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Spam Wars!!!!!
D-Shadow: And I was just looking for an excuse to blow something up.

H-Shadow: You trully are a simple creature aren't you?


H-Shadow: Bring it.

D-Shadow: Begins charging energy, SHAAAA

H-Shadow: Also charges, DOOOO

H and D Shadows: KENNNNNNN!!!! The two attacks collide and explode accidently ripping a hole in the dimensional barrier and freeing an endless army of mutant zombies.

D-Shadow: What the hell!?

H-Shadow: It would seem our attack opened a tear to another universe and unleashed a violent and nigh unstopable force upon us.

D-Shadow: Sounds like fun!
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Crimson: Sweet, nothin' like some good ol' fashioned destruction. *runs around in his pie tank, running over some mutant zombies while blasting others zombies with pie*
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
*starts gathering black energy* This... *lightning arcs into the air from my body* is going *starts shaking* to be fun! BLACK PLASMA BARRAGE!!! *black bolts of energy tear through a large number of zombies while leaving bits of the ground in a lava like state*
Meh, you are taking the fun out of it. *Snaps fingers and everyone except (demi)gods of SPAM loses his or her powers* Mwahahaha. *grabs a Shotgun and puts on black-glasses* Now this *pumps shotgun* will be funny *blasts a hole in a Zombie, then throws a grenade to an advancing group*
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*crosses fingers in a Jitsu symbol* Eat this! *hundreds of giant shirkin fly in from nowhere and decapitate a few zombies* Heh... SPAM is not the only power.
Actually, according to the SDPs Rule Book, the rule #7 clearly states: "SPAM is everything."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Whatever. *another symbol and flames engulf a zombie advancing on DMX*
DMX: YAAAAAH! *jumps and drop kicks zombie, sending it's head flying to a goal* GOOOOOOOOOAAAAL!!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*starts brawling with several zombies at once* DIE!!!
*looks around from monitor room*
Fred_18: damn, going to have to send Fred out to help with the utterly useless battle...sounds like fun*pushes red button*

*ground opens up then fred appears with a double barrelled shotgun, two belts of shotgun shells, twenty gernades, ten hand guns and a back pack filled with god knows what, and ammo*

Fred: great, another battle... I think I'll summon my brother up from a place called Taholah *performs hand seals then lightning strikes in front of him revealing a young adult with a black sunhat, and black robes, and a sword*

Kenneth: great, right when I was going to get paid too! Oh well

*unsheaths sword and charges to a group of zombies, while fred shots his shotgun while rapidly pumping more shells*