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The Foxhole (Furry Strip Club/Bar/Yiff Hotel. all welcome)
The dragon murred, as he too, wrapped his arms around the wolfess(OOC:just gonna stick with that). He pushed Indigo on her back, prefering to be on top. He broke the kiss, "how about we get out of these restricting clothing?" Altima said, as he began to undress the rest of himself.
"Hell, yeah!", Indigo shouted. She slid her black skirt off, while lying on her back; slipping it down, over her knees and off her feet, throwing it to the floor. As she began removing her blouse, she eyed the young dragon's erection. "My you are big...aren't you!", she panted while clutching and rubbing her wet pussy through her panties.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
OOC: since no-one else has posted in 48 hours, I'll post once more..

IC: "heh, yeah..." Altima said, blushing as he rubbed the back of his neck. He had finished undressed, and was now completely naked. "S-so... are you still" he asked, feeling quite nervous.
"No, I'm not...but I haven't had that many partners, either.", Indigo replied, pulling off her panties. "I can count them all on one claw. What about you Altima?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"me? well..." Altima said, rubbing the back of his neck, "I just....lost my virginity a few hours ago..." the dragon said, blushing. "S-so... I'm not...experienced that much..."
Onyxia put Andrew down on the bed giggling "I'll just go out on my own then." the dragoness walked out of the VIP room heading down the halls "Now..which one.." she then saw the Werewolf Lounge and smiled "Bet theres cuties in here." she peeked her head in and her first sight wasnt that of a wolf but a dragon a green one at that. Ducking under the doorway she slowly crept up behind the dragon "Funny seeing a dragon in a Werewolf lounge huh?"
Kurtz, at that time, had decided to do something to keep himself occupied. Leaning on the table, the dragon had a Nintendo DS within his claws, and was playing it as of such, just smiling as he played the game on it. "God... where is everyone... I haven't seen anyone in a while..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Onyxia slowly walked behind Kurtz glancing over his shoulder easily with her heighth smiling seeing him playing his game "Watcha playin hun?" she asked in a soft, sweet voice.
Kurtz, hearing a voice, almost immediately jumped, keeping hold of the small handheld console of course, but it was hanging quite dangerously on two fingers. "Uh... just a Metroid game to pass the time-" He muttered, before quickly dropping the console and chuckling. "Who might you be, anyhow?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"The name is Onyxia." the large dragoness responded then she gendly wraps her long broad tail around the green dragon and stroked his chin with the leafed out tip of her tail "..looks like you could use some company.."