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Digimon World 4
Apparently Bandai is planning to release a Digimon World 4 sometime in 2004.
Oh, God...not another one. Seriously, it was a bad idea and you can rarely make a bad idea good by doing a good job of presenting it well (We can't all create Kingdom Hearts). It's going to be crap, I know already. Though, Half-Life 2 is coming out 2004! And so is World Of Warcraft! Looks pretty good to have a PC this year
they'll also be making rumble arena 2 for cube and I think ps2 and I'll still be trying to beat battle spirit 2 on my gba (damn cherubimon cheap ass bastard)
hmm, well at least they don't let Digimon completely die.
It damn well better have all of Beetlemon, Kazemon, and Chakmon's (to avoid confusion with Bearmon) evolutions. All, I'm not fucking around; I want their Fusion Evolutions. Also, if it's following Digimon World 3's format, this game will need several improvements. I want the ability to raise any Digimon and train it to have any attack I choose. I want all three Digimon in the battle at the same time so I can use my support techniques faster and multi-attacks. Basically, they need to make it more like Digimon World 2, only with hundreds more Digimon and attacks, no fucking Digi-Beetle, and a story with several alternate endings. Oh, but keep the music, it's addictive.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Well, Digimon World 2 was bad just becausde it took you forever to get anywhere. You trained a Digimon, got it with anoither digimon, DNA digivolved them, then you trained that one, DNA digivolved it with another one, then the process starts all over again. Have a Digimon game with a little bit of action in it. Besides, the only way how it will even sell if all that well would be if you can hijack cars and shoot hookers.
Quote:Well, Digimon World 2 was bad just becausde it took you forever to get anywhere. You trained a Digimon, got it with anoither digimon, DNA digivolved them, then you trained that one, DNA digivolved it with another one, then the process starts all over again.
True, but at least their parameters got stronger each time. In the same time it took to raise an entire Digimon in Digimon World 2, I find myself raising my Digimon just a few levels in Digimon World 3. It's nice to keep your progress, but there's something to be said for variety. Maybe Digimon World 4 should give you a choice between modes of play, or it should find some happy medium. Ideally, I'd like to raise any Digimon for as long and as strong as I want, with any attacks.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
you know I haven't ever played a digimon world game but I might play world 4
and wisemon by fusins for those 3 do you mean jetslyphymon daipenmon and rhinokabuterimon
I like reichmon kouichi's a-hybrid myself
Quote:you know I haven't ever played a digimon world game but I might play world 4
and wisemon by fusins for those 3 do you mean jetslyphymon daipenmon and rhinokabuterimon
I like reichmon kouichi's a-hybrid myself

Yep, that's what I had in mind. KendoGarurumon appears in Digimon World 3, so Digimon World 4 should have every character. It's just like how Digimon World 2 had Veemon, Flamedramon, Raidramon, and Imperialdramon as a preview, somewhat.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
A fourth game?? Wow, I had no idea Digimon was still doing well enough to warrant that.