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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Kenzuma moved over to his chair in the corner of the room, and flopped down into it. "Relax... he will get here when he gets here..."

The nurse walked up behind Alita, about to ask her what she was doing there since she hadn't checked in, but upon seeing Shendo out of bed, she pushed past the young feline to step up next to him. "What the hell are you doing?!" she growled. "You have three cracked ribs and a concussion. Get back to bed now!"
Shendo glared down at the nurse, his voice going cold again as he resisted the urge to snatch up his blade from the table next to him. "I am no longer injured.. and do no require the services of this particular portion of the establishment any longer.. Get out of my way. I would rather not have to hurt you."

"Just eager to get me laying down again aren't you.. now that I'm healthy I would bet you have a dozen games in mind to play.. Not this time. Find someone else."
Alita restrained herself just in time to keep from drawing one of her daggers and gutting the nurse as she was pushed to one side. "Easy.. she is just doing her job.." she told herself, but another part of her screamed. "That bitch is just trying to dope him up again and do who knows what! Finish her off and walk away. No one would blame you."

Instead, Alita crossed her arms, and growled under her breath as she glared at the woman in front of her.
Kenzuma shivered in the cool air of his room, but did nothing about it yet, he liked it cold to a certain extent as long as he was awake for it. "He should be awake soon... I hope he comes here.."

The nurse glared at Shendo. "I don't care if you think you are recovered or not. Get back to bed and I'll decide when you can leave." "Stubborn jackass is going to get himself killed..." she thought as she stood in his way.
Shendo clenched his fists, trying to remain calm, but a red mist began to form over his eyes as he glared down at the nurse. "I didn't want to have to do this..." he thought. He grabbed the nurse by her upper arms, and threw her down on the bed, his muscles rippling with carefully controlled power as he tried to hold back enough that he wouldn't really hurt her.

He then turned, picked up his sword from the table next to him, and strapped it to his belt before walking out of the area. "Never try to order someone around if you can't back it up..." he said coldly before going around the corner to head for the door.
Alita began to walk away, but as the nurse sat up, her anger at being pushed aside like that got away from her as she lashed out with a hard kick to the side of her head, rolling her off of the bed entirely before walking away. "Next time... ask me to move bitch."
Kenzuma stood up, and walked over to the thermostat, setting it just a little warmer before returning to his chair. "It was a little too cold.. and I don't know if I will be able to get him to stay with me or not... I'd rather have us both be comfortable.."
Shendo stopped at the entrance to the infirmary, his ears twitched as he heard the loud thudding sound of the nurse's unconscious body hitting the floor. He smiled slightly as he waited for Alita. "She will live.. and maybe she will have learned some manners..." he thought, smiling slightly.
Alita walked up next to Shendo, playfully flipping one strand of his silver hair back over his shoulder, and smiling warmly at him. "I'm guessing you are going to see your other friend.. Meet me in the gym later?" she said, handing him the small map of the complex that she had drawn up during the time she had wandered the area.
Kenzuma stood up again, unable to keep still anymore. "Should I do anything special... Maybe get us something to drink.. No, I doubt he would like that... Something to eat...? No.. I don't know what he likes... What should I do... How could I have been so stupid to bring him here... I should have said to meet me somewhere else..."

He shook his head, and walked around the room to try to calm down before he could freak out too badly about this. "What are you so nervous about..? Even if it was destined to only be a one time thing... it was one of the best times I have ever had.. and after what we did, this should be easy..."