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Maybe I'm the only person who does this, but I like to print out hard copies of pictures and stories that I enjoy. I also print out all of my own work.

The only problem is that I don't live alone and my parents don't know about my collection. So now I live in constant fear that I'm going to come home to all my doujins and pictures laid out on the kitchen table and my parents saying "Care to Explain?"

My mother nearly discovered my collection (which is now stored in a few closing manila folders) that I kept in my desk, when she tried to clean my room for company. So I moved it into my pillow but that is only temporary.

So now I ask you all.

Where do you keep any paper that shouldn't be seen by others?
Simple...you eat it...the folder's the bread and the papers are the inside, like white cheese...with mustard...that way no one will find out and you can RELISH them for until the spicy juice digest 'em into practical somethingness...wait...if you're thinking about viewing them...hmmm...oh! Get an X-ray! And you can read them upside-downwards-diagonially...wait, they'd still get digested though...hmm...ya know what? It's hard for me to be any kinds of serious so, perhaps I'm not the best of the worst of the sort of EXTREMELY in the middle kind of person you want to get entangled in ideas with...ah well, at least I can brighten the mood...dude...oh!
Well I don't keep paper anymore but I used to keep written and printed stories high up in a box in the closet where I knew the rest of my family was to short to reach.
You could always get yourself a Lockbox, or even simply keep a DIGITAL copy of your favourite stories and artwork on a USB datastick or External HDD. If you do this, you can just burn or bin your physical copies
I do keep digital copies on a flash drive.

But those are the only digital copies.

I mainly keep my physical ones as back ups - as backwards as that sounds

Since I have no job, I don't have my own computer. And due to the nature of the files in question, I can't keep them on my parent's. I also enjoy having the physical copies so that when I get bored and somebody else is using the computer, I can still flip through my favorites.

I do have two flash drives though, Maybe I should put copies on the other one...
That's a better idea then keeping physical copies my friend.
Then I shall probably end up doing that...

Poor physical pictures of Renamon...
They have to be tossed...
Phase One: collect underpants.

Phase Two: ???

...wait. Wrong plan. Who's plan is this anyway?

*digging through files*

Ah, here we go.

Phase One: Get a really big book. "The Complete Encyclopedia Of World Aircraft" is one I'd recommend, seeing as how if you get caught, you can just say you're looking at airplanes.

Phase Two: ditch the Files and slip a single page in between each page of the book. Keep them in order, so you can just flip through the book and enjoy.

Phase Three: Keep the book somewhere where they would notice it, but never suspect what's inside it. Throw it under a bunch of other stuff or something.

Phase Four: ???(if you can't figure out what to do with porn, it's not my problem.

Phase Five: PROFIT!!!
I like your plan...

But it has a few fatal flaws...

Big books are expensive and I have a grand total of about three bucks...

I like my files... I can carry them anywhere... unlike a huge book...

How would I make profit?

EDIT: Holy Shit! I was looking through my seventh grade backpack for an Ozzy CD and I found a file folder with, like, 200 neko pictures in it! Where am I going to put these?!?!
If you have one of those ceilings with the removable tiles.. Put them up on one of those.. If not, then a couple of folders in your underwear drawer would work (Unless your mom still puts away your laundry... And if that's the case you probably are too young to be here..) An alternative would be spreading the pics and stories out into several folders which you place under your mattress at the foot of your bed.
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