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Disturbed: *slaps forehead* I'm the only one that can dive into shadows...only people that I alow into shadows can do anything. As long as theres shadows around I can just hide in here until your grow tired. Hell I could pop up in the attic with her. Sorry but your efforts fail *remains sitting in the shadows with Dot by her side.
Ice:Anyone one gonna...get the sun back....before we die of lack of... oxygen?
Shadow.EXE: What's the sun have to do with oxygen? Plants create oxygen by breathing in Carbon dioxide during photosynthesis... How do I know this?

Omni Shadow: Holy flash still hanging in the air, How can you dive into the shadows if there are no shadows?
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Disturbed:Yeah you destroyed all the shadows. That just means that I cannot get out and Dot is till with me.
Omni Shadow: Don't you meld with the shadows? If there are no shadows for you to meld with then you'd reapear, just like if someone was hiding underwater and the water was evaporated instantly.

Shadow.EXE: You can't argue with that kind of logic.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ice:The plants...are dying....without sunlight, that...plants need the survive.
Disturbed: *smacks forehead* the shadows are like doors. When I dive into them its like a different room. When you take away the shadows your just taking away the entrance.
Shadow.EXE: Plants do need the sun to survive but it'll take weeks for them to die, and after that it'll take months before all the oxygen on earth dissipates. You'll have a better chance of dying from Carbon Dioxide poisoning then suffocation. WHY THE HELL DO I KNOW THESE THINGS!?

Slashmon: When the hell did you get smart?

BN Shadow: Since Slash.EXE is an internet exploration device it's possible that Shadow is able to access the internet in his head without even knowing it.

Omni Shadow: So it's a diffrent dimension? Then why didn't you just say that?
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Disturbed: Because I like being difficult *hands Dot a Dr. Pepper*
Kurtz: *sighs* I guess I have nothing. *summons a bottle of pepsi and drinks it*

D-Kurtz: He's just giving up?
H-Kurtz: Looks that way.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds