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Altima/Kalyx Rp
"well, if you imply masturbating on it, well, yeah... other than that, I've never used this bed with another.." Ishana said, sitting nextt to Psyrixia, placing a paw on her inner leg, slowly making her way closer to the dragoness' pussy.

"Yeah.." Altima said, arriving inside the room, as he took his shirt off, revealing his thing bone-like structure.
"Me neither, just use my trusty claws", Psyrixia laid back on the bed, allowing Ishana to make her move. "Mmmmm, you're paws are so soft... and they're making wet. Come here and kiss me, Ishana", the dragoness begged.

Tachyon followed Altima's cue, he removed his shirt as well, revealing his muscular chest. He stared back at Altima, admiring his body. Starting to feel awkward, he questioned, "A-Alt, have you ever been with anyone like this before?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"mrr.. yes, Psy..." Ishana says, as she locks lips with the dragoness, pushing her on her back, as her paw slides up against her crotch.

"no... I have never been with another man in the nude before..." Altima said, as he lowered his pants, revealing his crotch. Altima usually never wore underwear, as he felt it sometyimes constrict his crotch. He wagged his tail, as he slowly made his way towards Tachyon. "Would you like some help taking your clothes off?"
"Ohhh! Yeah!", Psyrixia hissed, sliding her claws up over the vixen's breasts, feeling her nipples poking through her top. "Mmmmm, you're boobs feel, nice! Mmmmm!"

Tachyon froze for a moment, "I-I-I guess so." He felt a little unsure and apprehensive as Altima approached him, but stood fast, anxious to exprience...something.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"mrr.... you have such soft hands too, dear." Ishana murred, as she slowly removed her top.

"Ok, then..." Altima said, as he placed his claws on Tachyons pants, unbuttoning them. He slowly pulled them down, looking up into the dragons eyes, sensing distress. "Uhm, if this bothers you, we don't have to do it..."
Staring at the vixen's body, " are hot! And your making me even hotter." Beginning to feel her sexual rush take over, Psrixia yanked off her top and straddled Ishana, pressing her bare breasts against her partner's.

"Oh, no! Don't stop!", he begged, "I-I'm just nervous..please Alt...I want this bad! Take off my pants, please!"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
" ok, if you insist!" Altima said excitedly, as he finished taking off Tachyons' pants. He yanked the dragons underwear down along with his pants at the same time, revealing Tachyons' dragonhood.

"mrr....such big breasts you have." Ishana said, as she frenched Psyrixia. The vixen wrapped her arms around Psyrixias' neck, pulling her deeper into the kiss.
As soon as Altima pulled off his clothing, Tachyon's erection popped into view, poking out of his sheath. "Oh, Altima!", he cried, rushing over to embrace him. "I've never felt like this before." As he hugged him, Tachyon's member pressed up against Altima's.

Psyrixia giggled while she kissed, "Mmmmm, maybe from your viewpoint, but they're only Bs...not much to speak of, really. But yours! Wow! Yours are so soft...and round...and supple...I could eat them up." Nuzzles up to her breast and begin to tease it with her reptilian tongue.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"me neither..." Altima said, as he wrapped his arms around Tachyon, staring deep into his eyes. He slowly approached the dragons' lips, wanting to kiss him now more than ever.

"ahh....y-yes...." Ishana murred, as she slowly unbuttoned her pants. Just being tongued was enough to wet her lower extremities.
Tachyon couldn't hold back, any longer. Making the first move, he kissed Altima on the lips fully and embraced him, even tighter. The movement of their bodies against each other, caused Tachyons erection to grow, even more. His tail swung around and touched his partner's.

Following Ishana cue, Psyrixia slid off her skirt and exposed her bright red panties, which were soaked with the draoness' juices. "Mmmmm, Ooooo, you've got such a hot bod Ishana, can I help you with those...?", looking over a her half-unbuttoned pants. "I'll be real gentle with you...I promise.", Psyrixia slyly winked at the vixen.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz