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No that's him being an idiot. If they didn't have some pretty good reviews I might not watch Xplay cause of some of the horrible jokes and a few nintendo comments. (they are right about some anime games though but I might like the FMA games so I quit caring what they said about any but nintendo a while ago)
Yeah, I think I can tell, for myself, how well boobs look... I'm, like most people, prefer to know about gameplay. At least I hope that is the majority.

I only read reviews... even then I may ignore some parts and read the descriptions. Some pics and videos help as well.
[quote]Also is it just me or does these game critics all seem like their not very good gamers? They said that in RE4 that the shopping was interesting. Saying that it is difficult to decide whether or not you should upgrade your current weapons or purchase new ones. I didn
Quote:No that's him being an idiot. If they didn't have some pretty good reviews I might not watch Xplay cause of some of the horrible jokes and a few nintendo comments. (they are right about some anime games though but I might like the FMA games so I quit caring what they said about any but nintendo a while ago)

A lot of anime games get bad reviews, I guess you just have to be a fan, that way your capable of looking past the flaws and can enjoy the game for what it is. Like the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex game on the PS2 got a bad review from GameInformer. They said it was THE worst anime game ever but I really enjoyed it, but that's because I'm a fan of Ghost in the Shell. I also liked the two Inuyasha games, Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairytale on the PS1 and Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask on the PS2 (I haven't played the new Inuyasha: Feudal Combat game yet though) but those too got trashed by critics. So really you can't always trust critics. After all, reviews are all just personal opinions anyway, so most of the time just go with your gut.

Actually, I also kinda want to play the Full Metal Alchemist games.

Quote:What kind of idiot does have problems like this? It seems pretty simple to me: Save your game and go buy the new weapon, if you like it continue, if you don't reset the fucking thing! How is that so hard to understand?

Exactly! That's what I did most of the time! I guess the people that have this problem are all just wanting to rush through the game.
Well... Sucks to be them.
Dead or Alive is my most favorite fighting game and I'm really excited about DOA 4 but in the recent Game Informer I read a thing about Team Ninja and Bungie teaming up just to put in a Spartan and a level from Halo 2 in. This has got to be THE most stupid thing I have read in a long time! What the fuck are they smoking!? I haven't been this irritated since the Revolution controller! Here's a quot from one of the people from Bungie, "...we just think the idea of putting a Spartan into a DOA game totally kicks ass."

Well it doesn't butt-munchers!!! In fact it down right sucks! Halo wasn't that great of a game anyway. If you where to ask me what I thought of Halo I'd say I think of it the same way I think of Advent Rising: The story seems interesting but the game isn't something to make a big deal about, but since I've already started it, I might as well finish it. (A lot of Halo fanboys would really like to rip my throat out right about now... Well fuck you!)

After reading that I decided to watch the trailer to Metal Gear Solid 4 that I downloaded a while back and that cheered me up. Ah Metal Gear... How I love you so...

Can anyone understand why people are making such a fuss over the new King Kong movie? Sure it
Jack Thompson is now no longer just attacking the video game industry but rather it and Japan. He claims that video games are "Pearl Harbor 2" brought in by the Japanese. When asked why he would say something so insensitive he resonded with, "Insensitive? What the Japanese are doing to our kids is insenstive and racist. The Japanese have for a very long time dumped pornography into this country in a fashion they would not tolerate in they
Quote:"...the defendants have turned the tables with a motion to have Thompson dismissed from the case, as well as have his privilege to practice law in Alabama revoked for violations of legal ethics."

Jack unfortunately is being allowed to stay on the Alabama court case though.

Oh and get this, after saying that bigoted comment he wrote a letter to the Japanese Ambassador asking for a helping hand. Well he won't get a hand but I'm sure the Ambassador will be more than willing to give him the finger.
Face it the man doesn't have very many bridges left to burn. Any politician, pundit or lobbyist that would still ally themselves with Thompson after he actually had the audacity to attack an ethnic group in a generalization let alone relate it to one of the biggest tragedies in recent history has got to be the most self-destructive, career-killing idiot in the US.

Getting angry at Thompson for his obvious insanity at this point would be a fool
Sounds like a good plan.
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