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Furry College!
"Well then, I guess that settle it...", Richter grasped Star's paws with his own and looked into her eyes, "we're officially roommates, now. I hope this is the beginning of long and wonderful friendship, tell you the truth.", he confided, whispering in her ear, "I really need one about now..." He gently hugs her, "thank you, Star."

The waiter returned to their table with the food, all wrapped up and ready to go. Star and Richter sit back, upright in their chairs. "Is there anything else I can get for you, today?", he requested.

"No...that will be all, thank you. Oh...and here...the rest is for you.", Richter said, paying the waiter the bill.

"Thank you, sir.", the waiter replied, leaving their table.

Picking up his packback and the food, Richter digs out his keys from his pocket, offers out his paw towards Star and announces, "Your chariot awaits, my dear."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Star giggled, placing her hand in his as she stood up from the chair. "Its lke one of those fairy tale romances Kim made me read.... only its real..."

She felt a familiar rush of sensation as her thoughts drifted momentarily to what having him stay with her could lead to, but she dismissed that thought after a moment, concentrating instead, on getting him to her home first.
Richter escorted Star out of the cafe, along the street and around the corner, from the direction they had come. He was on cloud nine as clasped Star's paw within his own. He had been thinking about their new status as roommates, ever since they left the cafe.

Richter had had a male roommate, last year, while attending State University at one of the on-campus dorms. That living arrangement turned out to a diaster for him, the entire Freshman year. However, as he walked paw-in-paw with his new Renamon roommate, he sensed optimism and contentment within her, which uplifted his spirits.

After about a half-mile walk, they approached the student parking lot, which was situated on the far north end of the campus. Any of the college students, that owned a car, could park here, for a reasonable yearly fee of $50.

Richter lead Star, in and around the parked cars, to his own pride and joy. A 1990 dark blue Ford Thunderbird SC.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Star smiled as they neared his car. "Wow.. maybe my place isn't better than your car." she said teasingly, giggling slightly as she squeezed his hand. "He does have style... but I have to wonder.. how could he get something that nice, but not have a place to live yet..?"
< Mitsuki's apartment >

"Yes, Saphire is our classmate, so do Nath, the white lupine wolf..." Mitsuki lowers her face, hiding her light blush on her cheek, before glaring to Dan. "...Thank you for the compliment...I really appreciate it so much..."

She wave her tail happily before continuing, still hiding her blushy cheek. "...There would be a new songs that I will play, I'm waiting you guys to come over..."
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

Saphire took a paw and rubbed one of Nath's ears "I'd like to see the more of what you've been doing since." she said nuzzling his cheek softly.

Disturbed went to grabbed just an apple from the fruit bar and sat next to Light giving a warm smile not really sure what to open up with "So did you move into town?"
Dan smiles and nods. "we wouldn't miss your concert for anything in the world Mitsuki" he says and smiles softly and then looks at Yoosei. "The name Saph is familiar.... oh yeah I remember now, if I recall well Disturbed has a sister named Saph maybe is her" he says
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Yoosei looks at Dan and swishes her tails. "yeah maybe it's her indeed..." she then looks at Mitsuki and smiles cutely and plants a soft kiss on her cheek. "thank you for the tickets, Mitsuki.. I will give the other tickets to Nath and Saphire .. don't worry.. and is there anything else you want me to do?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"This old thing", Richter was humbled, "this was my uncle's car. He's car nut like I am and this was his first new car.", Walking around the passenger side, to unlock the door, he explained to Star, "He hadn't driven it in several years and when he found out that I was going to this college, he let me have a reasonable price. Of course, we both worked on it...throughout the summer to get it into the condition you see here. Of course, it still needs some work...and when I get some more money...", he drifted off, gazing at the Renamon's figure.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"It looks nice.. I don't know much about cars though.. So I couldn't tell whats wrong with it.. It does look much nicer than most of the other cars here though.." she said, her gaze drifitng toward Richter, a little more subtley than he was looking at her, but she didn't seem to care that he was looking, she knew that she wasn't exactly dressed in a way to discourage such attention, nor did she want to.