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Southern Cross Mansion (NC-17 Content Allowed)
Yoosei: *murrs softly and twitches ears* it is almost like impossible to not worry about him...if he keeps summoning me whenever he wants
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Disturbed: Just like me right *with a quick motion of his hand pants are torn off making him completely naked showing off his muscular wolf body*

Saphire: *giggles* Yeah...silly goose.

Wengren: *tall night elf with long flowing green hair wielding a wooden staff with fine green leather robes* Hey...Thanks!!!

Silver: *blushes* Your welcome.

Bruno: *spots the Worren lady* My name is Bruno ma'am *bows politely*
Kurtz: Well, I do have the ability to summon others.... *sweat-drops* Maybe you could ask Matt if he'd like to share the power he has to me to summon you?

Ikonnen: Wow. That's it! *throws his hat off* I bow to the Night Elf! *bows*

Nath: Well... shall we.. uhm... head somewhere else? I want to enjoy seeing you again in... private? *smiles slightly*

Luna: *actually huggles Silver* Nah, you are....

Lunos: *smiles* God, you're so polite.

Worren Girl: *bows before Bruno* And I'm Cera,... nice to... meet you.

Tieya: Oh... wow... Wolfey... *stares at his naked body* You look.... gorgeous...
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Yoosei: I don
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Kurtz: Well... I could take it either by force or ask him. *sweat-drops even more* Force being draining the power from him.....
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Wengren: You dont have to bow Ikonnen...

Saphire: *blinked then smiled* Okay...lets go...*giggling as they run off to a private room*

Silver: *blinks and gently hugs Luna*..cutie...

Disturbed: *softly sat onto the bed next to Tieya* I see you?

Bruno: *smiled* I always respect woman.*he took Cera's paw and knelt kissing it gently* Nice to meet your aquantence Lady Cera.
Ikonnen: Why not? *chuckles* Night Elves have always fascinated me... unless, of course, you are not so?

Nath: *follows her quickly, and mumbles under his breath* Little angel... *they then both reach her room (Much easier*

Tieya: *her clothes suddenly vanish, revealing her small, but still cute breasts, and also her bright pink pussy in-between her white skinned legs* Uhm.. so... how... do I look to you... my love?

Cera: *giggles softly, and blushes* Uhm.. thankies...

Lunos: *tilts his head* So, what you doing here, Brun? I thought you disappeared with that cat after our last battle....

Luna: And you are, too... *kisses Silver softly on the cheek*
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Wengren: *shook his head and laughed* I'm flattered you're interested in my race but theres no need for bowing

Saphire: *softly pushed her door open and led Nath into her room* Well we're here *smiling* make yourself comfy

Disturbed:*grinned* You look amazingly beautifal, not even the greatest of goddesses could compare to you're beauty.

Silver: *blinked and blushed deeply* awww

Bruno: *stood up* Well um I uh...*rubbed the back of his head*...Catalina and I well to know each other a LOT more..if you know what I mean.
Ikonnen: Oh, sure... *stood up fully again* But, I never knew you looked like that. I would be honoured to have you in the Southern Cross, my friend.

Nath: Okay then. *swishes his tail as he walks in, and examines the room* Oh wow.... you're place.. it's lovely, Saph...

Tieya: *blushes deeply* Y-You.... mean that... W-Wolfey? *stammering*

Luna: Oh, shush. *kisses him on the lips for a few seconds, before pulling away* I want to say, I'm sorry, for before.... when I pushed you away...

Lunos: *blushes deeply on hearing that, and nods* Well... I would've got to know Ellisa a lot more... well, tried to, if Elliot hadn't appeared where we were both hugging.... in the lake... naked...
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Wengren: It would be a pleasure surving the Southern Cross. *summons a giant bear* We're thrilled *petting his bear*

Saphire: I'm...glad you like it..Nath *blushing*

Silver: Oh thats okay...I'm pretty resillient *smiling and wagging his tail*

Bruno: Oh well thats very nice...Actually to tell you the truth we did it twice, first time in the inn, and the second time, on the lake...if you can believe that.

Disturbed: *leaned into Tieyas neck* I cannot lie about one's beauty such as yours...Tieya *begin softly kissing Tieya's neck*