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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
"His name's Altima...and what were you doing to my door?" he asked, looking at his lock.
"Feeding off it..." she said, shrugging. "I can absorb electricity..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Shadow shrugged as well, accepting the answer. He had seen her arms and figured she was some kind of cyborg.

"Well, since it's obvious I won't be getting any sleep anytime soon, I guess I'll go to the gym. Care to join me?" he offered, not really caring if she came or not.


There, I've just opened the door for Twisted
She blinked slowly, then nodded. "Sounds like a plan. I still haven't fully tested the limits of my abilities yet..." She said, flexing her hands in front of her. An occasional blue-white spark arced between her fingers. "Though I'm pretty sure it's above anything you can put out..." she said with a smirk, intentionally taking a jab at Shadow's pride.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"We shall see," replied Shadow, not even turning around. He was far past the acts of petty competition. As far as he was concerned, sparring was training; a way to get stronger. Nothing more, nothing less.

After leading the new girl to the gym, Shadow bounded out to the sparring mat, turning to face Anna and bowing.

"Ready when you are," he said, looking somewhat bored.


Okay, in fights scenes, only launch attacks. It'll be up to the recieving character's controller as to whether or not the blow lands and if it does, what kind of effect it has. Also, some attacks must land. No Matrix dodges, okay?
OOC: lol matrix dodges. :P I get the idea though. Don' worry.

Anna looked at him, blinking slightly. With her steel-plated fists, she didn't really see this as much of a fair fight, even if it was just sparring. All the same, she bowed to him respectfully and struck a fighting pose. Her elbows were kept close to her sides, her fists level and just in front of her muzzle. The default defensive position for Wing Chun (Eternal Spring) Considering her metal arms, and Wing Chun's focus on punches and strikes, it was a suitable art for her to study. Unfortunately she had very little training and only had the basics, and the years of street-smarts she'd aquired to help her.

She opened the match with a quick punch* to Shadow's chest, not wanting to hurt him too badly in the beginning.

*(Footnote: I feel it should be noted that a Wing Chun punch breaks the rules of martial arts somewhat. Where most martial arts whould have the arm 'chambered' (pulled back against the body, and then launched with a twisting motion) a Wing Chun punch looks more like an American boxer's jab. The elbow follows the fist, increasing the force of the punch in a very small area. Think of it as being jabbed with the blunt end of a bat, instead of having it swung at you. More force with less effort.)
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The blow landed, but Shadow didn't even flinch. Never one for holding back, he immediatly launched a high kick to the side of her head. At the same time, his right hand thrust out palm up, aimed for the center of her chest.

OOC: I don't know much about martial arts, so forgive me if my moves sound bland.
OOC: Don't worry about it. I just researched a martial art that made sense for the character to use ^^;

Anna grunted as the foot connected with her head, dazing her slightly before the palm strike hit her dead in the chest. She stumbled backward a step or two before collecting herself, and rushing back in.* She started to string several jabs and hooks together, aiming for Shadow's head and chest. She was confident now that Shadow could endure at least most of what she could put out.

*(Limitation: Wing Chun requires you to be within striking distance of your opponent at all times)
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Shadow actually allowed the blows to land, most of them doing little more than annoying him.

"No offense, but I'd advise you to fight harder. At this rate, the worst you'll give me is some bruises," he said calmly, beginning to block some of the blows, launching his own punches and jabs.


"well, whatever you want to do now honey..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan