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Digimon Protectors
The creature hissed slightly "That it will be... I cannot wait to tear flesh again... Oh... and meet my little pet..." The mist parted slightly to reveal the face of a human... no more than eight years old; his face paled with fear, lack of sleep and little contact with sunlight... and covered in old scars "Say hello, pet..." A black ghostly tendril of darkness licked up the boy's cheek, leaving a bloddy trail as it ripped his skin open, he flinched; trembling with the urge to bolt. However... the most noticable feature of this show being a demonicly coloured device clutched in the human's white and shaking hand... a Digivice.

OOC: Twisted
Evil Rules!!!~ i think....back to the narrator post^^()

dark Side**
Daemon: It would seem mystery is in the air....just to be fair before we go on...Devimon and LadyDevimon. the childs of light and hope are yours to do as you wish.. i on the other hand..hold some revenge for one other Digidestined...the one who truly was the key in myotismon's fall...i must know what makes him tick...for now...the floor is yours now...tell us what you wanted to tell us...and if it is pricey...i'm sure we ALL can meet it

**~Good Side~**

Dark Kari (putting arms around Davis): I beg to differ. you know you don't always have to have the brave face on...not for me anyway. Besides should know some things i want to tell you...Davis-kun (a small blush appears across her face)

Good Kari: it'll be 12 to 24 hours..before Dark me and myself...have to return to Kari...or else...well you know. Anyway, TK. i have to tell you something...Something Kari kept to herself....a's a dark one...and she was afraid if she told you...or anyone else...she'd put you all in great risk...she felt long as she carries's this--

Dark Kari (talking to Davis): "weight of the world".... no one would be hurt. too bad that hurts her more...she's been like that ever since her first adventures in the Digiworld...back we she was young..and She was so sweet..and she would do anything to help out... even sacrifice her own life... She is who she is...though i dunno why the good side likes TK so i find guys like of a kind davis. I mean it^^! you got courage, you see things in people they never knew...and you always seem to see things through to the end...makes me wish...I was yours...(sighs a bit...sadly,,as if...her heart is breaking in to)


DJ: Let's Shall...^_^ (slow dances with him)

Yukirenamon: mmhmm...this is the happiest i've seen him in a long time...^^ < it's been a long time..since she's been THIS happy >

BlackGatomon: looks like you have a lot friends. ^_^ Veemon, i wouldn't mind meeting Davis..and this Takato. Right after a cat dance...(starts to dance with herself...waltzing to the music in the background)

Takato: Things are starting to shape rika? would to...i mean..would you ...

**such a shy guy...*

**Returning back to the hotel**

Gatomon (still carrying patamon): we're baaaaaaaaaaaack^^.... (sneaks in.) Stealth is golden^^...

**Gang's together again...but so will trouble gather together...stay tuned
**evil side**

Devimon smirked. "So you want Motomiya? I beg to differ Daemon, true Motomiya was the leader in charge when they destroyed MaloMyotismon but rememeber, all the digidestined of the world gave their light to Imperialdramon to form the megacrusher, my point is not matter who is the leader, they work as a team, that's the real key of their victories" the demon digimon said as in his mind he pondered how to deal with TK and Angemon.

**good side**

TK nodded as he hugged the good Kari. "I know, she always thinks more about the others, she is always putting the others first than herself.... that's one of the things that made me fall for her..... how she is so gentle.... so kind.." he said while blushing.

"I know the Dark Kari loves Davis, I saw it on her eyes.... And I'm willing to step aside if that makes them happy.... Davis is my friend and I know he loves her a lot too but I know it will be harder for him to bare with a heartbreak, I on the other side I'm used to the pain, my parents divorce, living away from Matt, Patamon's death on the fight with Devimon.... a heartbreaking will be nothing I can't cope with" he says while looking at her.

"But whatever happens.... I will always love Kari till the end of my days" he said with a smile.


Patamon jumped off Gatomon's arm and kissed her softly. "you're a pro in sneaking kitty" he said while hugging her close. "I'm glad you're smiling again, I was so worried about you seeing you so depressed" he said while still hugging her gently
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
**dark side**

The creature hissed in agreement "My grudge is also personal..." The mist closed, almost violently, about the boy hidden within "As for the team element... That can be easily solved..."
\"Ahh...err....p-preminision?\" Daisuke studdered trying to supress his own blush. His arm reacted automaticly and lightly positioned themselves on her back. Come on man. She\'s not the real Hikari-chan, or at least not all oh her. But then again she is part of her. Ah! What do I do?!

(Down stairs)
\"Say, arn\'t you suppose to dance with someone else?\" V-mon asked pointing to Matt and DJ dancing.

(Evil Side)
Assaultmon kept recording through his electronic eyes the events waiting for the attack.
Rika blushed hearing Takato's words, then smiled slightly.
"I thought you liked Jeri," she teased him.

Renamon smiled, hearing Veemon's comment.
"I know you are meant to dance with someone else, but who says you have to. I mean Rika dances by herself sometimes." She then added as an afterthought: "Don't tell her I told you that, though."

The black mist dissolved suddenly to reveal the creatures body... something that even the long-standing evil Digimon around it couldn't match. It was roughly human in shape... but that's where the similarity ended... it's face was a ruined mess, the features grotesquely out of position and malformed bone clerly visible with eyes burning a dull red like hot coals. The torso was also a bloody mess, scars and open wounds that never heal making the barrel chest disturbing to look at. As for its limbs... the legs were twisted, deformed, and similarly damaged-seeming as the chest. As for the arms... they were like the legs... except that they ended at the elbows where dark feelers erupted, a few of the hundred-or-so black strands were occupied with the boy "May I have the pleasure of preparing for an attack?" It hissed quietly.

OOC: Twisted


**Goodie-goodie-2-shoes lol **

Peter leaned back against the wall with a quiet sigh "Saph... do you think we'll ever get back?"

Sapphire grinned, leaning next to him "Yes. No doubt."
**Evil Side**

LadyDevimon laughed deviously.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
\"Oh! Okay!\" V-mon nodded.
\"But I always wanted to learn to dance.\" he added after the thought while watching her dance.
"Yesss... it will be easy... they're destined... but they still have desires and wants that we can take advantage of... and tear them apart from within."

"Still, we might as well enjoy this while it lasts-"

"Can you hear that?"

Peter blinked "What?" He tilted his head slightly ".... music?"

"Hehe... I haven't had fun like that for a little while... coming?" Sapphire said as she ventured in the direction from whence the music came.

"Sure!" He followed.