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Furry Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry
Alita looked nervously at the newcomers, she had never been one who made friends very easily, but she smiled when Darky told them they could sit with them. "I'm sure they are alright... there are just so many people here..." she tough before turning her gaze back to Darky, she knew that the conversation had been broekn by the new arrivals, but she hoped a new one would start up soon, or that they could find out where they were staying so she could try to get her thoughts in order.
Sensing her unease, Darky didn't return to the topic they had been discussing. Instead, he took her hand and squeezed it gently.

"Don't be're among your own kind here. You need not fear being an outcast," he said, wondering in the back of his mind why he was being so nice to her. It puzzled him as to why he felt at ease with her, though he saw no harm in it.
OOC: izzy_bear is wayyy static.


Ereth was already finished with his meal, so he sat in is chair, just looking around everywhere at the other students eating. " usual..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: I'm sorry to say this but I dont think this RPG is going anywhere..CW isnt even posting on DaD anymore and he has the headmistress. Unless we do something we're going to be stuck eating forever.
OOC: Actually, we have enough as it is to go on. But until CW comes out of static, we must rely on the players of the teachers to keep running this RPG. Sounds good enough, people?


Eyes widening slightly, the small dragon blushed heavily as Snow licked the potato from his cheek, and smiled happily, before he ran a gentle claw over her cheek, slowly getting parts of the potato off from her cheek. "Yeah, I guess..." He chuckled softly. "But that doesn't call for smearing food over a person."

Manic just continued to eat and chuckle to himself, as he bit through a breast of chicken, tearing it away with his sharp fangs. "Hee-hee, he always did get embarressed easily..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: *is mourning own static'd corpse* :sad2:
"No it wasnt, but it was fun though," Snow replied giggling cutely before getting somemore chicken and making sure to give Kurtz some so he doesnt take some of hers again, "Here Mr. Food stealer." she said poking her tongue out.

Disturbed growled "Dinner should have been over with a long time ago." The large wolf stood up from his chair clearing his voice, "Students!! Prefects!! We will be leading the new students to their respective dormitories very breifly!"

OOC: I'll lead the Slytherin students to their dorms with Disturbed but we'll need others to play prefects temporarily so we can continue :P
A young man with a pointed nose, boney cheeks and specticles stood up at the Ravenclaw table, accompanied by an tall, attractive brunette girl with flwoing curls and a rounder face.

"First years!" He called, talking as if he had a nose inside his nose, "First years, follow us to your domitories!"

The pair of prefects led the first years from the table, up to the liberary, and though a bookcase to the Ravenclaw Commonroom.
OOC: i can play a teacher or three if you want me to.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Alita smiled at Darky, shivering slightly as a chill ran up her spine at his gentle touch on her hand.

"I'll try to relax... Everything is just so new here.. I don't know how everyone else can handle it so easily..."