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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Altima did as Vook told him, Inserting the tip in first. "Damn...your still pretty tight..." he said, before pushing in the rest.
Name: Frankenstin
Gender: Male
Type: multebl mammel
Age: 1yer 9month (he looks 20)
Height: 8'10"
Clothes: black fiber mesh pants, belt weth titaneom ligtning buckle, gray duster made of fiber mesh, diemend nuckel studed gloves, huge boots.

Description: he is made of picees of diffrent specis, scares run all over his body, eyes are cat like, his hare varys in coler, his mucels look almost to big for his skin, he not atracteve, has a sliet muzzel, hands like a ape but weth retractebl claws.

Powers: super strangth and speed, superer endurince, invunrabul, high cognateve abelaty, learns at acelrated raet, master of stelth, can deliver electric shocks, fast healing.

Info: he was made in a lab with weth vareas body parts to mack a superer bing, he was demed a failer and almost killed, he later killed his creater and thock the reserc notes, he is starved for love and acepptenc, most fear him for his lookes, qiet and solatery from experiance distrusting, past that hes loyelty is unmached, he wishes despretly for a mate and planes on macking one some day

Member covering: seme pouch

Perks: he has incredabul endurench and can remane hard after ogasm, has multabul erecines, his member vibrates as aproches orgaom.

Cock size: Unerect:6 in. Erect: 12 inches by 1.92 inches.

frank was new to the acadamy, he hoped thay like him, it shoud be diffrent hiare, and thay had facilatys so he coud mack his mate, and thare was much to learn, so meny peopal he hoepfly did not have to kill, yes this was the place for him. he headed for his dorm.
Starfire cooed as she was teased, her pussy growing wetter. For some reason, the inflation had made it more sensitive, and it wasn't long before she was moaning in bliss.
Frank wonderd what all the nouse was. he was near his room and he hoped it wasnt allways like this. the room was spares, he could collect books later: macanecks, biolagey, anatamey, and ofcors magic. shelf help books whod also be useful with his ignorinc in socel maters. he well mack frends, evan if he had to mack them with hes own two hands. he glanced at the bed and smield "a bed, i have my own bed" he never had a bed in his life, but now thangs wear looking up. he sat on it, the bed letout a grone and calapsed under him. frank cryed in angwesh and rage as if the brocken bed signald hes life whod be full of misery.

the hallway was qieat untel a bed came shaleing throw the air with a loud crash. not fare behind was a mounten of primel rage with thunderis battel cry. shezing hes pray and smashing it agenst the wall, grabing the smaller pieces and sending them ricacaing dowen the hall with titanic forch, a larger peice was embedid in a near by door macking it ring like a bell. hes blowes and cryes shoke the hall.
Gwynn flung the door of her dorm open and was nearly hit in the head by debris. "what is going on?!!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
his fache still contorted in rage macking is more hideos, holding a splinterd bord he teirn his towering form to the voich, the air cracild weth energy that seemd to emanat from hes spearit to big for his body.

a girl, a preety one was speaking to him, his reacon was rather childies, he coverd his fache and cuerld in a fetal posicon, "nooooooo..nonononono!" he said.
"wh-what's wrong?" she said to the large person, walking over to him cautiously.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
frank calmed slitly, "no girl has talk befor, well no-one has, like a person any way. thay just yell or scraem, thalk dwone to me, i dont whant to ruan it."
"ruin what? im not going to scream." gwynn said, sitting down next to him.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
he looked up showing his mishshapend face. dareing to show her what he was. his face that was so unnatrel. she looked shoked, he just hoped it didint go dowen hill.

OOC: i was wondering why Vook and Altima didnt notic the peice of wood embedid in thare door oh well.