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yes we all know how hard that is
Well I just got back from a nice afternoon with her. We went out to lunch, my sister came too, and then went to see the new baby in our family. We talked about a lot of fun but meaningless stuff and then we got on the subject of girl1, I asked her why she thought I still liked girl1 and she said it was because of the "I love girl1" sign I made when I was drunk. She said she heard that true feelings come out when your drunk. I wanted to say so you heard me say I like you and not her when I was drunk right? But I didn't. I'll leave it to some other time. I just stressed to her that I no longer like girl1.

the best thing that came out of today is that I found out that she likes the white valentine conversation hearts, so for v-day I'm gonna sort out a whole bunch of the white ones into a valentines jar and give them to her with a little stuffed animal.
wow now that's attraction sorting out candies just for one kind and twice that when they don't taste good
Yeah I don't like those either (the Sweetart ones rule though), and it will be a pain to sort them but whatever, it's all good if she likes them.
yeah really that's all that matters
Quote:She said she heard that true feelings come out when your drunk. I wanted to say so you heard me say I like you and not her when I was drunk right? But I didn't. I'll leave it to some other time. I just stressed to her that I no longer like girl1.
Didn't Girl 2 say she liked hearing you drunk? You should've known it was a trap.
Nah, not really a trap. I've been thinking about it and I have a few conclusions.

1) She is hesitant to date me so she's looking for excuses to put it off, because she dosen't want me to suddenly realize I like Girl1 again

2) She just considers me a good friend, the fact that we hang out and talk all the time is just her trying to ignore the fact that she isn't getting attention from that other guy (who she claims to not like, but I'm not so sure)

3) We both like each other and are just being stupid!

I'm actually leaning on #2 unfortunetly.
hmm quite the question let's hope you get the right answer
Well she called me late last night, or early this morning and told me she went out to lunch with the other guy...and said it was a bad time. Which is good for me. We had a nice conversation with ended like this.

Me: "Well as fun as it is to talk with you I have to get up early, so I'll see you at work?"
Her: "I can't wait."
Me: "Yeah."
Me & Her "Bye" "Goodnight"

And I may be making things up in my head, or hearing things (I still need to ask her if I hung up in the middle of her saying something) but I swear she started to say "i love you" I swear I caught the I lov- part before I hung up. So maybe she slipped it, or maybe it was something else, who knows.

So things could have somewhere to go because she didn't have fun with him, and we always have fun so who knows.
yeah that's good for you
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