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Digimon Savers / Digimon Data Squad
Quote:And the captain isn't dead, he's just not around yet. But he does have a digimon who can evo to a royal knight.

And we will get him soon!

MAJOR SPOILERS (But oh so juicy!)

Episode 40 - Masaru follows Banchou Leomon's orders and goes to the Digital World, meeting a newly reborn Gotsumon. However because he was reborn, he has no memories, and forgot who Masaru is. However, Gotsumon knew Yggdrasil's location before, however Craniummon appears.

Episode 41 - Masaru and the others are helped by Sleipmon (!!), to shake off the pursuing Royal Knights, and heads off to the Human World. However Masaru learns that Yggdrasil's true form is his father, Daimon Suguru! :shock: Also, Dukemon is sent to face Touma and the others, while Masaru hesitates in fighting his father.

From Digiport

Of course I've said that I've said this before but:
Best Digimon Season EVER! :D
Did it actually say that? Because that would be great/a surprise.
Oh, I only watched till ep 36. Some ep r so sad, but some r so funny.

His father became evil? Why suddenly became evil? Memories got erased?

More and more enemies appearing, but friends...

I think in the end, Masaru and his father destroy all foes together (happy ending). Or may be killed his father? (sad ending)

I don't think it will be sad ending, hope far, only season 2 got happy ending (dunno about season 4)...may be this season also same: all Digimon has to go back to their Digital World in the end. :cry:
[Image: Renamon2.jpg]
Quote:Did it actually say that? Because that would be great/a surprise.

It did indeed. Very interesting twist!
Yeah it is. And I saw the subs for the biohybrid's megas vs. savers megas.
The nanami one was good. She is one crazy smart hot bitch. And she so going to do it with tohma later. lol They do look good together. Plus she's as smart as he is.
Are you saying Namami and her gang back in action, and more evil then ever? :oops:
[Image: Renamon2.jpg]
Quote:Are you saying Namami and her gang back in action, and more evil then ever?

No, he's talking about an old episode.
DATS fought Kurata, then Masaru's father, then? I mean, more enemies appearing? From where?

I can't wait to see ep 37. :oops:
[Image: Renamon2.jpg]
Yeah, there's subbed episodes up to kouki vs. masaru. I saw the nanami episode and am watching the ivan episode now.
Mourn for BentyLeomon...sob sob :cry:

No offense. Why Leomon always dead? I saw him dead in almost all series and movies... :(
[Image: Renamon2.jpg]