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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Vook blushed for a second while she thought and said "i-i think ill dorm with you altima...heh.."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
altima let out a small laugh as he saw Vook blush, "if you want, we could find a bigger one, since mine is small." he said, leading her in, and dropping the bag of cash on the table, "put her over there in the corner." he said, pointing to an empty corner.
Vook set down the titan and said "no, this room is..fine altima.."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Suddenly, as soon as she was set down, she began to stir from her slumber, but before she could say a word, Altima stuffed a sock in her mouth to act as a gag. She tried to move, but her hands and legs were stuck behind her back. Suddenly Altima had an idea. "vook, love, what do you know of BDSM?"
"er, not much..." vook rubbed the back of her head a little
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"ok then...would you feel interested in trying that out?" he asked his lover.
OOC: Omg can I join? If not, I'll just wipe this post afterwards ^^;


Alias: Crosswire
Gender: Female
Species: Black-Footed Ferret
Age: 17
Height: 5'4"
Clothes: Baggy blue camoflauge-print cargoes, Short, black tanktop, exposing the midrift. Steel-plated boots.

Description: Has waist length black hair, French braided into a long ponytail. Like most of her species, has a small black 'mask-like' marking on her face, over her acid-green eyes. Is thin, but not unaturally so. Her lower arms (from the elbow down) are mechanical, a result of an accident she suffered several years ago. Do NOT bring up the subject of the accident under any circumstances, lest you want those metal hands pulling out your internal organs. Is quiet, subtle type of person, preferring to be the brains behind any action. Her quiet, soft-spoken manner belies the amount of power at her disposal. While she does not have a short temper (same for anyone bringing up the subject of her 'accident') when her wrath is incured, it is swift and brutal. She joined The HIVE after learning about her powers and believing those with powers are more... 'entitled' than regular people. It is assumed she is a virgin, but again, it's something she doesn't talk about. Isn't exactly outgoing and has what some might call low self-esteem. In her mind, her implants make her look ugly and disfigured.

Powers: (warning. Heavy-duty block of text ahead.)
Crosswire's powers stem from her bioelectric implants, the most noticeable of which are her mechanical lower arms. She has other implants, but they are under the surface of her skin, attached to muscles or critical internal organs (like the brain and heart) The incident that caused her to have these implants made and surgically attached is her most closely-guarded secret. Not even the HIVE officials know what happened to her.

A short while ago, Crosswire discovered that she could exploit an unforseen property of her implants. She can absorb vast amounts of electricity (up to and store it indefinitely, which she then uses to do a variety of things:
  • (All times and measurements represent her powers at full electrical capacity)
    ~Augment her strength to Superhuman Class Five (Able to bench press 5 Metric Tons) for 30 seconds.
    ~Increase her speed and agility to 120 kilometers per hour, to a maximum of 10 seconds.
    ~Project the absorbed electricity as a lightning attack.
    ~Increase her synaptic relays, allowing her to experience brief moments of superheightened intelligence, thinking speed, reflexes and senses. Using this power for prolonged periods gives her severe headaches or even migraines.
Also, due to the nature of her abilities, electrical attacks are nearly useless against her, unless the person in question can muster enough amperage to overload her implants. If this happens, she is powerless for 24 hours while her implants run through a self-repair cycle.

Breast Size: 34B

Perks: None. Just an average girl with average sexual ability.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: Er, cboy stated no robots ^_^ i dont wana be mean or anything but its just what cboy said :oops: but i dunno if a furry robot counts. you can ask him.


"i guess so...."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: welcome aboard!

IC:"ok, well i dont have any of the stuff, but i heard someone in the academy was into that stuff... lets see... i think his name was...damnit i talked to him yesterday... it was shorty or something..."
OOC: she's not a robot, she's a biomechanically-enhanced organic fur :P But like I said, I'll wipe the profile if need be.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)