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M/ECA Combat Commission (Furry Mecha/Powerarmor RP)
William tackled Flynn, leaping from a sand dune like a viper against a desert rat. He tryed to pin him down.

"Ah, you left yourself open! I'm not about to over look an unprovoked attack, and you aren't up to close range, are you?"
Andrew smiled as the rod bounced harmlessly off Tachikaze's armor; Weyr's weapon had run dry, and his own power cells had been completely refueled with a minimal amount of damage to his internal components. He had only a few precious seconds to set his M/ECA on a cycle towards functionality.

"Tachikaze. Divert 10% of reserve power to self-repair and diagnostics, and 20% to emergency repair unit" he ordered, placing his inoperable plasma blade into a compartment on Tachikaze's chestplate; A small repair bay used to temporarily fix weapon components in the feild. "Estimate efective duration of emergency repairs."

"Plasma Blade repairs will hold for approximately 5 Terran minutes." The computer droned back. Good; just enough time for him to finish the fight... he hoped.

"Reroute remaining reserve power to Weapons Control and engage" He smiled softly as Tachikaze's right arm split open and the 6 barrel minigun emerged from where the hand had been only moments beore. A compartment slid open on the other arm and a small, energy-scorched weapon barrel appeared, mounted on Tachikaze's left wrist. He struck a fighting pose, smirking softly himself, though Weyr and its pilot couldn't see that. "Let's Dance."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flynn growled. The attack came with no warning. Valek's back crashed against the sandy ground.

"Valek, deactivate stealth and activate defence protocol pi-six-one." Valek Slot off, drekhead. Time to show you what Valek can do besides turn invisble. Valek blurred into view sporting two glowing weapons: the integrated Wolf Claw on its left wrist and a ten foot long laser whip emitting from its right. Valek lashed the whip around a nearby outcrop of rock and fired a quick burst from its finely tuned vernier thrusters, blasting out from underneath his adversary.

Hitting a few buttons, he hacked into the unnamed M/ECA's comm frequency. "Thanks for that, chummer. I save your pal's hide and you blindside me? Some gratitude!" The irony of having just hours ago blindsided the pilot to whom he was talking didn't occur to Flynn. "If you want to issue an official challenge, I'd be more than happy to open that tin can of yours." He deactivated the whip and drew the beam scythe, activating it and spinning it with daring finesse. He stopped the scythe and entered a battle stance, small trails still whirling through the air to catch up to the scythe's glowing blade.

"Whaddaya say?"
Quote:though Weyr and its pilot couldn't see that

You can't powerplay.


"Retreat Weyr!" Serra cried. Weyr moved backwards, dashing thanks to the added movement bonus from the thrusters. He can't have recovered totally in this short time! the dragoness thought in distress. "Support Blades" she commanded, Weyr's support pack detaching and sending energy to the dragon M/ECA's claws, the electricity taking shape into dual katana-looking swords. "We gotta finish this up quick! Send support energy to right blade and use remains for defensive output, Gamma Tactic A!" she commanded again, Weyr's outer shield filling with so much energy, any melee attacks would cause recoil.
"Now, Dash and Slash!" she cried.

Weyr's eyes glittered golden into two lanterns briefly, before he dashed forward and aimed fast slice in Mach 2.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
-Shopping Street-

"That's good to hear." Mitsuki smiles cutely to Distured, as wagging her tail happily. Himself and his sister is looks like father holding his son.
Find me at and
[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
OOC: If its okay with you I'd like to speed through the walking and the following its rather boring :P


As they walked for about an hour or so they came up to a long grabel driveway leading up to a fairly large sized house with one car parked onto it and off to the side a large garage which held his M/ECA.

"Here we are!" Disturbed chimed walking up to the driveway still holding his sister on his back, he walked about halfway down the driveway "Should we go straight to the garage or you want to go inside or..." just then Saphire wiggled out off of Disturbed's back and ran towards the house going inside giggling "Guess she wanted to go in," he chuckled then turned to Mitsuki smiling warmly "Up to you, you're my guest."
DragonMasterX Wrote:OOC:
Quote:though Weyr and its pilot couldn't see that

You can't powerplay.

You can't see into its cockpit to see him smirk, so that's not powerplaying.
As Bill was alking through the town,he was contacted via the comm system in his suit"This is Germane.Our long-range sensors have detected a desert rumble.Do you wish to participate?"

"Yes."After saying that,Bill was beamed to a large garage facility where he hopped into Armageddon.Afterwards,he was beamed to a desert region,seeing multiple M/ECAs fighting."I would like to join in.Armageddon,fire all missles."All the missle launchers fired,80 missles heading for the fighting M/ECAs.

OOC:When those missles arrive,400 missles will be nothing to laugh at.
Willian listened to the crackling speach as it filtered through the closed com links. He caught every word, it was just low quality. He opened a video hailing channel.

"Hey, you started it...-" He looked up at the screen. He noticed that the gentleman he was hailing was actually handsome. "...I except your challange, on the condition that I know my adversary's name! I am William Harbringer," he pronounced his name "Villiam", "And who are you?"

He flashed a smile.
Flynn raised an eyebrow. "I know who you are. As for me, my name's Flynn. Prepare yourself." He killed the comm and video signal. "Valek, prepare for combat data capture."

Valek's system gave a gentle bing. "Combat data capture program loaded."


Valek's system gave a confirmation chime. "Commencing combat data capture."

I'll get some sentient data for you this time, sis. Readying the scythe in one hand and a beam kunai in the other, Valek crouched low, preparing for the assault.