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M/ECA Combat Commission (Furry Mecha/Powerarmor RP)
"Oh okay..but I swear I make sure everything is right I dont know where that error came from, I didnt put anything new into the computer's mainframe." Disturbed rubbed the back of his head searching through the computer's systerms then he flatstared at what he came across "Theres the error..right there." Disturbed points to the computer screen "I think the girls have been messing witht he systems they added emotional facial features to it thats why the redness appeared because of your comment.." the wolf grumbled a bit "Best mechanics in the world but sometimes too good."

< Meanwhile inside the house in the shower room >

Ayane and Ebon was back to their playful licking and rubbing in the shower as Ebon moaned " think brother will notice the software we put in?" she closed her eyes and murred deeply as Ayane started fingering her.

"Dont worry...I bet he'll like it," Ayane giggled then began sucking on her sister's nipple.
Mitsuki enters the cockpit and sit on chair besides Disturbed as place both paws on the keyboard, began typing the code to execute the whole system configuration as well as system applications.

She analyse the system for a whole and start to blush deeply - her fingers stopped typing.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
OOC:I need to work on making my posts more understandable.

IC:Bill watched as a some missles passed over the 2 M/ECAs before pulling u-turns and splitting"Saved the opponent.Didn't see that coming.
"Plasma Blade Repaired."

It was the first thing Andrew remembered hearing before the missiles started closing in on both him and Serra. Thankfully, missiles, in terms of velocity, were slow and managable in smaller groups. Hopefully they would come in at a rate that Tachikaze could deal with. He reached for the Plasma Blade and smiled as the white-blue stream of energy sparked to life.

"Tachikaze, Ballistic Countermeasure Sigma Iota Phi" he barked sharply.

"Acknowledged." The suit promptly began scanning the incoming missiles, downloading a detailed schmatic of the device. B.C. Sigma Iota Phi was a combat maneuvre designed to cut the missile's explosive warhead free of its detonator device, rendering both harmless. As the first missile closed in, Tachikaze switched over to autopilot briefly, stepping aside a second before the missile impacted, drawing the Plasma Blade up through the missile's metal body, slicing it neatly in two. Andrew watched as the remainder of the rocket spiraled harmlessly off into a sand-dune and burnt out. 1 down, 9 or 10 more to go.

"Weyr, if you have any bladed weapons left, I suggest you use them..." Andrew said. "Here..." he downloaded the scan of the missile into Weyr's computer, including the critical point where the missiles had to be sliced so that they would be rendered harmless, instead of exploding prematurely.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Disturbed tilted his head slightly smiling warmly at Mitsuki, " I dont know what caused it but red cheeks make you even cuter," the wolf said his tail starts to wag to the side sitting next to her.
"Great! Thanks!" Serra's voice chimed through the comm. system, before she tapped on some of her controls. "What?! 60 more seconds till energy routing avaliable? WHO THE HELL WAS DUMB ENOUGH TO CANCEL THE PRIMARY ROUTING YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF,"

Before the dragoness could continue shouting at her M/ECA, in a text message displayed on top of her screen appeared saying: "You did."

Serra shut her mouth there, before she huffed and re-opened the comm. channel. "It's no good, I'm defenseless for another minute..."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
- Disturbed's Garage -

Mitsuki blush deeper as heard his statement, while slowly looking to him. "T-thanks... But you need to see this..."

She raise her index finger and press the Enter key, lots of image of Ebon and Ayane in naked and pleasuring each other appears on the screen. Mitsuki lowered her face, not to see those images. She couldn't see male or female in 'action' because it makes her turn horny.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
Bill watched as Andrew disabled a missle as he opened a comm link to Tachikaze and Weyr"Don't look up."above the two M/ECAs,there were 50 missles flying straight down,splitting into 250 and the other missles were closing in on the two from all sides"You are surrounded."
Disturbed's eyes widened like hockey pucks as he saw the images blushing deeply aswell he quickly typed on the keyboard deleting the erotic images from the M/ECA's memory. Stopping typing he slowly turned to Mitsuki "I'm really sorry you had to see that Mitsuki..I kind of known they were like that." The wolf grew silent and lowered his head "I wont blame you if you wanted to leave."

< Disturbed's House: Shower >

"Hey Ayane did you delete..mmhhh..those pictures we took?" Ebon asked moaning as Ayane licked her pussy with her warm tongue. "Yeah..yeah..not like brother looks in those files anyway," she said murring happily laping up the juices that trickled from the wolfess's cunny.
Mitsuki shooks her head as slowly looks to Disturbed, placing her soft paw on his ear and caress a bit. "It's okay... You just need to know that..those images is the main cause of the system unstability... And...I will become horny..if I see those for a long time..."

She kept caressing his ear before continued. "Wanna come to my house...?"
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds