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Furry Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry
OOC: thats what i was about to say XDDD
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Alita watched him levitating the pastry in awe as it did a flip in the air. "Wow... You did that without your wand." she said, clearly impressed. "You must know a lot of stuff already.."
"You have no idea," said Darky, levitating the pastry to Alita's mouth, offering her a bite.

OOC: Sheesh, I'm surprised no one's character has asked him why he keeps his hood up. Surely one hooded character in a room full of unhooded character's attracts attention.
OOC: Alit is curious about it, but doesn't want to ask.. Besides, she has kindof a short attention span, and he just distracted her with a pastry levitating in front of her nose.


Alita took a small bite of the pastry, her eyes rolling back in her head as she savors the sweet flavor, an expression of bliss on her face. After finally swallowing the bite, she looked over at him. "Maybe... you could show me sometime..?" she asked shyly, a hint of a blush creeping past her fur. Paritally from her question, and partially because she was embarrassed about the way she enjoyed the pastry.
As Kurtz's muzzle was smeared with potato, the dragon cursed audibly, before chuckling. "Hey! That's rude!" With that, he snatched his own potato, before smearing it across Snow's cheek.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Snow meeped when the potato was smeared across her cheek and giggled "So is eating off of someone else's plate Mr. Perfect." she then gave Kurtz's cheek a very gentle lick of the mashed potato and giggled, "It is good though!"

Disturbed noticed the little food play and growled deeply the one thing he hated most was a food fight and he wasnt about to allow one to become while he was there.
"Perhaps I will," he said, reaching out an invisible hand and lifting her out of her seat a little.
OOC: <.< Invisible groping :P Sounds kinky J/k


Alita giggled a little as she was lifted out of her seat, she knew there were things that others could do too, but she was impressed by this all the same. "How do you do that..?" she asked, feeling a litle odd as she floated in the air. "I wonder what else he can do..."
OOC: Not sexual stuff just yet (I'm not in a hurry in this RPG. I want to develop my character a little first). And how do you feel about inflation? I'm kinda wanting to do that thing Harry did to his Aunt later. Up to you.


"Don't know actually. I just concentrate on something and it happens. Been doing it since I was a kid," he replied, gently bringing her down.
OOC: I was joking... but anyway.. Inflation doesn't do anything for me.. I don't have a problem with reading it.. but I personally don't enjoy it.

Alita smiled at Darky as she floated gently down to her chair again. "I can't do anything like that.. but I do know some tricks that most other witches and wizards don't know how to do.. Dad said they think it is a waste of time.. but I think they are really useful if you do it right.." She grinned at him before pulling out a small locked box. "See.. something like this.. you could do it by magic.. but someone could find you that way.. but if you unlock it this way.." she took two small pins from the cuff at the end of her sleeve, and swiftly picked the lock, the box opening as the catch was tripped.

"I haven't found a lock yet that can stop me.. even some that were made so magic wouldn't open them.."