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Digimon Savers / Digimon Data Squad
UnknownH Wrote:One of them may not be dead. But that's a big question.

I agree. IIRC, there were no presence of any Digitamas after Sleipmon's kamikaze Odin's Breath that took both him and Dukemon in a stormy and icy impact.

Also I have been hearing that Yggdrasil will somewhat take a fighting form or battle body near the end as Saver's Final Boss. Which if true, kills off the theory of the still missing Kurata or the remaining six Great Demon Lords' chance of a role as the last opponent of Masaru and the gang will have to defeat....
Injured badly, still cannot die?
[Image: Renamon2.jpg]
We don't know if they were injured badly or how badly. We never saw a body(or in this case, an egg).
UnknownH Wrote:And yes, she does and I hope she does. She really is the tough girl character. Similar to the rika/renamon pair only not loli-bait and without all the furrys. lol

She has a different attitude also.

nyways, she will get Burst Mode. Together with Ikuto. Well atleast that Duftmon-Guy is said to be strong among the Royal Knights. For sure stronger than the Knights they fought before. So it
And some of that is just what your brother told my friend. Which means it's true.
Had a bit to stop in so just wanted to drop my two cents on the progress of Savers...

Friggin' Awesome!

Burst Modes popping everywhere these two current eps, and Kamemon Perfect...sweet.

Great stuff.

And I'm out.
UnknownH Wrote:And some of that is just what your brother told my friend. Which means it's true.

Yes, my bother and I are usually on the same wavelength.

But Holy Shit ! Did Rosemon and Shawujinmon in that Epsiode pwn !

MirageGaogamon BM wasn
Hehehehe, seems Rhodo Knightmon or Crusadermon went down in just a matter of hits in this episode, compared to Frontier where he and Dynasmon are almost unbeatable. Back in 04, episode after episode, the duo always overpowered Takuya and his gang, until the episode before the Lucemon Falldown Mode battles.

Speaking of Rhodo Knightmon, his 04 counterpart has that narcissistic and somewhat vain flair. At some ocassions, his rambles included 'beauty' on his dialogues complete with a rose in a hand. In this Savers, he is rather arrogant. I heard his VA is also the one who voiced Tamers' Yamaki, and that Renamon in a PS2 Digimon Savers video game.

Yup, I agree Granny Norhstein has some resemblance to the current MIA madman Kurata. My irk on Franz Nohrstein now gets transferred to the old wind bag.....How can she treat poor little Touma like that? Though a fraction of fault also falls to Franz-san too. He was not able to stand up against his 'mommy dearest' in the past. But, seems he was now enlightened after the Rhodo Knightmon encounter.

Overall, another wonderful Savers episode.
Really? Anyone have a picture of grandma N?
Masaru vs his father, how can he win?

I mean, Agumon already got max power but his father still...looks like very powerful to me. I think his father still got hidden power that Masaru haven't learn yet. :oops:
[Image: Renamon2.jpg]