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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Kenzuma tried to keep from running into anyone as he walked through the halls. He was watching the walls more than the people as he looked for a sign that would tell him how to get around this place.

"Where is the damn infirmary... The crazy bitch I ran into in the cafeteria told me he was there.. but where is it..?"
Shadow snorted, slightly annoyed at what she was hinting at. However, he felt that he had done enough training for the day and decided it was time to end it. Getting to his feet, he turned to the ladies and bowed respectfully.

"You ladies fought with skill and bravery and it was an honor to fight against you. You will both do Hive Academy proud," he said, spinning on his heel and walking towards the door.
Alita smiled as she rose to her feet, though her nose hurt quite a bit, she had enjoyed herself in the fight. She draped a towel over her shoulder before nodding to Anna, and walking out of the gym.

As she walked out, she noticed a familiar looking figure in the crowd outside. She forced her way through the mass of people, and found her way to Kenzuma's side.

"Hi.. um, I don't recall being introducced to you.. but werent you the one Shendo brought home thursday night?"
Kenzuma spun around at the strange voice, his hand inadvertantly brushing across her face as she tried to keep up with him. He felt a sharp pain in his muzzle and in his stomach, but it passed as quickly as it came, and when he looked at Alita, the only sign of injury was the leftover blood that had already dripped from her nose.

"Yes... I am... Who are you? Do you know where Shendo is?!" he said all of this rapidly, growing more anxious by the moment.
Alita looked at Kenzuma in surprise. "How did he do that..? All of the pain is gone.. She smiled at him when he told her that he was the same young man that had been at her house a few nights before.

"My name is Alita.. and I do know where Shendo is.. I'll take you to him if you want."

She could feel how worried he was, but she remained calm as she looked into his startlingly blue eyes.
Kenzuma blinked. "You would do that? Can we go now? Oh! I almost forgot.. I'm Kenzuma.." he said quickly, growing excited at the possibility of seeing Shendo again. "I heard he got hurt.. but I couldn't find the infirmary..."
Alita nodded. "I'll take you there right now.. Come on.. I need to check on him anyway."

She could feel his exitement washing over her as she took his hand and began walking toward the infirmary. "Shendo must have made quite an impression on him.. Maybe I should have gone up to join them afterall..."
Anna dashed ater Shadow, having a vague idea where he was going, but dashing to catch up with him anyway.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Sensing Anna's approach, Shadow whirled arms raised to defend himself.

"A backbiter, eh. I'm impressed, though you need to work on being silent," he said.
Anna cursed softly. "You find me a biolelectric motor that can run perectly silently, then you can criticize my stealth." She sighed and looked him over briefly. "Are you alright though? You looked like you took some pretty hard knocks back there..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)