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Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars)
"well..." she tilted her head sideways once "I will have to stay on this planet for long.. do you by any chance... have any place where I could stay for a while?" she asks softly
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC:Cboy,just so ya know,this fight ain't nearly as long as some of the ones in Star Wars.

Obsidion jumped over the sabers,landing a few feet away"Let's see how long this lasts without the force."He winced in pain as an invisible wave of the force emitted from him and went for miles,disrupting the force in the whole radius.
Suddenly, Altimas' dream shifted from combat practice to a realistic battle, in which he was fighting against a sith who had a black and red colored markings on his face. Apparently this sith had a staff saber just like his own. The sith quickly dashed towards Altima and struck towards the dragons' waist, but Altima quickly delfected the blow with his own saber, igniting it within that small time frame. The sith continued to land blow after blow against Altima, as Altima slowly began to give ground against the Siths' assault. I... I can't handle this alone....gah! I need someone else... Altima thought, as he narrowly evaded one slice.
"Like that's never happened to me before," snorted Shadow, activating his jet pack and launching himself at his opponent, using the magnetic glove on his left hand to call his other saber back to him.
< Dantooine >

Entering the young Jedi's dream, she ran up in front of the young dragon, from behind. Donned in the same Jedi robes Altima had given her, she took a defensive stance before him. Quickly drawing and igniting her light saber, the dragoness braced herself for the next blow from the rampaging Sith.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Damian nodded slowly. "My ship should be spacious enough to accomidate the both of us..." he remarked, completely oblivious to anything that might imply.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Both Altima and the Sith were puzzled as they notcied the newcomer. Though Psirixia had entered Altimas' dream, to Altima she was just a vague image and so could not completely recognize her. "Thanks! Didn't know anyone else was here!" Altima shouted, as he drew back his saber and lunged at the sith, barely grazing his leg. Though the blow had connected, the Sith seemed to ignore the pain as it struck at both jedis, each being targeted by one side of his saber.
OOC: Did he ever put Cervane down?

Obsidion looked at the ground and closed his eyes,moments later looking back at Shadow and opening them,electricity flowing through them"Being a cyborg has its advantages."
< Dantooine >

Psyrixia stood fast to the left of Altima. "You've injured his left leg, with your last blow. When I attack him from his right side, you can manuever yourself around to his left...he won't be as agile on that side. You should be able to land some connecting strikes. Are you ready, Jedi?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Yoosei blushed really lightly when hearing his sentence. but figuring it would have sound a misunderstanding in her mind she quickly put any dirty though aside as she then nods at him. "thank you for your kindness.. I really do apreciate it.."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions