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Sinful Shadows (Rape fic, Izumi/Duskmon)
Izumi awoke in a daze, her body numb and her mind vague. She was laying flat on her back, twigs and pebbles of the forest floor prodding into her spine. Painful rapiers of burning sunlight filtered through the canopy above. Her eyes being sensitive to the light after an extended period of unconsciousness, she instinctively raised her right forearm to her forehead to shield herself from the searing ribbons of bright yellow. She moaned in discomfort, a painful lump on the back of her head making itself, unfortunately for the young girl, known.

How long had she been like this? How did she even end up in such a place? Her mind immediately drifted to the subject of her companions; Takuya, Tomoki, Junpei, Koji, Neemon, and Bokomon. Where could they be?

She shifted her neck to the right, letting her forearm drop to the ground now that she stared at the ground, rather than the strained sunlight above her. She remembered, albeit her memories at this point being very indistinct, moving away from the group. Yes…that was it. She had gone to relieve herself of certain natural callings away from her friends. They were all boys, after all. She didn’t have to walk this far, of course. She just didn’t want to risk anyone espying something they shouldn’t, especially one with virgin eyes like Tomoki.

It wasn't as if she didn't trust people like Junpei;she just wanted to cover all bases. She had recalled multiple times that he had tried to peek up her skirt. Being the virtuous girl she was, Izumi felt compelled to give him a swift kick in the crotch for his efforts. He was a good person, despite his grumpiness and perversion at times. She had nothing against him…she just couldn’t have anyone having free foretastes of her womanly wiles. She was ‘blooming into womanhood’, as they phrased it in sexual education, after all.

Her vision was blurry, her eyes perceiving only abstract blotches of color and indistinguishable shapes. It was somewhat like looking at a piece of modern art. There was a joke in there somewhere, but in her current state she couldn’t muster the sheer wit to capitalize on it.

She squinted, trying to focus on the object before her. After several long minutes, she could just make out enough of it to know it was her cap, having rolled onto the ground several feet away from her. This only raised more questions. What happened? She had finished her ‘business’ and had just started back to the others. The last thing she remembered was a sharp pain on the back of her head.

Izumi reached behind her head, her fingers tracing over a protruding, swollen lump the size of a ping-pong ball. Before, she had assumed that maybe she simply fell, but it evident to her now that something, or someone, had struck her. Whatever, or whoever, it was had to either be wielding a very blunt object or was immensely strong. In the Digital World she couldn't dismiss either of these possibilities, although neither of them suited well with her.

A sudden coolness undulated over her body. She curled up slightly, shivering a bit. It was already a bit cool, and in her mildly revealing clothing it was only worsened. She turned her neck to the left, looking upward again, her forearm pressed readily against her head for the repulses of the sun. However…there was no light at all to seep into her eyes. The canopy above her had been inexplicably enveloped in a thick cloud of…no! It wasn’t mist…or fog…or anything of that sort! Darkness…the pure absence of hope and light. It was disturbing…obscenely so...fear manifested! It went beyond mental or physical. The darkness descended upon the frightened girl, encompassing all that was around her, gnawing at her Soul as the dreadful cold constricted her body. She looked to her right again, unable to see her hand before her face, let alone her hat.

Suddenly, she could see once again…but not in the usual way. She could see herself, but nothing else. Her body wasn’t emitting any sort of light, nor was anything else, but she could see it. Why? How? It didn’t make sense. Of course, nothing seemed to make sense where she was right now.

Overcoming her fatigue, she scrambled to her feet quickly, her eyes darting about her, but seeing absolutely nothing, excluding her own form of course.

“Hello!” Izumi called to whoever would lend an ear. “Is anyone there? Please! Someone help? I’m-“

The Chosen girl was cut off suddenly by a single footstep, echoing about her with far more noise than it should of. That was the realization of what was happening to her. She could only remember one other time in which she had felt this kind of fear in this abnormal darkness. Out of a mixture of adrenaline and pure terror, she reached for her D-Tector, only to discover that it was missing. The person who knocked her out was intelligent enough to take it from her and had waited patiently...the type of patience found only in the minds of the psychotic. He wanted her awake for what was to come.

Another footstep pulsed through the air…then another…then another…then another. An obscure image appeared before the girl, tall and broad-shouldered, obviously male. Slowly, painfully slowly, he came into view, giving off no light but still visible, just as Izumi was. He was clad in a black armor, streaked with smears of red, a large, unblinking, eye, kissed with crimson, on his chest plate. Upon his shoulders were two more eyeballs, smaller but of the same design. They seemed to be a gimmick of some sort for him. There were times when Izumi had joked about whether or not it would hurt if someone touched them. Of course, when confronted with a such a vile creature, she hadn’t bothered to test her theory. She was focused too much on survival.

His actual eyes were much more frightening, actually. Two, scarlet orbs of lurid color, peeking about the black, devilish mask that concealed his mouth, attached to the horned headpiece with three ovals of crimson imbedded into it. Then…there were his bracers, each one sprouting a wickedly sharp red blade upon his command. It was rather odd that with all of this macabre features, he had blonde hair streaming down his back with two, large, tuft-like bangs elegantly draped across his shoulders.

Izumi involuntarily stuttered to her malicious assailant. “W-…What do you want, Duskmon?”

“Are you curious?”

“Excuse me?”

“About how you are able to see. It is one of my abilities over the shadows…the Dark Sight. I gave it to you, not as a gift of course. I plan on taking it back when I’m done. You see…I require you to see everything I do to you.”

Izumi took several steps back, only to be met with a wall-like resistance amidst the darkness. She couldn’t
leave…and she couldn’t fight. She tried her best to stand straight, facing her attacker with vigor and character, but she found herself only able to tremble under his hulking form. She was finding that it was much easier to be brave on television or in mangas than in real life. If he was going to make her see what would happen, it would most likely be death, slow and painful, her screams lost amidst his darkness.

“W-What are…w-what are you going to d-…to d-…to…”

She was shaking so violently now that she couldn’t find the proper words with which to address her captor. All she could do was stutter inaudibly as he approached her, his footsteps sounding more like claps of thunder. She closed her eyes tightly, awaiting one of his blades to come down upon her…but instead…she was met with something much different, very unexpected, and much more frightening.

Duskmon pressed his hands to her sides, sliding them upwards and under her shirt, his fingertips lightly tickling her breasts from the cover of her bra. She wanted to do something, anything at all! She wanted to fight, to kick, or to scream…but all she could do was moan lightly, ashamed that she was somewhat enjoying what he was doing.

With surprising skill, the Demon Man Hybrid Digimon unclasped her bra, allowing it to fall to the ground, revealing itself to be a pale pink garment, rather plain. He squeezed her bare breasts, finding it to be much more pleasurable than when under the protection of a bra, as did Izumi. She moaned louder, her vocal expressions of pleasure turning to pain as Duskmon began to grasp her mounds hard and violently. With his superior strength it didn’t take much to make her scream in agony as he molested her. This was worsened by the rough, unyielding material that composed his black gauntlets.

He began to tweak and twist her tender nipples, light tears forming in her eyes. She almost had the courage to protest, but this ended as her attacker threw her unceremoniously to the cold ground. Her small breasts were red with soreness now, her nipples raised from a mixture of the nippy temperature and Duskmon’s treatment.

A small object landed beside her. It took her several seconds to focus on it, identifying it as one of Duskmon’s armored shouldered plates, the eye almost seeming to stare at her. The understanding hit her like a brusque slap. He was undressing himself!

Izumi darted up in struggle, only to be dropped back to the ground by a sharp toe kick to the gut. Her eyes welled with thick, shining pools of tears. She fought the urge to weep. She knew what was to come. In the very least, she could remain stoic. It would be her last dignity.

The suspense was agonizing as Duskmon removed the rest of his dark armor, placing each individual article neatly on the ground. After he placed his mask and helm down, Izumi’s curiosity peaked. She stared up to the villain’s face, only to cringe at the sight.

It wasn’t fair. If he was unattractive, it would be easier for her to handle. However, the site above her only served to raise hidden hormones. He was gorgeous…his face stern with a strong jaw line, his body sleek yet muscular. Then…of course…there were certain parts of his anatomy between his legs. Izumi fought the desire to stare at his ‘pride and joy’, only to fail. This, of course, was just as attractive as the rest of him.

She hated this. If he was ugly, if nothing about him made her blush, then she could take it. She preferred the pain and disgust over the humiliation and shame of knowing that she could be attracted to such a monster. A beautiful tormentor was worse than a hideous one. At least with a grotesque monstrosity she wouldn’t have had to deal with the shame and guilt of considering that she may have, given other circumstances, begged for more. She'd rather her cheeks turn putrid green than rosy pink.

Duskmon wasted no time in positioning himself over the horrified child, his knees compressing Izumi’s hips. He continued his defilement of her breasts, kneading them roughly; inciting both sexual groans and yelps of pain. Duskmon moaned as well, savoring the soft feel of her breasts without his gauntlets. Duskmon, not being a eunuch as Ranamon had suggested he was after denying her company several times, licked his lips and grinned, feeling his member rise with a swelling, partial erection.

His right hand abruptly traveled down, sliding off Izumi’s skirt and slipping under her panties, rubbing her virgin sex. Izumi gasped loudly, arcing her back with the sudden wave of pleasure. She had never really felt anything like this before. Of course, she had experimented with herself on occasion, but she had never been touched by someone else.

Izumi, fighting off the mixture of pain and pure bliss, came to her senses and yelled out to anyone within earshot.

“Help me! Someone help! Please, for the love of God!

“No one can hear you.” Said Duskmon with a hint of jeering venom. “The darkness conceals all. Your screams fade along with everything else, as is the power of my darkness.”

Izumi’s reply was stifled as Duskmon leaned forward, forcing his tongue down the girl’s throat as his left hand abused her breast and his right grazed over her labia majora. The young virgin whimpered in vain, mentally screaming for anyone with a heartbeat to help her.

Duskmon released her breast, removed his hand from her panties, and retracted his tongue. Izumi sighed in relief, hoping that the first was over, only to be met with the Demon Man’s fully erect penis near her mouth.

“Do it…or I’ll make things worse for you.”

Izumi didn’t deny it. Even without armor he could hurt her in ways beyond imagination. The girl began with several tentative licks on the underside of his shaft, eliciting several sighs of approval. After going about this for thirty seconds, Izumi was met with an irritable growl. Duskmon had become tired of her simply lapping at his throbbing appendage, and brutally forced it down her unwilling throat.

Izumi gagged, almost breaking into tears as he orally raped her, thrusting into her mouth, making her deepthroat him. Izumi wanted nothing more than to give him the same treatment she gave Junpei, but she knew what would happen if she did. She couldn’t run, and he was already upon her. His gruesome throat rape didn’t relent, nine inches of meat forcing down Izumi’s mouth. She fought the urge to vomit as she was orally defiled, streams of precum dripping down her throat.

Duskmon pulled away from her, dismounting her face. This time, there was no sign of relief in the girl. She knew he wasn’t done. He hadn’t even climaxed yet. She simply spat to her side, wincing at what she had just done. She was on the verge of tears, her fists clenching, her knuckles turning white as she desperately batted away the urge to sob hysterically. What would they think after hearing she had pleasured someone as horrible as Duskmon? They would reject her, surely. They wouldn’t say it, but she could imagine the whispers of ‘slut’ and ‘whore’. It wasn’t right! Making love was supposed to be between people who loved each other! Where was the fairy tale story of true love? Where was the knight in shining armor? Where was the groom carrying her over the threshold? No…this wasn’t making love. This shouldn’t even constitute something as spiritual and fulfilling as sex. This was violence.

She had always imagined what her first time would be like. After an amazing wedding ceremony she would be swept off of her feet for a night of passionate lovemaking, surrounded by candles and soft music. Why was this happening to her? It couldn’t happen now. She was officially a harlot, cast out from society, never to find a man that could love and understand her. She curled on the ground in a pathetic fetal position, still fighting back a wave of tears. She wasn’t here! She wasn’t being tortured by this sick bastard! She was with her friends or at the mall or in a field of flowers. She whispered consoling lullabies to herself as she rocked back and forth, her hands shaking uncontrollably.

While she reverted to another world, blocking this incident out to the best of her ability, Duskmon lowered her panties to her knees, forcing open her legs. Izumi snapped to attention, staring at him with wide, fearful eyes.

“No! Please! Don’t do it! I’m begging you! Let me keep it! Don’t do this to me! Anything but that!"

Duskmon ignored her as he thrust his pulsating rod slammed into her, taking away the last remnants of her virginity. It was over…everything was over. Who would want her now? What would her groom say after discovering she was without her virginity…without her innocence? She couldn’t go back now. She couldn’t deny it. It was gone. Every romantic dream she ever had dissipated with the theft of her last shred of purity.

The pain was enormous, tearing through her fragile insides like a heated knife. Not only did he take her hymen, but he was much too long and thick for her, slamming his entire length with each thrust. Her walls stretched, thick streams of blood exhuming from her entrance.

She couldn’t give a damn about dignity now. She wept freely, tears streaming from her eyes, her cries of anguish disappearing into the sinful shadows around her. Her pleasure, masked by the indescribable pain, mounted and she climaxed, but she didn’t even notice as she buried her face in the ground to muffle her sobbing. In fact, she climaxed again…then once again, her silky fluids dampening the ground before Duskmon came to his peak, pulling out of her as he spread his seed onto her stomach and chest, stray remnants marking her cheek and sliding down in thin rivulets. He didn't have to pull out, of course. However...he found it much more of an indignity for a woman to be 'marked'.

Duskmon stood triumphantly as Izumi curled into a pitiful ball on the ground, clutching her knees to her chest as she bawled hysterically. Duskmon had done what he came to do. He had broken her…done to her what no physical torture could ever possibly achieve. He stared upon her quaking form, her eyes glassy and dull, crying softly, nearly inaudibly, caught in some sort of traumatized trance.

He had almost forgotten that she was but a child, unaware of certain aspects of himself. He had also forgotten about the effects of afterglow, as a wave of dizziness struck him. He wobbled somewhat, clutching his forehead. His eyes shot open as he heard a voice about him, outside of his protective darkness.

“Izumi! Where are you? Izumi!”

They were coming, or one of them at least. He quickly analyzed the situation. He was naked, weakened by his first sexual experience in quite some time. In fact…this may have been his first time. He couldn’t quite recall. At any rate, he was in no condition to fight anyone. He had planned to kill Izumi, but he had no time now. He cursed silently to himself, seething at the thought of disappointing Lord Kerpymon. With a wave of his hand, his area of darkness disappeared, and him along with it, leaving Izumi in a trembling form on the forest floor as she sobbed to herself.

“Izumi! Izumi! Where are you?”

Tomoki cupped his hands to his mouth to intensify the sound, bellowing his tiny voice to the best of his ability. He wished his voice was deeper, like Junpei’s or Koji’s, but he was still only eight. He didn’t know why Izumi traveled so far just to use the bathroom. He toyed with that idea that it was because how Junpei always wants to see what she uses the toilet with. Tomoki was curious about what girls had down there too, but he didn’t go snooping around their skirts.

Tomoki soon came upon Izumi, blushing slightly as he saw her pull up her skirt and smooth out her shirt rather hurriedly.

The older girl gasped and turned to the boy before turning back again, seeming to cover herself.

“Izumi…are you crying?”

It was true. She was still teary and shaken. She had barely even had time to put her bra and panties back after Duskmon’s departure. Tomoki had no idea how much he had helped her.

“Um…yes…I fell.”

It was a ridiculous excuse, even to Tomoki. The front of her was caked with blood and some sort of thick, white substance that the young boy couldn’t quite identify. Tomoki flinched to see that most of the blood was trailing down her leg from whatever lay between her knees.

“But you don’t look like you-”

“I told you that I fell!"

Tomoki backed up, slightly frightened. Usually, Izumi was more understanding and gentle than that.

“Something happened…you didn’t fall down, but it made you cry. When you’re sad, it makes me sad. Maybe you can tell me what is making you feel like that, then I won’t feel like that either.”

Izumi wanted to slap him. He had no idea how she fucking felt! Still…he was a child. He didn’t know…and he shouldn’t know. He was far too young. Izumi sighed, walking to the boy and placing her hands on his shoulders, kneeling to his height. Tomoki noticed that her hands were shaking, and that she reeked of an odor he couldn't quite identify. He was actually a bit disgusted at the fact she was covered in...some kind of...translucent gunk. Not to mention the blood. Tomoki had a relatively weak stomach, but he fought it off, afraid that he would upset Izumi.

“If you don’t want me sad…then don’t tell anyone what happened here, okay? Don’t tell anyone how I fell, or how I looked when you found me.”

Tomoki nodded slightly, very confused. Even while she was speaking to him, she looked ready to break down. Every once in a while a stream of tears slipped down her cheeks and she would wipe them away with her forearm.

“Promise, Tomoki?”



“I’m not supposed to swear.”

Izumi smiled slightly at his response, even though it was a forced, grim smile.

“Good. You shouldn’t swear. That’s a very good boy.”

Tomoki asked no more questions. They wandered a bit until they found a fresh lake where Izumi washed herself off, not to mention her clothes. Tomoki, of course, had waited politely just out of sight. Izumi was grateful...not just because she didn't want him to see her naked...but because she didn't want to see her cry as she furiously scrubbed herself. She didn't think it would really be like this...but it was. She felt dirty...and she couldn't get clean. Luckily, her D-Tector was found a short ways away, dropped by Duskmon during his departure. They joined up with the group several minutes later, the boys teasing Izumi for getting lost and falling down in the woods. Izumi…simply stared at the ground, not bothering to respond. The teasing stopped after some time, as Izumi didn't bother to join in. Usually they had quite a time passing around playful jokes and mock insults about each other...but Izumi didn't seem in the mood. Later, just before they settled down for the night, Junpei commented on how she wasn't being any fun and that her bad mood shouldn't be brought down on everyone else. "She's being selfish! She isn't caring about anyone but herself. As if she has anything to complain about here. We go out of out way to protect her, and she acts like she has all the problems! I have callouses on my feet too, but I don't let it bum myself out!" Upon hearing this Izumi promptly moved away from the group so that they wouldn't hear her cry herself to sleep.

“Kouichi…we need to talk.”

Izumi had been planning this for some time. After an incident involving the purification of the Spirit of Darkness, it seemed as if Kouichi had reformed. She was surprised to see a new side to him, innocent and sweet, quiet and thoughtful…the exact opposite of Duskmon.

It had been a very…lengthy expanse of time since the incident with Duskmon. Although she masked her emotions from everyone else to the best of her abilities, she felt herself reverting at times. Junpei had ceased his perversion all together after several occasions when, after peering up Izumi’s skirt, she had lashed out at him, curled into a corner and bursting into tears. It had taken hours for Junpei to calm her down before she finally accepted his apology. Junpei, baffled at the thought, missed the days when she just kicked him in his gems and got it over with. He took the message, as did everyone else, but didn’t ask questions. Although Takuya had felt the need to interrogate her on her odd behavior, he had been stopped by Kouji, saying that it’s her business and not his. When Tomoki was probed for knowledge of events, he merely replied with “Maybe she doesn’t want to fall down again.” Nothing more was said concerning the matter.

Izumi had made sure they were alone; the rest of the group asleep at the campsite as she dragged Kouichi to a vacant forest clearing. She was surprised at herself, not really as afraid of him as she thought she’d be. She knew he did it, but he was nothing like Duskmon was. It was relieving actually, knowing that she didn’t have to deal with that…thing anymore.

“Yes Izumi?”

Izumi actually giggled at seeing Kouichi blush. It wasn’t because of her ‘feminine qualities’ at all. He had some sort of social anxiety, Izumi assumed. He behaved that way whenever he was talked to directly, slumping down while his cheeks burned like plump cherries.

Izumi's reply was blunt. “It’s about Duskmon."

“What about…Duskmon?” Kouichi replied sheepishly.

Izumi inhaled and exhaled heavily, sweating at her temples slightly.


She stopped herself. It wasn’t right to compare the person before her to Duskmon.

“Duskmon…he…you remember when he…took advantage of me.”

The final part of her sentence came as a meek whisper, carrying off into the stillness of the night. It was followed by a long, eerie silence, both children suddenly finding their shoelaces to be quite interesting. Izumi considered breaking the silence…but was gruffly stopped by a light, whispering sound that singed the air slightly. She looked up…at Kouichi…realizing that it was him. Was he laughing? Laughing at her for what happened? Her disbelief subsided for pity…as she found him to be caught in the polar opposite of laughter.

Several more sobs escaped the young boy’s lips, visible signs of tears forming in his eyes. He dropped to his knees, hugging Izumi tightly about her waist, crying feverishly.

“I’m sorry! Dear God, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it! Forgive me! Please forgive me!”

The cool night air panged with waves of weeping, the sobs caressing the dark atmosphere and floating lethargically into the skies. It hurt…for the both of them it hurt. Izumi had her innocence taken away…but Kouichi was forced to take it, his own virtue dying along with hers. They were both soiled now…marked by the shadows of the past. It was odd but…by this one experience…they understood each other...they had a connection with one another. They knew what it was like…and now they had someone to cry with.

Izumi stooped the ground, burying her face on Kouichi’s shoulder as they comforted one another with their sorrow, the sinful shadows finally lifting from their shoulders.

(Okay…first lemon ever…so go easy on the flames! Keep in mind that I don’t want my fics focused on sex, but rather the fact that the sexual situations heightens the drama and plot. Also…I really wanted to make a Kouichi fic in which he isn’t involved in incestuous Yaoi. No offense to all of you Koji/Kouichi fans of course. ^^)
hmm violent, remorseful, detailed nice job makes sense with duskmon and kouichi
UnknownH Wrote:hmm violent, remorseful, detailed nice job makes sense with duskmon and kouichi

I tried to focus more on the mental process of rape, rather than the physical one. I don't like writing lemons unless the sex is vital to the dramatic elements of it.
Well, I absolutely despise the plot with every fiber of my existence, but I think that's what you were going for, a strong reaction. As far as your writing goes, you're pretty fucking talented. You managed to have a lot of detail, but you still kept it as fairly interesting detail, which isn't easy to do. You used a lot of nice language too, some really good word choice. If you can bring your talent into a more enjoyable story, you might have something. You know, I seem to recall certain people picking on me for hinting that Kouichi would rape Izumi (for the record, I meant after death), but you actually went through with it.

Quote:She had always imagined what her first time would be like. After an amazing wedding ceremony she would be swept off of her feet for a night of passionate lovemaking, surrounded by candles and soft music.
Then stay tuned to the next chapter in my series.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Wow. Never thought the plot would actually be insulted. Heh...whatever. Constructive criticism is a good thing. At least I got complimented on my writing ability. Rock on. 8)

By the way, I always try to improve a little every time I write a it'd be great if someone could point out exactly what I need to improve upon and why. I get more from criticism than praise. ^^
Quote:By the way, I always try to improve a little every time I write a it'd be great if someone could point out exactly what I need to improve upon and why. I get more from criticism than praise. ^^
Your writing style is great; I just don't like stories where people get raped, especially the female lead in my own series. You see, since I base all of my own writing somewhat on my life, I take every well written story as something that's actually happening in some world. When someone's about to be raped, and I know about it, I feel it's my heroic duty to stop it. Being unable to stop it makes me feel helpless. Does that clarify my opinion? Take comfort in knowing that you wrote well enough to make me take it seriously, occuring in my fictional world.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Wisemon Wrote:
Quote:By the way, I always try to improve a little every time I write a it'd be great if someone could point out exactly what I need to improve upon and why. I get more from criticism than praise. ^^
Your writing style is great; I just don't like stories where people get raped, especially the female lead in my own series. You see, since I base all of my own writing somewhat on my life, I take every well written story as something that's actually happening in some world. When someone's about to be raped, and I know about it, I feel it's my heroic duty to stop it. Being unable to stop it makes me feel helpless. Does that clarify my opinion? Take comfort in knowing that you wrote well enough to make me take it seriously, occuring in my fictional world.

I see. the very least, be comforted by the fact that Kouichi was remorseful in the end and the story led to a tearful, comforting embrace. It's kind of symbolic.

Izumi: Rape victim

Duskmon: Rapist

Tomoki, Takuya, Junpei, and Koji: Rape victim's friends and family

Kouichi: Fellow rape victim in which the original victim finds comfort and closure, similar to a support group.

Of course, there are key differences. It's only a light metaphor, as Kouichi had to deal with raping Izumi rather than being raped himself. Of may also be interpreted differently as Kouichi being the rapist, and the corrupted Spirit of Darkness being some form of alcohol or drug that altered his mind.

At any rate...there was closure! I might even do a follow-up fic with Izumi and Kouichi as the couple. Concensul this time, of course.