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Avy: 10/10. disturbing and yiffy.

Siggy: *gasp* more stuff! 9/10. not really my thing :P
Avy: 9/10 Yay for Guilmon clips!

Sig: 9/10 Kinda funny.
Avy: funny as hell!! 10/10

Sig: woot! 10/10 go nine-tails!!
Avy: Woot, hawt angel chick! 10/10

Sig: Yay, arts! 9/10
Avy: very true! 10/10!

Sig: Nine tailed fox! whoaZ! 10/10z
Avitar: IT WORKS! ^_^ 10/10
Siggie: Nine-tailed Kitsune (right?)! GOD MODE!! 10(million)/10

Avitar: SNAKE!!! <3<3<3 *yiffs* 407532986759726262/10
Siggie: Ech-what? :P Still cool, even if I don't get it. 10/10
Ava: Implodey circle thingie...

Siggie: wholey crap! Flash music video/concert thing! O_o;
Avy: KICK-ASS!!!! 10/10

Sig: !!!!!!!!! NINJA BURG3R!! XD 11/10
Avy: .... *YIFF* \1000/100!
Sig: YAY FOR PICTURES!! 10/10z!
Avy:W00t! soldier! 1000/10

Siggie: wow...even chicks can be ninjas! J/k i know they're spies.