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Ha Ha! The Conservatives Lose Again!

Over 2,500 gay couples have now been married, and the SF judges delayed the conservatives because the cons made one spelling mistake when they filed their court brief. Sometimes, bureaucracy can be used for good instead of evil.

Meanwhile, I've managed to find a glaring mistake that the conservatives have made in their arguments against San Francisco:

Quote:What the mayor is doing is only symbolic; the marriages licenses that were issued aren't worth the paper they're written on.

This could be interpreted to mean one of several possible things:

Possible interpretation #1: The conservatives are attempting to deny gay couples the right to buy "worthless" marriage certificates.

Possible interpretation #2: All marriage certificates, including those for straight couples, are, legally speaking, worthless, and the state has therefore given straight couple rights which they don't actually have.

Possible interpretation #3: The marriage certificates issued to gay couples are actually legitimate, and the conservatives are just bullshitting us.

If I were arguing in favor of gay marriage, I would probably try and interrogate the conservatives about why they are attempting to stop the marriage certificates if the certificates aren't worth anything anyway. Could it be that *gasp* the conservatives are afraid of a symbol? If you look at it from that angle, there is no legally viable reason to deny gay people the right to marry.
According the the case of Plessy vs. Furgeson, you actually can. But, you'd have to give gay people something of a equivalence of marraige. (How did I remember that from 8th grade SS?)
MATTHEWDMETCALF Wrote:According the the case of Plessy vs. Furgeson, you actually can. But, you'd have to give gay people something of a equivalence of marraige. (How did I remember that from 8th grade SS?)

You're living in the past. The Plessy vs. Ferguson ruling was overturned by Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954. The Supreme Court declared that whites couldn't just give blacks second-rate civil services and call it equal. And anyway, the conservatives want a constitutional amendment that would not even give gay couples the option of a civil union, so they can't say that they're offering gays an equivalent.
true true but would a marrige licence from canada work here
Legally, I believe the US must recognize it. Of course, I'm no expert on international law.
Hrm. California always the state that boldy goes where other states ignore, for a reason. I will say this, Yay for those guys and gals; they are married now... eh whatever.

Actually if you want to talk Cases, how about the one where the US Supreme Court refused to make Every state in the Union repeal laws that are collectively known as 'Sodomy Laws' (spelling on Sodomy too tired to think). So in the State of Texas Sodomy is still illegal, but before you jump at us yelling some bullshit; so is Oral Sex... and last I checked no one enforces either.
In fact the only series of cases I am aware of where Gay men are even being prosecuted is for Public Indecensy. A park in Dallas Texas was frequented by couples for years, some politician in Dallas city politics used it as a campain booster (his slogan was 'Keeping the City Clean') and got cops to bust over 20 gay couples and 29 or so straight couples that made the mistake of 'parking' and then getting out of the vehicle in some state of undress.
Which while it is not illegal to be nude in your car (Texas State laws cover Public areas as being non-private property and your car is private property) the second some part of your body exits said vehicle while you are in a state of undress you just broke the law. Also there is an Adendum to the law to protect you from being charged with indecency when you are ordered by a peace officer to leave the vehicle.
I will be the first to admit we in Texas have some screwed up laws, but hey that's what happens when you dont trust your state government to meet more than 6 months every 2 years. And I dont trust them that much. But if anyone starts it on me, just give me a few hours and some websearching and I can probably find just as equally screwed up active laws in just about everystate.

Oh fun for anyone visiting Texas and looking to get a quick common law marraige; Go to 3 public places claiming to already be married, 3 different places on three different nights; by the Texas state constitution that is the #2 form of common law. As long as both parties agree such.

And being conservative is a good thing in many ways, I personally am just slightly conservative; it's the Hyper-Conservatives and Hyper Liberals that piss me off. Change should happen, but too much changes causes problems as much as too little.
Well, I'm afraid politics are about as dynamic as the planet we do them on. And Connecticut laws aren't really idiotic, they're just needlessly complicated. So there.
Quote:Actually if you want to talk Cases, how about the one where the US Supreme Court refused to make Every state in the Union repeal laws that are collectively known as 'Sodomy Laws' (spelling on Sodomy too tired to think). So in the State of Texas Sodomy is still illegal, but before you jump at us yelling some bullshit; so is Oral Sex... and last I checked no one enforces either.

Actually, I think Texas was forced to repeal their sodomy law in 2003, on the grounds that it violated the gay people's freedom of choice.

Quote:And being conservative is a good thing in many ways, I personally am just slightly conservative; it's the Hyper-Conservatives and Hyper Liberals that piss me off. Change should happen, but too much changes causes problems as much as too little.

There are some uses for conservatives, but with Dubya at the helm, the Republican party has mutated into a bunch of bible-thumping assholes, which are of no use to anybody.
you know you should keep the bible but not enforce it so much
hey wait have you ever seen jewish or hindu maddly make you listen to their views? (funny question huh?)