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Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars)
< Dantooine >

"I'm sorry", Psyrixia said, "my Force powers are still extremely limited in range. It wasn't until you just appraoched me that I sensed your true feelings." She placed a claw on Altima's shoulder, " I keep forgetting that not every species feels that same about nudity and the opposite sex, as I do."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Yoosei growled softly and step backwards. "I will not interfere on the fight as long as you both don't harm any citizen" she said while getting a serious expression on her face again. her lightsaber was still on her paw just in case.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Shadow jumped over the low attack and batted the high one aside with his saber, spinning around and blazing away with his laser pistol.

Good for nothing Jedi. Makes me glad I left the Order he thought bitterly, curling his lip in disgust.
"Wait....same species...? but, you and I are both dragons. What do you mean certain species feel certain ways?" Altima asked confusedly. "But, yes, you are correct. I....don't feel so comfortable being near a girl, when she is naked. To me, it just seems.....dirty."
< Dantooine >

OOC: Sorry, I didn't mean to confuse you.

IC: "By species...", Psyrixia explained, "I actually meant race. Yes, we are both dragons and we do look similar, but I'm from clear across the galaxy. Born on another planet...probably very much different from your own. So, in a fact...we are different species. However...", the dragoness clasps Altima's claw with her own, "females usually comprise about half the population of every species. Why do you feel so uncomforatble" She draws closer to Altima, "Maybe...if you give me a chance...I can help you with this...discomfort."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
OOC: lol, I knew what you were talking about, But Altima didn't...another thing. If someone posts in character that they are confused, it usually means their character doesn't understand. But, if they post in OOC, then that means they player does not understand.

IC: "Y-yeah... I-It's just that...ahh!" Altima gasped, feeling his own member beginning to tent his pants. Altima quickly tried to cover himself from Psyrixia.
The blaster shots just seemed to disappear when they hit Cervane's armor"Die."Both blue and red lightning flew at Shadow.

OOC:Just to make sure you know,the red lightning is the death field force power.
Damian watched with mild interest as Cervane managed to cast not one, but two high-level Sith powers simultaneously. He suddenly understood why a Sith would take interest in such a... tempermental apprentice. He briefly considered imposing a small 'handicap' on Cervane. Not enough to make him powerless, but certainly enough to reduce his Force powers to that of most high-ranking Jedi or Sith.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Shadow leaped high, flipping over the lightning and landing behind his quarry. Grabbing the sith, he jammed his blaster against his neck, once again setting it to stun.

"I grow tired of this battle," he growled, firing a stun blast point-blank into the sith's neck.
Cervane's eyes widened as he released a very loud roar"DIE"He turned and he tore the blaster in half,pushing Shadow away at the same time"EVERYONE WILL DIE"He charged at a fleeing civilian and lifted the civilian,slowly crushing his head.