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Digimon Savers / Digimon Data Squad
Yeah. I know one too. But yes, you should. Post them. And I saw that last night. And don't forgot to try a lilamon picture too.
I went passed Lilamon and drew Rosemon...I've been working on a bit of a special project...special for me at least. I've got to work on getting all the pictures in and cleaning them up and inking, and all that stuff, so it'll be a bit...especially since the only scanner in the place is in my parents room, and I need to take my laptop and all my stuff in there to get the stuff scanned in and I'm barely even home without some one else there.
OK. Hope you can get in there and scan. Like to see these when/if you do.
Sounds nice. Rosemon, Yoshino and Megumi !

UnknownH Wrote:Yeah, but we only like yuri because we're male. And it's funny how leomon has so many forms but ogremon doesn't really have a fun ogre line like leomon does. Maybe the movie will change that.

Well, taking all those who resemble him, we have 3 variations of Goblimon and 3 variations of Ogremon. It
Strange how that works, I'm sure he has evolutions and they just haven't used them. Or maybe he doesn't who knows, and just out of curiosity, why does a person named Lilamon's slave have Lillymon (At least I think it's lillymon) as an avatar? Won't she get jealous?
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
You would be surprised how Plant Girls share their slaves. :D

As for Ogremon. Since he is Oni-based, his psossible Evos should be Oni-based aswell. Ofcourse he can evolve, but so far there is no really fitting Evos.
We just haven't found him a lilamon avatar. And the megas apear next episode. All three of them and rosemon is small comparied to the other two.
Hell yeah they appear! All three, one episode?! Who's ass are they going to own? Oh and maybe Suguru comes with the Bursts?!

I still haven't seen 28, but I plan on watching it week will be awesome!

And I always knew Rosemon would have a rockin' body...sure enough...just check out the CG clip from her evo. :shock: Nice!
UnknownH Wrote:We just haven't found him a lilamon avatar. And the megas apear next episode. All three of them and rosemon is small comparied to the other two.

Size is not everything in Digimon. There are some examples of smaller Digimon owning much larger ones. For example a certain white Cat you all should know. So Rosemon will show her combination of sexiness and butt-kicking !
*Just watched episode 28*

Holy crap! Fuggin' amazing!

Kouki is a sadistic piece of shit and needs to be killed quickly. The way he was pounding away at Juriemon, and laughing...I hope he gets a sweet suprise that Satsuma isn't dead (hopefully) when Satsuma slaughters Kouki's ass.

As for the impending Ultimate level...awesome! When the three are revived by Digi Soul and then tap their Ultimate levels (if you didn't notice, watch when the Digi Soul Overloaded heros unleash that burst of power, their Ultimate levels are silouetted in the aura) I was just amazed!

I think fusion is almost guarenteed based on the preview...especially with the auras around Masaru and Co. and then the evo sequence where the Digimon are not colored in detail, just with a single "Soul" Color.

29 is gonna rock so hard!

Quote:So Rosemon will show her combination of sexiness and butt-kicking !

Hell yeah she will.