careful," he muttered, hialing a taxi.

"Hey, you're a superhero, ayn't cha?" said the cabbie. "'Ow comes you ayn't gots no ride of your own?"

"I usually walk for enviromental reasons, but I don't know of any buses that would happen to be en route to where ever I may be going. Follow that dragon, if you would, please."
Onyxia's falling body very slowly moved towards the ally but her massive size and muscle wieght was too much and she started to plummet faster towards the street. It was too late for Ragweed to do anything as her massive body crashes into the city pavement breaking asfault making a sizable crater around her body. There she laid passed out in the hole which cars had stopped too.

"My god what is that thing!!" someone yelled from the sidewalk.

Seconds later a policecar drove up and an officer walked up to the whole "Jesus christ that thing is huge...better call the science guys for this telling what this thing is..." the officer ran back to make the call.