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The Very First Dickgirl RP!
"mmm..maybe I'll be on the table next time," Ebon softly licked Vook's lips murring seductivly "Or any other position would be find with me." Seemingly the taste of the vixen's juices in the resturant lingered on and the wolfess seemed well..horny from its affects.
"hmm..? you?" vook giggled nervously, blushing some. she blushed more when Ebon licked her lips. "h-heh..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Well, it doesn't matter to me, Nori-hime(its alright if I call you that, right?)." Ishana said, just before Norika frenched her. Ishana murred into the kiss, allowing her tongue to explore Norika's mouth. Her prick throbbed slightly, as Norika held it, craving for attention.
"Sugoi! Hai!" I moaned, returning the kiss. "You can call me Nori-hime." As I slowly deepened the french kiss, my boobs touched yours...and while my free hand embraced you and rubbed your back, my other hand continued to pump your prick (yes, go hard for me so I can suck you soon!), only I increased my rhythm.

OOC: They have a nice futon, blanket and pillows, too. Wanna keep going on the futon?
Mrrhm.." Ishana murred, as her lover continued to pump her prick. She slide a paw behind Norika, sliding it down her undergarments, carresing her soft behind. "I want you so badly, Ishana said softly in Norika's ear, breaking the kiss, as she gave her ear a lick.
......Is it too late to join in on this thing? I've been in RP-withdrawal since the DHZ shut down and this one seems right up my alley.
OOC: use OOC please. and no, its not too late to join.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: Sorry 'bout that - as I said, it's been a while since I did one of these and my etiquette slipped a bit. So, guess I should put the profile up first......

NAME: Aliisza
RACE: Half-demon
GENDER: Female (hermaphrodite)
APPEARANCE: Shoulder-length silver hair, blazing red eyes, heart-shaped face pale complexion, DD-cup breasts, narrow hips, long, sensual legs, large batlike wings and vampiric fangs; usually seen wearing a black leather corset that barely covers the bottom half of her chest and groin and knee-high boots (when she bothers to wear anything at all).
BIO: Aliisza is the daughter of a human male and a succubus. As a result, she is quite sensual and most insatiable. Drawn to other women her entire life the mere thought of bedding a male disgusts her. Being a hermaphrodite from birth, she naturally has both male and female sexual organs and is quite knowledgable on their uses. The only piece of jewelry she wears is a black choker with a blood-red crystal set into it; this gives her certain 'powers' that her female lovers find most enjoyable (these include, but are not limited to, lactation and summoning tentacles).
FETISHES: Domination, anal, bondage, lolicon.
(((As soon as I get an okay from Angewomon's_Lover, I'll make my first post.)))
OOC: lol, you dont need an "okay" :P this isnt even my RP. it was made by Princess Norkia (now Norka-Hime).
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: Gomen nasai. I am easily confused under normal circumstances, and the fact that I'm recovering from a concussion doesn't help things any.

Aliisza landed with nary a sound in the middle of the fairgrounds. She ignored the startled people around her and began sniffing the air.
This doubt about it. Women in heat. Several of them. Looks to be my lucky day. She folded her wings around her like a cloak and began making her way through the crowd, which was rapidly parting like the Red Sea so as to give her plenty of room.

Aliisza walked past the various booths offering various trinkets, food, and games of chance until she located the source of the scent - a rather large, nondescript tent off to one side of the grounds. Licking her lips, the alu-fiend made her way to the tent and rapped her knuckle three times on one of the support posts.

"Anybody home?" she asked in a sultry, seductive tone that left nothing of her intentions to the imagination.