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Digimon Protectors
"Typical boys...All you care about is your gadgets." Rika said.
"But I can see how it could come in handy..." Renamon pointed out.
"Yeah," Rika agreed. "Now... What about that food?"
"... I care for more than just gadgets..." Peter smiled at Saph.

Saph smiled right back, her tail wagging slightly "That's nice..."
**in a few moments...Takato returns to the gang....wheeling in a mess of Delicious's mostly bread...ramen,...homemade pizza...and even some other choices ...sandwiches included**

Takato (to everyone): hey ! who wants eats!!^___^

Guilmon: Come and get it^^

**The smells travel all around towards the matter how far appart they were..**

**Patamon and Gatomon**
Gatomon (moans): feel so good (licks his cheek)... here..let me do you first (travels to his a few licks to it)

TK:*he, Kari, Davis and Gabumon walked in from the room and he smiled* now this is what we were talking about, a really good food

*Patamon and Gatomon*

Patamon:*he groaned in pleasure feeling her licking his dick as he closed his eyes and guided his wings to her chest and continued caressing her breasts* mmm... Gatomon.... that feels really good *his dick got fully erect in its 6 and half inches and twitched with each lick it got*
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hrm?" Saph blinked and sniffed the air "Hey... Renamon... Can you smell that?"

"Food?" Peter smiled hopefully.
Luna quickly leaned in next to Nath's face, smiling cutely. "Hm, you know, those two remind me of us. Don't ask me why..." Her voice trailed off.

"Yup. They remind me of... us..." His brain then clicked. "Oh, you mean what Pete just said a few seconds before that." His brown hair ruffled slightly again in the gentle breeze, and his coat shuffled and tapped against his chest.

"Yup. But, of course, you..." Luna's voice trailed off once more, as she closed her eyes. "...Know what I mean." She then quickly reached into Nath's coat pocket and pulled out a small little cube, which he handled carefully in her paw. "And we really DO need to get something to eat - I'm starving!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Yep! C-mon, Rika! I'm hungry!"
Rika blinked.
"That'd be a first..." she murmured. "But I'm hungry too. Lets go." The two walked towards the smell.
Saph didn't waste any time, she grabbed Peter by the arm and teleported directly to where the small was coming from "Food!" She giggled while whipping away some still-warm bread and taking a bite.

Peter grinned, watching Saph. Aww... she's so cute at times like this...
"Cheats..." Rika muttered, seeing Saph and Peter teleport into the room.
"Oh well," Renamon shrugged. "Cmon, lets eat." She grapped a piece of pizza, and fussily picked off any visible pieces of onion. Rika smiled, and grabbed a piece herself.
Takato: help yourselves ^^
Guilmon (bites into a PB sandwich): We made it all for you

Kari (lookin at the spread, being helped by Tk and Davis): that looks wonderful

Guilmon: everyone eat^^ (wolfs his sandwich)

**Gatomon and Patamon**
GAtomon sees his she begins to deep throat her lover..**