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Digimon Savers / Digimon Data Squad
Exhibit 1: Professor Suguru Daimon. The digiworld's personal jeebus. Tohma's father sounds a lot like a jerk.

Exhibit 2: Namami and her fight with tohmma.
It really messed him up because she messed with his mind.

Exhibit 3: Tohma's sister.
She seems frail and they love each other very much.
Could kurata help her?

That's the three things that caused this. Or at least what I think is the three big things. Reclaimer can explain more.
Awww do I have to? lol

Unknown hit it pretty much.

Digimon follow Masaru because of his father. Touma believes he knows better than Masaru and becomes resentful that the Digimon listen to Masaru over himself.

Nanami made Touma think he was becoming like Masaru a bit, and he (deep down must) feels that he is superior to Masaru, and he needs to keep himself that way.

As for his sister Touma seems to care for her a lot, and I'm sure that is the main motivator behind his actions, though he may state otherwise, I think all of his reasons (Masaru's fighting never leading to peace, etc.) are to make himself believe he is doing right for everyone rather than just himself (by helping his sister).

So yeah, there it is.
Thanks for the little extra parts. I think that explains it well enough.
Yeah, probably overkill a bit. lol

Can't wait to see what happens tonight, ShineGreymon Psuedo-Burst looks cool.
And owns MirageGaogamon.

Anyone seen the QueenChessmon non-LCD Pic ?
Yeah, she's rockin'. She had better get the Anime-makeover.

As for 2chan...

Look's like Ikuto steps up and starts some spy stuff, can't wait! Ravemon MUST be really close.
Perhaps next Episode.

The PawnChessmon also become Perfect Level in that one.
That'll be a good one. Although you have to wonder how you can perv queen chessmon. It might be hard.
Oh we can find a way. lol

Just finished the ep, and my hatred for Touma grows.

He had Gaomon and then MirageGaogamon directly attack Ikuto, not his Digimon, he could have easily killed him. It's one thing to engage in a Digimon/Digimon fight or a Digimon/Human/Digimon/Human (like how Masaru and Touma fought while Shine and Mirage fought) It's quite another to tell a Mega level to attack a human, Saver or not.

And Mirage took down at least two buildings with attacks. Yeah ShineGreymon CorruptBurst did more damage, but he was out of control, Touma and Mirage are just being ruthless now.

I can honestly say I would love to see Touma stomped to the point of losing Gaomon at least point, he has caused so much trouble.
He's just unhinged right now. Let's wait and see. Also, of course you can perv her. And the japanese will be first. They can perv more and faster then us. I know. I saw them perv operating systems and browsers.