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Altima/Kalyx Rp
OOC: lol... in movie scenes, we usually just speed through the movie anyways...


Altima was nejoying his time with Tachyon a lot. He wasn't scared with the movie at all, but he occasionally held Tachyon very tightly. through the movie, Altima was so captivated by what was on screen, that he forgot to get himself some pop-corn. He didn't forget the drink, of course. Altima reached for some popcorn but grabbed something else. It felt a little hard, and Altima being curious to find out what it was, he turned his face only to quickly turn around, for he had accidentally grabbed Tachyon "down there". "Oh! I-I'm sorry!"

Ishana allowed Psyrixia to kiss her, occasionally allowing a frenching or so. About halfway through the movie, she managed to slide her paw on the dragoness' leg. She slowly rubbed the inside of Psyrixias' leg, occasionally sliding her paw closer towards her pussy. Ishana wasn't watching the movie at all, but was trying to seduce Psyrixia.
Tachyon, who had been holding the bag of popcorn in his lap, flinched slightly, from the grasp of Altima's claw. Tachyon, gently turned Altima's head towards him by his chin, held his claw and reassured, "Alt, there's nothing to be ashamed was an accident." Placing Altima's claw back on his crotch he continued, "Although...I wouldn't have mind if you did it on purpose...either.", and kissed him on the cheek.

Psyrixia murred seductively from Ishana's advances. "Mmmmm...'re making me so hot...Uhhnn...I'm gonna cream my, sexy fox, you." She reciprocated by sliding her claws beneath the vixen's top and began fondling her breasts, gently squeezing and kneading them; tweaking and pulling her nipples.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"mmhmm...your hands are soft... what say you spend the night with me?" Ishana said, winking towards the dragoness.

"Oh, really?" Altima said, as he kept his claw on Tachyons' crotch, feeling somewhat more hornier. "well, in that case..." Altima said, as he slowly rubbed the dragons' crotch. "You wanna... tonight?"
OOC: I surmise that they all still live at home with their parents. I can edit my post if you think otherwise.

IC: Ishana's offer stopped Psyrixia's advances cold, "Spend the night...with you? I couldn't imagine anything more desirable, but...what about your parents?"

Tachyon expressed the same concerns, "I-I-I'd love to Alt, I've had these feelings for...I don't know how long...But...what about your parents?...where would we stay?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Well, I live alone.." Ishana said. Indeed, she lived alone, though she did get occasional visits from her family.

"thats the thing! my parents are out for the week, so we could do whatever we want for a night..or two." Altima said, as he planted a kiss on Tachyons' lips.
"You live alone! Oh Gods!", Psyrixia exclaimed, maybe a little too loud, "Then why in the world are we still here?", lowering her voice, "We can always see the rest of this movie, when it comes out on DVD."
Tugging at Ishana's arm, the dragoness pointed at the two guys, "What about those two?...should we take them with us... or what?"

Tachyon was astonished, "Y-you're parents are gone..that means you have the house to yourself? That means...that means...", he started to stammer, his heart pounding. Grasping Altima's claw he regained his composure, "Alt, if you're ready to go...then I'm ready, too."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Altima, hearing the girls shoutout, had figured that they, too were talking about the same thing. "Ok, lets all go together..." the dragon suggested.

Ishana heared Altimas' comment, as she stood up. "Yeah, we cna all go to my house.."

OOC: want to fast forward?
OOC: Sure

IC: Arriving at Ishana's home, everyone walked inside, Ishana closed the door.

Psyrixia: "So, Ishana...should we all stay here in the living room or are the bedrooms available...hmmmm?", she hinted tugging at her arm.

Tachyon: "W-w-well I don't mind either way...I'm sure we'll all be occupied...huh Altima?", he leaned on his shoulder.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
ISHANA: "well, there are two rooms for us to use... Why don't we go use my room, Psyrixia?" the vixen asked, as her tail brushed under the dragoness' chin. She slowly made her way to the room, before turning her head. "The other room is over here, guys. Please, try not to make too much of a mess..."

Turning towards Tachyon, Altima riefely connected lips with the dragon. "We get a room to ourselves, I guess..." Altima said, as he walked over to the guest room, swaying his hips for his soon-to-be lover.
Psyrixia: "Wow, you got such a cool room...and such a big bed.", sitting down on the bed the dragoness inquired, " use this bed much...besides for sleeping?", motioning Ishana towards her.

Tachyon locked his eyes upon Altima's rear and followed him into the other room. "I-I guess this one's ours...huh?", he squeaked out.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz