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Blades of Fate (Medival RP - Yiff Allowed)
Fire Blade, please assist me...
Barrier of some kind. I could easily slip through it. Like you said, if light is the purist, we do have a viable cause for entering, for refuge and care.
Please, don't even say about refuge...

As Kurtz nodded to the blade, he grinned, before slowly tapping the window, as a hole appeared in the window, and the barrier hardly, as he slowly slid in, landing on the floor. Sighing hardly, he ruffled his hair. "Self-defence was my only cause for fighting." With that, he chuckled. "Looks like Light really is a kind spirit, I'm glad."

At least! Let's hope she's kind enough... to let us stay here at least...
And hope water isn't allowed in.... since he isn't pure of heart.
Of course. His plause probably for trying to hurt us and steal me from you would be pathetic.

Grabbing the hole again, he placed the glass back in, sealing it up as he sighed, before dropping to the ground and sitting below the window, the Fire Blade seemingly fading out of view and forming into a scar on the dragon's right eye. "I hate running.... so fast..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Yoosei nodded slowly and looked at Raphael. "...y-yes...t-thank you..." she twitches her ears and then slightly gulps. it was when he touched her that she felt he was one of the Blade wielders. oh how screwed she would be right now if he would know she is one too. trying not to call for much attentions she just gently retreats her arm and looks at Snow and walks closer to her while whispering gently to her. "...sorry about the rooftop... I will make it up for that damage.. but please...can I stay in your house now..." she pleads and shivers afraid of a possible battle.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Meanwhile, Katsu, the grey wolf growled and staring sharply with his bright yellow eyes to the green dragon who just managed to break the barrier and slipped inside. "Wielder of Sword of Fire... May I know your purpose to break inside the house..?"

Miyuki's friendly side looking to the green dragon as well as notices Katsu's action. But she didn't say anything and didn't know what is exactly happen right now.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
Anubis picked up the spear and pointed it up,the storm ending.Venat flew down and landed just outside the wind barrier"Why did you get rid of the storm?It was just about to destroy her."

"That is the reason.The fight is over.You won.So just shut up."Anubis responded,the barrier vanishing"Where is the wielder of light?She might be able to help."

"I'm not answering.You stopped the fight,so I'm not helping"Venat said as he flew back into the air.
Looking up, Kurtz noticed the spirit standing in front of him, as he nodded gently, lowering his head. "Running, mostly. The Wielder of Water tried to kill me... and he ran... approaching here.... I haven't come to take any blade, neither start a fight or steal any..." He slowly got to his feet, looking towards the spirit as he stared right at her. "...At this moment, I was trying to find at least another person with a blade... someone who is kind enough... just to let me stay with them for a while. I search for a refuge where I won't have the worry of being killed everyday, which is... a fear I always have... I don't want that that fear..... but...." He then slowly removed the bandages and his gloves from his claws, a little pool of blood suddenly forming as he showed both his bleeding claws; scarred and tattered. "at least.... I looked for someone who has a heart to help me heal these scars up..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Veek passed out soon, becoming completely motionless on the ground, spare a few twitches of her leg.

Vook blinked. "well...good fight Anubis." Vook put her claw out towards him.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Miyuki's expression change as looking his both bleeding claws. She quickly took the herbs that her other side buy just now, and slowly approaching Kurtz. With a soft voice and worried expression, she grab his bleeding claws. "....Let me help you..."

Meanwhile, Katsu letting Miyuki cure the stranger, because it's natural. She willing to help those in danger, even that person is her enemy.

She had lots of sad experience since she was a little, until her other side appears in her body to make herself stronger.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
"Thank you..." Was all Kurtz could mutter, as he gasped a little as searing pain shot through his arms; his scarred claws shivering a little in her grasp. "...Is there... anything you can do about them...?" He asked, his tail resting on the floor while he stared at her face for a moment in hope.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Anubis shook her claw(I'm assuming that's what she put her claw out for)"If you say so.We didn't do much at all though."He put the spear back on his back and walked to Veek and picked her up"We need to find the wielder of light and fast."He started running in the direction Snow went in.
"We are sorry... She don't have a will to fight... Because her other side is taking some rest..." Katsu's ears lowered down, before continued. "The Sword of Light will take care of them for this current moment..."

Miyuki just lowered her ears as heard Katsu's statement, while placing a few amount of healing herbs on his bleeding claws, to stop the bleeding for a few moments.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds