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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Altima lifted Shadow, leaving Vook to Anna. "Whoa! hes pretty damn heavy for a kitty..." Altima said, grunting under Shadow's weight. That problem was soon fixed, as Altima changed into giant dragon form, mis muscles soon expanding to a very large size. "Anna, just take her to her room, I'll take shadow to the infirmary..."
Anna lifted Vook with little effort, blinking. "Erm... I don't know where her room IS though..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Oh, thats right.." Altima quickly gave them directions to their room. "Its the one you came too, besides, I think Starfires still inside..."

OOC: *Wink wink, nudge nudge*
Alita walked up behind Frank, gently placing a hand on his heavily muscled arm. "Put him down... its okay... Why don't you come with me, and we will see about finding you some answers.." "I should be looking for Shendo.. but if I don't get this big guy calmed down, he is going to wreck this whole place.."
frend or foe he didnt care, at the moment he just whanted to know what was going on, one thang was certin he was a guy not a girl anythang else was upin the air. "ok, sorry umm i just really confused, err.. somethang happend and it sckred up my head." frank shied "thank you, lets feger this out"
Kenzuma lay in bed watching Shendo sleep in his chair, smiling despite being completely exhausted by everything that had happened that day. "I don't know if I did the right thing... but we are together now..." he thought before closing his eyes again.
Anna bristled visibly as she headed towards Vook's room. "Is that so..." she said icily.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: Just so you guys know, Shadow's out until Anna frees him from his coma. Until then, I'll be playing Starfire.


Starfire had remained curled up into a ball for the past hour, afraid to see what was happening. Finally, after hearing nothing for several minutes, she raised her head, looking around, ears twitching.

"M-mistress...where are you?" she asked.

OOC: Hey Calibremon...nothing too harsh, k?
OOC: I'm not planning to kill or maim her if that's what you mean... :P

IC: Anna opened the door and laid Vook on her bed, bfore turning to see Starfire, still bound and curled up on the floor.

"Well... this IS an unusual turn of events, isn't it?" she said, wandering around Starfire slowly. "I was hoping to get to torture you a little, but it seems someone's already beaten me to it. Not that you don't deserve it... oh no, not after what you and your prettyboy did." she said, her voice tinged with a dangerous, almost vicious edge. "But I still haven't had my vindication yet..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Starfire whimpered as the ferret advanced towards her, crawling backwards to keep her at a safe distance.

"But...but...what did I do?" she whimpered, not sure as to what the ferret was referring to.