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Michael Richards
I was watching the local news when a report caught my attention. Apparently Michael Richards, best known as Kramer from the sitcom Seinfeld, was caught on videotape shouting racial slurs against someone who said something against him during a stand-up routine. You can see his disturbing actions on YouTube following this link.

First Mel Gibson now this. Michael Richards has reportedly apologized for his words on David Letterman although I personally think his career is over. I mean if he really didn't mean to say such horrid things then he wouldn't have done so in the first place. I mean what kind of person does that?
He can say he's not a racist all he wants, but the truth always comes out when the right stimuli are presented. We hear Mel's true opinions when he's drunk. Similarly, we hear Michael Richards using the "n" word when he's heavily antagonized. He could've just told the guy to sit down and shut up, but somewhere in his subconsciousness, he couldn't ignore the skin color of the guy heckling him. Don't think he's the only one. In fact, I would say a majority of white comedians would probably still think "the guy heckling me is black." People still think in terms of skin color. It's just a matter of whether or not it's said.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Hey, like the song says, "Everyone is a little bit racist." Plus, how much of a career has he had since kramer?
He's already made his millions. It's just a little sad that he had to stoop to a level even lower than heckling to dress down a rowdy audience member.
I do believe that he is not that "racist", it seemed to me that the way you act, I mean as a professional comedian you have to take those things and forget about them but he was unable to think of anything and said it without thinking it or was intoxicated. It seemed to me, that the dude that heckled him went over the deep end by saying something as well. This is what I don't understand, it only shows a clip of him saying that "He's a Nigga, he's a nigger, he's a nigger!" How about the African American individual who called him a cracker?

That isn't fair and since that person choose to say that kind of word as well, we should all hate him too? The fact of the matter is, God forbid you call a white man a cracker, what happens? Nothing. When you call an African American dude a "nigger" you get this "OH MY GOSH YOU RACIST!" This worst thing is they sport the word as a normal term in there language and they get pissed when a non dark skin toned person says it. Hypocrites...

Other then that....he did go over that line, but we will see what happened to that other dude, the one that heckled...Nothing will happen to him, as for "Kramer" he'll make many KKK members very happy.....
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
I once had a joke about making the words white and cracker as offensive as black and that one word. And White people will not be called white anymore, We will be called caucassion americans. Let's see how that works.
Quote:I once had a joke about making the words white and cracker as offensive as black and that one word. And White people will not be called white anymore, We will be called caucassion americans. Let's see how that works.

The funniest thing is I did this in my school when someone called me a cracker, man I had my classmates pretend like its the most offensive thing you can say to me and they went along with it, the African American dumb ass who called me the name to begin with got angry and went away. Man why did "HE" get angry when he used the term "CRACKER" to use on me. It offended me and I did an article for the school paper that wasn't allowed to make the cut into the school paper. It was a satirical approach to the situation but serious, and I mean dead serious, the working title was, "A missing "r" would then make me a 'CRACK-E'? " Go figure that it wasn't published in the paper, and then my head of the paper, a teacher was mad at me that I didn't do anything.... meh....

Just goes to show you that you can be a hypocrite, and fall into the same web of ignorance....
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Minorities always get special treatment. If it's a developed, industrialized nation like the U.S., we treat them like children that can't be insulted but can say whatever the hell they want against us. If it's a third world country, they're hanged.

I hear Michael Richards is going on Jesse Jackson's radio show to plead his case.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
I like Richards. he's funny. and prooved that you arent cool when your drunk