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Full Version: Respond to above poster's sig
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What the hell? Why didn't Boss get the avy rated? Or did I get it wrong?

Avy: Cool guy holding blue sword. I like blue.

Sig: It has a dragon, casually my cousin George. 189211/10.
Crimson: Guess this means I get to rate DMX's stuff.

DMX's Avatar: Can't go wrong with the guy with the cool sword.
DMX's Sig: Damn, I should really find and play that game when I get the chance. Oh, and I liked the quote also.
Crimson Avatar: is a sweet small pic if Vincet
Crimson Sig: Looks Vincent is on acid :?
Yeah, I've already been looking for a better sig, but I've got nothing so far. Eh, oh well.

CrazyWeredragon's Avatar: Nice pic of a dragon and I like dragons (second only to foxes, heh).
CrazyWeredragon's Signature: Ah, I remember that line from when I read the Hobbit, it's okay I guess.
Avy: Dark, cool, I like it. Give me a few minutes and I can probably find you a moving one like DMX's.

Sig: Gotta love the vampire. And that cerberus gun rocks.
Shadow's Avy: Can't deny that Squall's awesome, shame you can't get that animated one to fit.

Sig: It is the king of signatures, well done! Not a bad quote either.
Me must vote DMX's!

Avy: Gotta love animated avatars. And also, gotta love Breath of Fire, unless it's not from there. X3

Signature: I can't complain - Me and Dot made it. JOY! *dances around like a lunatic*
Yah, thanks again :)

Ehh... look 't that.

Avy: Dunno who's that. But me likes.

Sig: Uhh... neither do I know those two. But they look kewl.
Vergil, from Devil May Cry 3. X3 *gets ready to try and smuggle you into the country so you can play on his PS2*
Avy: Virgil could totally kick Dante's ass if I hadn't been controlling Dante.

Sig: Virgil still rocks, and I like the quotes in the picture and below it.