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Digital Chaos (Sonic X ?/ Digimon Crossover Rpg)
OOC: i did a little apologizing...but i'm making it general..because somehow i think rushing into the crossover may have cause a little confusion and some may not be able to post...@_@ Why did i feel so pressured ..? Skip it. I'm hoping this explantion..and post will help..if even possible....i pulled a fast foward with the world merger cause some thought the rpg was going slow...and the real meat to the story and rpg would be in the actual i had the villain's actions merge the real worlds (mobius included) into well as the various Digiworlds (seasons 1-5 it seems)...but have them remain 2 seperate now..some of the Digidestined and Tamers are on an unknown landmass...along with Sonic and company.....while due to some who didn't make to the gate...may have the possibility that they are now in the new the Crossing over really has what needs to happen is for the characters to meet...for that i'll need to make a post to is directed to the rpers and their chars.. and i hope this will help

**new Earth?**

**upon the landmass....where the Blue Typhoon be..**
Sally (getting up): We need better timing...... Everyone okay? Sonic? (goes around) Tails? Bunnie? Lupe?

**the Hedgehog Girl from eariler..starts to her sleep...whimpering softly...** Mami...mami (wakes up with a--) AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

**The Howl Echoes throughout the ship..**
Girlhog: oh no...i have to leave.. (gets out of her seat in a scared rush with tears falling from her eyes)

Chao (still by Lupe): Chao?!

**outside the Ship**

Takato:... I think you're right, Beelzemon...we need to find the others..and figure our just wha-- huh..(sees Shadow).....Guys...i think we just walked into the Twilight Zone

Guilmon: why's that?

Takato: Maybe that! (points to Shadow the Hedgehog)...< please don't let him see us > (looks at Imperion)...several lifeforms....?? well i should be use tot this now...nothing we do is normal ^^()....(sighs) we really gotta find the gang

**On the continent**
Kari (hugs TK and Patamon): I'm Glad to be back. but i don't know just Where I went@_@...but can anyone tell me why we're the beach. If i knew we were going to the beach i'd bring my bikini... (Hugs gatomon) I'm glad you're okay to Gatomon^^ i'm okay now...^^.

**a spiky blonde hair girl in overalls, yellow shirt, goggles and lucky cap was watching from**

Girl: Well..well ...just it Yukirenamon.^^ we aren't so along anymore ... there's some Digimon and their human partners... more company....^_^... look

Yukirenamon: looks like a good thing.

Girl: Well then we should greet the Furry cats and Digi cats

Yukirenamon: As you wish..though I wish you'd not refer everyone you see as your versions of Hipcats...they don't even have whispers and a tail

OOC: if anymore wires get crossed..let me know asap...>


Yolei (waking up in a meadow): head@_@....when i find Davis i will so give him a peace of my mind.. Hawkmon? Demiveemon? Hey anyone out here!!

**Getting up...Yolei looks around for help... unaware her voice could be heard from a far...AND she's about to run into ...A "renamon"

Yolei (crash): YAARGH !!!!! Sorry. I just need to find a friend..who'll i'll beat his FACE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!

**With the Mecha Digimon on the march...a team Scattered...but trying to pull together...can it get any more twisted...maybe if you count a missing Plant pot of a Fox>
Shadow continued to glance around the wreckage area "..what a mess..." then the black hedgehog's ears twitched hearing a sudden shout then his glanced moved to the top of the Blue Typhoon then raised an eyebrow seeing a little kid with goggles on his head, a red dinosaur type creature with markings on its scales, and a man type creature with a tail, blonde hair, guns at his hips, and a mask covering most of his face, and Imperion.

"Hey!" Shadow shouted turning his body facing the group of strangers then lept up onto the Blue Typhoon an approached them "Do you guys know where we are?"
Gatomon could help but smile when feeling her partner hugging her. She quickly returns the hug and waves her tail slowly back and forth.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Imperiong looked at Shadow"Sorry,I have no idea.I better take my leave."With that,he jumped off the ship and ran into the forest.
"Hold on a min sugah." Bunnie held out her arm as it extended, catching the white hog on the arm, "Calm down, nothin's gonna get inside this ship."

"I'm betting something already did." Sonic said, thinking of the voice that came over the intercom earlier, "Let's see where we landed." Sonic ran quickly through the ship and outside, skidding to a halt infront of Guilmon and Takato, "What the?" He jumped quickly up to the top of the ship, landing next to Shadow, "Did you send out those invitations?" he asked, "Cause I don't remember them on the guest list."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Beelzemon looked at sonic and the others, "well one thing is sure, we aren't in digiworld anymore, because i've got the odd feeling that blue thing here isn't a digimon" he said looking at Takato and pointing at Sonic..
TK smiled at Kari's commentary and blushed at the picture of her in a bikini, he quickly snaps out his daydream and looks at her. "Well Kari it wasn't precisely that I decided to come with you to the beach, something happened when we were at the park, some white shadow started to cover the city, you fell unconsious, I lifted you in my arms and the we all started to run, the next we saw was a gate, we went through it, I remember a voice but the next I knew is that we appeared here" he said as he looked around. "We have to find the others and try to get answers" he added.

Patamon looked around and then at Gatomon. "Gatomon you feel the same? the earth..... it seems different... I can't quite explain how but I feel it is different of how we knew it" he said as his wings twitched a bit.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Cursing loudly, the injured Kurtz looked up - in almost sheer terror near enough, when seeing the blade, and immediately started to nervously back away, whimpering. "W-Why~~?!"

Erika, glancing at Kurtz's withdrawing state and then to Yoosei, quickly spoke. "We're tamer and digimon! We're Erika and he's Kurtz, a Railemon. We just somehow ended up here after jumping through some light thing!" She tried hardly to hold onto the whimpering dragon, although she could already see it. Somehow, he was afraid of women with blades.... a stupid little thing, but tha was his nature in some respect.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Gatomon places her gloved paw softly under her chin and scratches it gently while a thoughtful expression appears on her face.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
The dragon became even more frightened, before a fireball slowly started to grow in his claw - as a bead of sweat ran down the side of his head. "G-Get that thing away from me~~!"

Erika quickly butted in. "A person who works with a Digimon closely and quickly clears up enemy, or 'wild' digimon before they destroy places and other digimon!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds