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Digimon Guilmons First Love
As soon as Henry pulled out Gargomon turned back into Terriermon, who slowly crept up to Henry's cock and cleaned it up with his tongue. "Mmm..."
Henry pick Terriermon and clean himself and Terriermon up and got dressed. "I think that will do for tonight." said Henry as he unlock the door.
Terriermon giggles and watches Henry as he got dressed. "Ohhhh I wonder if there's clothes my size!" He said as he dug into the hamper and tried on one of Henry's worn briefs. "Ohhh... snuggly! Only if there were ones my size" Terriermon chuckles.
Henry opened the door and said "I will look for some for you tomorrow, right now we should get to bed before my parants come home."
Terriermon giggles. "Moumantai! Race you Henwy!" Terriermon said as he raced off to Henry's bed.


Outside sitting on a tree branch observing the two, was Impmon, sighing.

"I wonder how it feels to have a Tamer..." Impmon said sadly, then he shook his head rapidly. "Aaaaah! No! I don't need a Tamer! I'm strong by myself!"
Henry walked while letting Terriermon win. His room door was open.
When Henry got there, Terriermon was already fast asleep, tired from their playing.

Outside was Impmon, staring down into the window as he was up the tree, hidden in the shadows.
Henry got into bed and put his arm on top of Terriermon and said "Goodnight Terriermon." and then he fell asleep.
Terriermon was fast asleep already.

Impmon seeing that everything was silent already, hopped down onto the window and then blushed as he looked at Terriermon and his tamer. Then he quietly got on the bed and snuggled closely to the tamer.
Henry felt something move but after having fun with Terriermon, he stay alseep and ignore Impmon.