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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Anna thought about it for a moment. "I don't need help, per se, but it would be appreciated if you would help me..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Shadow nodded, putting an arm under her armpits so she could lean on him and take pressure off her injury.

"Where's your room?" he asked in a dispassionate voice, seemingly unconcerned at fact he was holding a female to his body.

OOC: One more post for each of us and then we should call it a night, okay?
OOC: Deal ^^

Anna shivered slightly; she couldn't help but press into Shadow's chisled body. It was like steel wrapped in velvet to her. "Um... from your room's door, its 2 lefts and a right... I'll point it out when we get there..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Okay," said Shadow, helping her out of the gym and down the hall, following her directions. After a few moments, he arrived at what he believed to be her room.

"Here you are," he said, removing his arm from her body and turning to walk away.
Anna shifted uncomfortably as he left. Some part of her liked being held by Shadow, even if he didn't mean it in that sense. She hobbled into her room and laid down, staring at the ceiling and sighing softly.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Though he no longer had a sparring partner, Shadow went back to the gym, heading over to the weight bench. Though he could easily lift more, he only put two hundred pounds on. He always preferred to increase his stamina rather than his strength. To him, it didn't matter how big and strong your muscles were; it all meant nothing if you tired fast.

Laying down on the bench, he picked up the barbell and began benchpressing.
Alita finished setting up her dormitory room after moving in earlier that morning. "Not as nice as the house was... but it will do." This would be her first day in the hive academy, and she was a little nervous.

"No better way to get rid of nerves than to have a good workout.. I wonder if anyone will be in the gym right now."

She tightened the lacings on the side of her leather top, and left the room, heading toward the gym.

OOC: Sorry I couldnt post before... havent been able to get online in awhile. Don't wait up for me, might be awhile before I can post again.
Anna sighed, wrapping her weakened ankle in a splint, standing on it cautiously. "mmm that's better" She said, walking out into the hall to explore The HIVE a little better.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alita walked into the gym, and moved over to the heavy punching bags that hung from the cieling. She had warmed up on the way over, and began her workout imediately, striking the bag hard enough to move it despite its much greater weight. Each strike was as acurate as she could make it, usually hitting the same spot every time.
Hearing the smacks of the punching bag being hit, Shadow paused briefly in his workout, holding the barbell high over his chest and lifting his head. He saw a tall femme feline decked out in a black trench coat working the bag, her punches sending it swinging back and forth on its chain.

"Hm," was Shadow's only response to the girl's strength, immediatly returning to his benchpressing. He had already hit 200 reps and sweat was beginning to flow from his pores, dampening his fur and matting his clothes to his body.