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Possibly stupid question, but as he currently lacks a gallery and I can't find any posts by him(He went by the title 'Fox!' on the boards, didn't he?), I wondered if anyone could tell me where to find his work? Maybe I'm just missing the obvious, but I can't seem to find him. :shock: Hello, Mr. Fox, are you still around..?
Hehe, Mr. Fox is quite busy with school, but if you're lucky, he may take a peek in here every now and then. :3
i've heard through various sources that hes left the DaD because some people were becoming abusive and demanding of him :(
Travesty! I hope he really is only busy with school.. I really liked his art, so it would be a shame to lose him. :(
Is there anywhere else that he posts to, an alternate gallery, or such? I know he has a small section at the officalaatg, but it doesn't appear to be updated.. and it's always sad to lose another appreciated artist..
yup, this little board scared off another one. Renamanico decided to leave. He decided to ditch his Digimon Alis as he moved on instead of keeping it due to popular demand. the problem is the demand part. kinda like me and my problems here. You guys either want to much or just ignor since i haven't heard to much i'm just an idle artist around here.

There are a few other artists doing the same thing under diffrent names. anyway... *goes back to lurkind*

It's saddening, then, that he's left. I personally try not to be demanding, but then, I'm normally much of a lurker myself, so it's not so much a stretch. Easy not to get on peoples' nerves when they hardly even know you exist. We really should be more appreciative, and it's only to bad that I never think to do so until one has disappeared.

In retrospect, I'd like to take this moment to publically commend some the artists for sticking around, for allowing us to view their art, and for putting up with all the demands and flames that inevitably fly at any such people in their position. To Glenn and Vulpamon, who both happen to be artists that replied to this thread, and of whom both I'm personally a fan of, I'd like to give a personal thankyou for being here. I'd also like to say thanks to you, Ryokumon, even though you say you're idle, you're still here, as evidenced by your post, and that's still better than your just disappearing completely. There are several other artists I wish I could personally thank, but there are quite a few, and that'd take awhile, and.. anyway, I think the point is made, at least.

To all those artists that currently hang around here, I'd like to say thanks for doing so. Alot of you aren't appreciated nearly enough.
So, yeah.. thanks.
Renamaniaco I'm not, but I am a notorious riot-starter here, and I still do art.
I justed stopped posting it around here

You can see it at