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Dino and the Nurse (Guilmon/OC Human)
(Still trying to think of a title, but without further ado, what I feel is my best lemon yet! And fee free to critique, always room for improvement!

And this is also going to be the fic for one of my 100prompts I'm doing. :D)


"But Takatooooo I don't wanna go to the doctor!"

"Relax boy, its just a check-up!"

"But I don't wanna go!"

"Oh come on.."

It was nice and early in the Matsuki household, Takato trying to pull his partner Guilmon out of his room by the tail. The dino was resisting though, clutching desperately onto the side of the door with a horrified look on his face. "But Terriermon told me about doctors, they poke you with needles and stuff!" He whined, seeming desperate and adamant with not going. Takato certainly had his hands full, soon giving up on trying to pry the oaf out of his room and letting go of his tail. Almost right away did Guilmon scramble back into the room, making his way over to Takato's bed and burrowing under the covers.

The boy would scratch the back of his head a little while walking into the room, looking at the huge lump in his bed sheets and sweat-dropping while pondering what to do. Asking nicely didn't work, trying to force him out didn't work. He was running out of ideas.

"Guilmon, the doctor isn't that bad. Your not even going to see ONE needle anyways," He would assure his friend, the innocent little rookie poking his head out from the sheets slightly as he continued. "All he's going to do is check to see if your healthy.. okay?" He would give a warm smile in further assurance, Guilmon feeling a bit less nervous while sticking his head out from the bed sheets completely.


Takato would nod, coming over and gently rubbing the top of his friend's head. "I wouldn't lie to ya buddy.. now let's get going. After you get your check-up, we can get you some peanut butter..."

"Peanut Butter!! Yay!!"

Guilmon would leap out of the bed once those words were spoken, bed sheet flying into the air as he looked at his tamer happily. "Let's go Takato! I'm really hungry, and I'd 'really' like some Peanut Butter and Guilmon Bread!" He chirped, large tail wagging a bit as if he was some sort of dog. The boy chuckled a bit at this and nodded, heading out of the room with his friend while wondering..

.. why didn't he try bribing Guilmon with peanut butter earlier?


The two would be at the hospital and in the waiting room within short time, Guilmon drawing on a chalkboard that was set up for all the kids there to play with. He was the only one drawing though, the few kids that WERE there were either intimidated by the digimon or were prodding at his large tail in awe.

Soon enough though one of the doctors would open the door, looking around at those who were there and then looking at his clipboard. "Um.. Guilmon? The nurse would like to see you now."

"That's you boy," Takato would say with a smile, seeing he was sitting nearby Guilmon and now looking at him. The rookie looked at his tamer with that adorable, childish innocence of his, gesturing to what looked to be himself on the chalkboard.

"Aw.. can't they wait a little longer.."

Takato would laugh a bit at this, smiling and gently prodding Guilmon towards the door. He had to admit, it was kind of nice to see how innocent and childlike his partner could be. "Go ahead boy, it shouldn't be too long."

Hesitantly Guilmon would follow the doctor to the room he was going to get his check up, being led inside and told to wait for "her" to arrive. So he waited, sitting down on the bed and shifting in it uncomfortably. "This bed isn't soft like Takato's." He mumbled, visually disappointed in that as he thought he was supposed to take a nap or something. Soon enough though his nurse would arrive, and the moment his eyes set foot on her they would widen a bit.

She was very attractive to his eye, despite being human. She was around her late 20s; having short brown hair and beautiful dark blue eyes which seemed to have a bit of a glimmer in them. She wore a very devilish nurse's uniform, devilish in the fact that it almost seemed sinful to wear. A frilly short skirt which if blown up a bit, would make it easy to see her wearing a black g-string underneath. And a tight-looking top that seemed to just barely be able to contain her C-Cup sized breasts. Her body was lean, every beautiful curve highlighted and visible to the rookie's virgin eye.

Any other guy probably would have came in his pants at the sight. Guilmon, as adorably innocent as he was right now, simply stared in amazement as she walked in and closed the door behind her.

"Your pretty.." He couldn't help but say, continuing to just gaze at her with such wonder and curiosity, strange thoughts like 'isn't she uncomfortable in that?' wandering through his mind. A slight redness would cross the woman's cheeks at the compliment. Strange, as one would think she'd be used to that sort of thing by now.

"Thanks cutie.. I'm Dr. Asahina, but you can just call me Rio." She would say, a sort of seductive underlining to her voice as she came up to him. He was sitting sort of cross-legged on the bed, him feeling kind of funny below his waist but trying his best to ignore it. "Now.. this seems to be your first check-up?"

He nodded, giving her that cheery little smile of his. "Uh-huh! Takato told me I needed one to make sure I was healthy." He exclaimed, continuing to smile innocently while Rio giggled. Oh, no one could resist his cuteness in the end, although the way she looked at him made it seem she saw him as more than just 'cute'.

"He's right, its important to keep healthy and maintain a healthy body as well. I'm just going to perform a few tests to make sure you're at peak physical condition." She would explain while putting on a stethoscope, looking into Guilmon's eyes which seem to glimmer still with interest and innocence. "Now.. when I ask you to, please breathe in then let out deep breaths. Okay?"

The digimon nodded in understanding, the diaphragm being placed to one part of his chest. "Alright.. deep breath."

Guilmon breathed in and out, repeating the procedure several times. Rio could tell almost right away that he was okay here, though continued just to get the opportunity to look over the male's body up close. She definitely was a perverse nurse; admiring his strong, toned chest and those muscled legs of his. Despite this she WAS a professional though, nodding and standing straight again.

"Your good.. now, what I'd like you to do next is..."

Time would pass, Rio performing the usual tests doctors made when giving someone a check-up and soon finishing in record time. The time passed by so fast though, the woman seeming very disappointed to say the very least as she looked at the oaf. "Well.. your checked out, nothing wrong in the slightest Guilmon."

"Yay!" He would cheer and smile happily. Any idiot could tell good news when they heard it, he was glad to know he was healthy! "Thank you Rio!"

"Its what I do.." She would say, smiling as well though not wanting to end things now. The more desperate she got, the more perverse her thoughts got. She could just imagine doing this guy in so many ways it was crazy, and a mon as good-looking as this guy must be pretty hung. Despite never having sex with a digimon before, she could just imagine what Guil's cock looked like.

'Mm.. its probably really big.. thick, meaty..' Admittedly she probably just thought of qualities a hamburger had, but still, freaking arousing as her pussy began to grow moist with her daydreaming. 'throbbing.. mmm; a large, red cock pushing through my folds, stretching and filling me up. This digimon probably would be a stud around his own kind if he showed himself off..'

"Um.. Rio?"

She snapped out of her daydream, quickly coming back to reality and feeling a slight wetness on her fingers. Almost right away did she realize what she was doing, her cheeks shooting red with blush while looking down between her legs. Her hand was stuffed into her skirt and more specifically her panties, having been rubbing her cunt out of arousal from the daydreaming. Guilmon was standing next to her, his eyes not shimmering with disgust but instead with curiosity, the rookie sniffing the air a bit and then her.

"Something smells nice.. why do you have your hand in your thing?" He would inquire, not really knowing what a skirt was. Rio was initially unsure of how to respond, slowly tugging her hand from her skirt and a bit of clear liquid on her fingers. Already she knew that Guilmon had little to no knowledge about sex, or what it usually meant between partners. Part of her was tempted to take this to her advantage, the other felt she should just send the guy on home and let him keep his virginity for someone else..

.. she preferred the former.

"I was just doing something is all. But Guilmon.." She smiled and turned to face him, the rookie tilting his head slightly in curiosity as she came close. "I think I may need to do another test on you."

"Oh no! Am I sick?" Almost right away Guilmon was worried, having thought he passed the check-up and now it clicking in his head that something might be wrong with him after-all.

Rio giggled a bit, gently rubbing the top of his head while scooting close, quickly taking him into a strong embrace. "Aw your not sick.. I just want to make absolute sure is all, okay?" She assured him, giving the dino a kiss on the cheek.

Guilmon would sigh with relief, relaxing while giving her a big hug in return. He was completely oblivious to what would be going on, or what she'd be doing with him soon.

"Guily, can you lock the door then hop onto the bed?" Rio would ask of him, smiling and batting her eyes a bit while looking at the digimon. Despite not really understanding flirting, he still felt his stomach clench a bit in nervousness while nodding, going over and locking the door and then hopping onto the bed. The nurse would smile then kick off the ground slightly so her chair would roll right on over, adjusting so she was right in front of him. "Good.. now.. spread your legs as far apart as you can until its a bit uncomfortable."

He was a bit confused by the request though complying anyways, parting his legs apart nice and wide as she scooted close to him. His pouch was clearly visible to her eyes this way, the woman smiling as she slowly reached forward and touched it with her gentle fingers. Guilmon flinched at the contact and jumped back, though his back ended up slamming into the wall in the process.

"W-What're you doing?" He asked, unable to really go anywhere as Rio once more placed fingers on his pouch, rubbing it gently. He felt his penis stirring as she did this, the round tip peeking out a bit much to her delight.

"I'm going to pleasure you Guilmon.." She would explain while looking up at him, taking hold of the zipper on the front of her top. "Do you understand what I'm talking about when I say that?"

Guilmon shook his head, looking down at her in awe as she slowly unzipped her top, those nice plump boobs of hers jiggling a bit as they came out from their entrapment. "Nu uh.. what are those?" He asked while pointing at her breasts, feeling his cock stirring and coming out even more at the sight.

"They're called breasts.. all girls have them.."

"Ooh, I know a girl named Renamon. She got big breasts!" Guilmon would exclaim in that childish voice of his, smiling happily. "She asked once to um.. 'fuck' them, but I didn't know what she was talking about. So she got mad and left."

Rio was pretty astonished at the story. Was Guilmon's virginity already taken by this 'Renamon'? Or was he too naive for them to really do anything at all?

"Did you guys do anything? What do you remember?"

Guilmon tried remembering, the thoughts alone coaxing the rest of his semi-erect shaft out from his pouch.. much to Rio's excitement. It was large, even when not fully hard. "Um.. nothing, she wanted me to put this in her," He gestured to his dick. "but I thought it would hurt so I didn't. She got really, REALLY mad at me.." His ears pinned back a bit. "I'm dumb.."

"No you aren't.. you just need someone to teach you about sex." Rio would say, smiling while touching the underside of Guil's shaft. Before he could ask anything he would let out a soft groan of delight, the feel of her delicate fingers on his manhood being kind of nice. "Before you ask.. sex is something two people do when they really like each other. Some people do it just for fun, others do it for other reasons. Understand?" She asked, the male nodding.

"Good.. Renamon must have really liked you to want to have sex. So I'm going to teach you how to do it so you can make her really happy. Okay?"

Guilmon nodded excitedly, the very thought of pleasing Renamon making him happy on the inside. "Okay! I'd like that!" He exclaimed, watching as Rio gripped the base of his penis. "What do we do first?"

"Well first I want you to know.. this thing? Its called a penis.." Rio smiled, stroking him a bit. Once more a moan would escape his lips, him shifting a little where he sat while watching the woman work. "People call it other things though I'll tell you about that later. Guys receive pleasure from this in different ways.. even by touching it. I'm going to give you what's called a blowjob."


She nodded, smiling and leaning close between Guilmon's legs. "Mmhm.. a blowjob is when someone takes your penis into their mouth. They lick and suck on it until you cum.. which kind of feels like your going pee, but your not. Understand?" Once more a nod, Guilmon's face lighting up with interest. The subject seemed really, really interesting to him. "Good.. now just relax, and let me do what I have to do."

With that both the giver and receiver would go silent, Rio leaning forward and taking a good whiff of Guilmon's arousal. He had a nice, musky odor to him, a scent she enjoyed while rubbing her hand all around his crotch. He may have lacked pubic hairs but noticed something else, the skin around his manhood was notably softer then the rest of his body. She smiled a bit at this, rubbing around a bit more before slowly sliding her hand down, gripping his ballsack gently.

Guilmon watched in awe as Rio felt him all over, the woman massaging and fondling his balls a bit and sending the slightest shiver of pleasure up his spine. "I can already tell your going to give good.." She murmured with excitement, eyes now locking with that monstrous cock of his.

He had to have been a good eight, maybe nine inches. That was pretty big, rare amongst humans. He was also plenty thick too.. not to the point where she couldn't take him in her mouth, but enough to the point a fuck from him would be a snug and almost perfect fit. A blob of pre formed at his tip, obviously from the earlier stimulation.

Rio decided to get to the good stuff at last, gripping the base of his length once more and very slowly sliding her tongue along the tip. Her tongue trailed along the very slit of his cock, this sending a huge wave of pleasure and excitement through Guil as she lapped up the blob of pre-cum. "Mm.. so tasty.." She murmured, gently pressing the very tip of her tongue against his cockhead, and swirling it nice and slow in clockwise circles.

"Oooh..! Rio that feels really good.." Guilmon cooed and shuddered, his claws digging into the bed and his head leaning back. Every swirl of her tongue sent a little shock through his body, the sensitivity and intenseness of the licking driving him nuts with lust and desire. Rio smiled and continued to run her soft and saliva-covered tongue around the head of his dick, soon stopping it right below the tip and gently flicking her tongue up and down. "M-MM..!"

She continued to flick her tongue up and down across the sensitive bulb, happily listening to the moans and growls that escaped the dino's lips. More pre-cum dribbled from the tip, and she would lap it up so fast like it wasn't even there to begin with. 'Ooh, if his pre tastes this fucking good, I can't wait to drink that huge blast of his. All that cum flooding into my mouth and across my taste buds, mm..'

Rio's pussy burned from the hot thoughts flooding through her mind, the woman leaning forward a bit more and taking in an inch or two of his large, throbbing manhood. Guilmon's claws probably would have dug straight through the bed material at this point, his moans becoming loud and the pleasure almost unbearable. Here he was, having expected to get but a simple check-up. And now he was getting a blowjob from a hot, seductive nurse who wanted to teach him what she knew!

"Oohhh!! Rio, that feels really, REALLY good!!" He cried as he felt her lips clenching tight around what was in her warm mouth, her beginning to suck nice and hard. Guilmon thought at first she was going to well.. eat it or something which scared the hell out of him. As she started blowing him though he began to push those thoughts aside in place of new ones, his claws nervously unlatching from the bed and slowly moving behind her head.

The nurse could definitely tell he was getting comfortable with what she was doing, slowly beginning to lick at his dick while sucking a few more inches into her mouth. She would continue to do this, her pleasure coming from the very moans Guil would let out as she sucked him off. Soon she would have more then half in her mouth, deciding to stop there and gripping the rest with both hands.

'Next time..' She thought with a perverse grin, next time meaning the next time she gave this bad boy an oral examination. Steadily she began beating off what she didn't get in her mouth, sucking and licking on what was. Guilmon was feeling like he was in heaven at this point, moaning her name loudly and keeping his hands firmly behind her head.

"MM!! MM!! Oh..!" Pre-cum leaked from his penis like a river, almost seeming like it would never end as Rio gulped every bit of it down. Soon enough though Guilmon would feel something new.. something building in him down there. Quickly he recalled what she said earlier, groaning and gripping her hair. "I-I feel it! Like I'm gonna..!!"

Rio knew what he was taking about, excitedly taking her mouth off his dick and beginning to lick up and down the just as sensitive underside. She knew exactly where all a guy's pleasure spots were, grinning dirtily as her wet tongue traveled up and down the throbbing red pillar. "Just let it happen Guily! Let it all out!" She exclaimed before sliding her tongue right up to his swollen cockhead, taking it into her mouth again and quickly beginning to beat off his monstrous length.

"MMGH!! R-R-RIO!!" He literally yelled, it was amazing that no one has barged in on them yet! He flinched and quickly took his hands away from her head, worried he may get so wound up he'd squeeze it till she would hurt. His claws dug once more into the bed, his body arching back and him driving his cock deeper into her mouth. Then he would cum, and cum HARD, unleashing his large load into her mouth.


Rio got a complete mouthful of cum in the first round, her swallowing it happily and enjoying the salty, sour-ish taste that came with it. She was amazed as she felt his thick cock throbbing around her hands and fingers, Guil pumping thick wads of his hot, sticky seed into her mouth and down her throat. She was definitely trying to drink as much as she could though unable to, quite a bit of it leaking out of her mouth and down her chin, drizzling down all the way to her exposed chest.

Guilmon's breathing was loud and heavy, heart thumping against his chest as he felt his blissful and heavenly orgasm beginning to slow. Sadly though as much as Rio wanted to get her face and gorgeous body covered in thick strings of digi-cum, she knew she couldn't risk it since the bathroom was a good distance away from the room.

"O-Ohh.. mm.." The rookie finally felt like he could relax as his climax finally came to a halt, falling back on his rump as he had been literally suspended over the bed with nothing but his arms and legs supporting him. His tongue was hanging slightly out from the side of his mouth, and his eyes were glazed over with a mix of lust and exhaustion. His chest heaved with every deep breath he took, and he couldn't even word out a proper sentence without being brought back to what must have been the best moment of his life.

Rio smiled as she took her mouth off of his cock, which to her shock was still as stiff as a board. "Whoa..!" She gasped, gently touching his erection which got a rugged coo of delight from the Guilmon. 'He just had what must have been his first orgasm.. and he's still so hard..' She was thinking in amazement, wondering if it was his species or just plain adrenaline. 'Maybe one more..'


She pushed aside her thoughts, looking at Guilmon who was slowly beginning to sit up again. She smiled softly, seeing his breathing was slowly getting back to normal. The look of astonishment on his face though, it was memorable. "Yes Guily?"

Guilmon shifted a little where he sat, looking at her as she slowly stood up onto her feet. "That was so great, it was the best feeling ever!" He admitted with a blush, in which she would blush a little herself. She was kind of proud of her 'work'. "But um.."


He shifted a bit more, blushing even deeper it was surprising that the redness on his cheeks was visible on his fur. "Can we do.. more?"

Rio felt a large smile build on her face. She was hoping for those words, she really was. It meant that Guilmon trusted her to take things even further. She nodded wordlessly, smiling as she slowly took off her top. "Yeah.. we can Guilmon." She murmured, smiling and bouncing her tits a little just to excite him. It did the trick, a groan of excitement escaping his lips.

"Yay.. I like sex, its fun.."

"Yeah it is. And what we're going to do next is going to be even more fun then the blowjob!"

His eyes widened like melons at this, wondering what could possibly be better. He watched patiently though as Rio continued to strip, smiling and tugging her skirt and g-string down in one go. She was fully nude to his virgin eyes right then and there. She was so beautiful, so perfect.. nice, plump breasts, rock-hard nipples. A lean body with just the right curves, and a beautiful-looking pussy, which looked like it would barely fit his monstrous erection. They would both see though.

"Ooh your really pretty!" He chirped, Rio smiling softly as she climbed onto the bed with him. She made a mental note to not only teach him more on how to please a woman, but also how to 'talk the talk'. She adjusted him gently so he would be laying on his back, his pole stiff and literally standing upright into the air as she climbed on top of him. "What's this called?"

"What I'm about to do is called 'riding you'. Its where I take your penis into my vagina," She tapped her puss gently, just to confirm he knew what a vagina was. "and move up and down until we both experience what you did before, which was called an orgasm."

Guilmon nodded, quickly jotting these terms down to memory as he watched Rio slowly line his shaft up with her pussy, his heart fluttering again in excitement as he watched. He wouldn't feel that feeling of butterflies in his stomach though.. yeah he loved this girl to death now, but he didn't 'love' love her. Not like the way he felt when seeing.. that fox..

Soon she found herself in a position where she could easily slide down, smiling and leaning forward to give Guilmon a little kiss on his lips. "Okay.. here we go Guilmon.."

Rio then began to lower herself down onto his dick. It took a bit to work the thick cockhead into her though soon succeeded, getting it into her with a little pop. That made the rest of this effortless, seeing as he was already lubed up from the earlier blowjob.

"Ooh.." She moaned, sliding down inch by inch, watching in awe as she watched his large, red cock disappear into her body. Guilmon was moaning with her as well and also keeping an eye between their legs, his eyes closing slightly as he enjoyed the tightness and warmth her pussy brought. So snug and moist, such a fucking perfect fit it was almost unreal.


He almost felt like he would cum right then and there, though instinctively held it back. Soon Rio felt herself pushing herself down all the way, letting out a sharp gasp as their crotches met with one another. She stared down in amazement and with a bit of a pant, seeing she made it down on Guilmon balls deep.

"God.. its huge.." She groaned, feeling the fullness inside her body. She could just imagine what his orgasm would feel like. "Here we go Guily.. you ready?" She murmured, in which he nodded.


Rio smiled, slowly beginning to lift herself up and down on his shaft. The two of them moaned lustfully at the feel. She would pull up almost all the way until just the tip was inside her. Then with a sharp and pleasureful gasp she'd thrust her hips forward, burying his bone deep inside her again. She'd repeat this over and over, going nice and slow at first though slowly picking up speed and rhythm.

"Ooh Rio..!! Your right, this does feel better..!" Guil would groan, his cock twitching once as he leaked pre-cum once again. She shuddered a bit, feeling such a warm liquid inside her pussy.. she wanted more of it though, and more stickier and hot too.

"Mm I know!!" She cooed, humping and riding him faster, her tits jiggling a bit in front of his face. Unable to resist 'trying them out' Guilmon stuck his tongue out, continuing to moan from the feel of her tight puss moving up and down around his dick but now beginning to lick hard at her breasts. This made Rio shudder and moan even louder in astonishment. Guil had such a large tongue, it could lap one of her tits completely in just one lick! "OH!! Suck on my nipples! P-Please!!"


Guilmon wasn't a completely dolt, seeing that the nubs were the only thing on her breasts that could have possibly been what she was talking about. He leaned his head up, taking one of her hard nipples into his mouth and beginning to suck on it nice and hard, much to her joy as she continued to work herself up and down. "MMM!! Oh fuck yes, fuck yes!!"

Both their orgasms were near their boiling point now, her riding growing intense and seeming like it would never stop. Even when she felt herself about to let loose, she would not stop until she felt thick streams of cum filling her. "CUM GUIL!!" She cried, getting dirty now as she rode and staring down at him with lusty blue eyes. "FILL ME WITH YOUR SPUNK, PLEASE!!"

"MMMGH H-HERE I "CUM" RIO!!" Guilmon growled almost violently, him suddenly gripping her nice, round ass and shoving her down so his penis would be buried all the way into her. Then he would let loose, growling and moaning extremely loud as he began filling Rio with his hot load.

"YES!! GUILMON, FILL ME!!" She screamed. Luckily the room was soundproof! She also came hard, her orgasmic fluids rushing from her pussy and around his blasting length, though that hardly seemed noticeable to either of them. What they were both enjoying was what Guil was pumping into her body. Shot after shot of thick, sticky, hot cum, straight from his huge meat. The feeling of emptying his load into Rio was just the best feeling ever, and being able to receive his gift was also just as satisfying. His orgasm was so strong even that it began oozing out from between, dropping down onto his crotch and onto the bed.

Good things must come to an end at some point though, and that held true to this as well. Sadly their orgasms would come to an end, both once more experiencing that feeling of exhaustion and tiredness. They sat up, just panting and breathing heavily, and looking each other in the eyes for a bit before looking down. As Guilmon worked his softening cock out of her pussy, gushes of their mixed cum would come spilling out, quite literally as the bed became stained with their stuff.

The two hardly seemed to care though, now just laying back on the bed and snuggling close, Rio resting her head on this stud's chest and listening to his racing heartbeat. No words were exchanged until a bit later, when they finally felt like they could talk. And it was.. an interesting conversation to say the least.

"Rio.. will I ever see you again..?"

"Of course Guilmon.. I can always visit you when I'm not working, and you'll always have me as your doctor when you have to come for your check-ups." She would answer, sighing blissfully and nuzzling her face into his strong and muscled chest. "I still have a lot to teach you too so the next time you meet your real lover, you'll know what to do."

Guilmon smiled a bit, wrapping his arms around her in a caring embrace, closing his eyes though not falling asleep. Neither could risk doing that after-all. "Thank you.. Rio.."

"Anytime Guily.."

The two just laid there, relaxing in the afterglow and knowing this would not be the last time they have such an intimate encounter. One has to wonder though.. didn't they forget something?


Takato was sitting in the waiting room still.. now one of the only ones out there as he just shifted in his seat, a confused look on his face. "Its been more then two hours.. geez boy, what did you do?"

Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Heh, great story there Shadow! just a few kinks:
1. Why does Guilmon go to the doctors and not a vets?
2. Punctuation is a slight issue e.g "Guilmon wasn't a completely dolt"

Besides those, great story and funny ending. Loved it!
UnknownH Wrote:We do have soap and smarter doctors now
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Thanks GaaS! I guess I could have done 'vets' though it wouldn't have worked to the theme of my story as much as I like. That and I didn't think of it. Aha. And darn it.. XD I use proofread thing but sometimes those correct yet incorrect words slip past, ah well.

Glad you liked the story!
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds