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Digimon Savers / Digimon Data Squad
I'm not so sure Yoshino's history will play into the series as much as Masaru's and Touma's has/'d be nice though.

I'm just hyped about seeing ShineGreymon iced, and Digitama-ed. I wonder how quickly he'll progress from DigiTama to Agumon, where he'll of course be able to evolve all the time again, but I don't know.
Will the government re-build DATS headquarter?
[Image: Renamon2.jpg]
Depends on what happens with kurata and that other guy that doesn't like DATS. And I'm sure a lot of us would like to see the back stories of the characters.
I'm sure DATS will be reinstated if there is any connection with the Digital World maintained.

Hey Floramon, the best place to keep up on bigger things like that is the website I linked in your other topic. Use their Savers section it is full of the most important information and if you check it frequently you'll be up to date on all of the important elements of the series.

And of course Biodarkdramon has a showdown with ShineGreymon, and it looks like some weird stuff goes on with a big purple stick...and what's with the guys in DATS uniforms working with Kurata?!
What happened o those people after DATS destroyed? Where did they go? How could they enter Digital world?

Captain Rentarou Satsuma dead? Where ahd he been if nto dead?

I don't know why Thoma got jealous about Masaru's father. Why he jealous? :oops:
[Image: Renamon2.jpg]
Being as Crazy as Kurata is, he could even revive Touma
I hope not. Tohma already has enough problems.
Of course the captain's alive. He was never dead.
Maybe. But his dad is a diplomat. That could explain something.
Okay just saw the ep.

Cool showdown with Kouki and Masaru...the way Kouki was fighting, targeting civilians, he's a real bastard, where as I wished Nanami and Ivan lived through and became good, I wish Kouki was killed.

:arrow: The Air Signal made a preliminary debut, that was cool to see.

As for Kurata, he is ruthless and needs to be taken out, heavily, there is no possesion or sob story there, he needs to die.

As for Rosemon...
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Very funny 'claimer. But maybe the three will be more normal now.