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Actually yes, we should wait to see how it feels and works. Plus what add ons the package in to play any other games.
Quote:I agree with ya =) , now that you say it i also think it will be a new genre.

Thank you. I was actually worried a bit that someone would call me an idiot.

Quote:Actually yes, we should wait to see how it feels and works. Plus what add ons the package in to play any other games.

I suppose you're right... but just the thought of it...

Moving on...
Have you ever played a game that was so bad that you tried to convince your self that it wasn't THAT bad but then after a while you say to your self, "This SUCKS!"?

Well I have.

The game was called "Spy Fiction," ever hear of it? It's on the PS2. Anyway the game begins with you selecting one of the two characters, a male character (whom's name don't remember because I couldn't care less about him) and a female character named Sheila(who's the only good thing about the game!) After you've made a selection you have to get to the mission site via a Halo Jump. The first level in this game is actually the last level as well only at the end of the game it's just longer and more annoying. So you sort of know right from the get go how the game is going to wrap up. Sound rancid already? Wait, it get's worse. Right at the end of the first level one of your comrades gets killed, woopity-do! It not like I knew him! And then it goes on of those flashbacks and that's the entire game until the end level.

Also the supporting cast isn't too thrilling either, like the tech geek who is a total pompous ass who goes on and on about how great he and the crap he makes is even though you never start a level with his toys but break open crates in the enemy's own labs and pick up a gadget and you'll get a call from him and say he invented that (and no it wasn't stolen by the bad guys it's just magically there also I don
I know how you feel with the Revolution's controller, it looks too much like a remote control to me. Then again I wasn't to thrilled with the GameCube controller either. Kind of makes me glad I
I haven't play katamari but it seems fun, and drug induced. And I'll get the revolution anyway, what else would I get? Sega doesn't make consoles and I haven't seen anything of the PS3 I like yet. And since those are the only companies that make or did make consoles what else would I get.
(and that yaoi stuff, gross! the king has a wife and he's huge! Really gross.)
I was watch this thing not too long ago about the Hong Kong Movie Industry and I was just glued to the TV screen. I LOVE Martial Arts so much and I was really enjoying hearing about the "Evolution" the Martial Arts movies have gone through over the course of the years.

They mentioned about how Japanese movies (Samurai movies in particular) inspired Hong Kong movies (ya' know the whole one slash taking down multiple foes or the pause then collapse thing). One of the things in Martial Arts movies that I've always enjoyed was one person taking on one score after another of enemies. They motioned how that apparently didn't settle well with some American viewers though, they didn't believe that a man could take on so many opponents and walk away from it, that they wanted reality in their movies.
Hey I'm American and I can't get enough of that and what's the point of going to a movie if all you're gonna see is everyday crap!? That's why "Hero" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" are so damn good.

There was also this part where they talking about this one movie where the director was wanting to use every Chinese weapon in one scene and so he was talking to everyone about all the weapons and this one he talked about was really interesting. It's a pole weapon with three blades at the end and the most dangerous part of the weapon was actually in between the middle and one of the side blades because if you get your arm caught there then the other person can twist the pole and trap your arm and then yank on it and it'll pull your arm right out of the socket!

Then there was this other movie with this made up weapon called "The Flying Guillotine" (which was also the name of the movie) and it what does is you hold onto a chain and toss the Guillotine onto someone's head and then you pull the chain and some blades come out and chops the person's head clean off (or at least as clean as it gets).

So anyway while I was watch this little TV special I realized that a lot of western made movies are really dull... I don't think in the last two years (maybe more) that there has been a single western made movie that has made me say, "Oh I gotta see that!" I mean I like a lot of western made movies but none of them really get me excited like Chinese or Japanese movies do. Course that's not too say that I'm like, "If it ain't Asian it's CRAP!!!" Because that would just be ridiculous...

Oh and by the way you know how a lot of Chinese weapons have that red patch of hair (I don
http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=165 I didn't think it was serious till now. Man, it's strange considering it won't play DVDs if I'm not mistaken.
Really? Who said that?
Actually I think I heard that Nintendo was doing the same thing as Sony and doing that whole Blu-Ray thing. I could be wrong though. In any case I'm pretty sure the Revolution will play DVDs. But even if not is it really that big of a deal? DVD Players are getting cheaper these days plus without the DVD Player function it might cut down on the retail price.

Anyway I don
Don't forget any old MSG games on the old systems too.
Recently I was thinking about my days back in school and I remembered some stupid shit that I'd like to share. But before I go into the stories I'm just gonna say, because the first story revolves around it, that I'm Hispanic.

Back when I was in 5th grade, I think, I was on the bus with my friend and we were talking and all of a sudden a little kid (he looked like he was in 1st grade) in the next seat called me a "Red Skin." I didn't know what was more sad, the fact he was incapable of telling the difference between a Hispanic and a Native American or the fact that he was so young and was already a bigot, well probably the latter (I would hate to meet his parents). Before I could say anything my friend (who isn't Hispanic, he's White) leaps up and says, "You little jackass! What the hell is your problem!? First of all he's Hispanic and secondly what the hell do you have against Native Americans!?"

By that time the bus driver came to the back and asked what was going on and we told her that that little kid was a racist and of course the kid denied it but luckily a girl and her friend sitting in front of us said that the kid was saying offensive things and so the kid got a detention. But then I said, "Oh yeah, that'll help him get over his stupidity. What this kid needs is to get his butt kicked numerous times!" And I got yelled at for that...

Now before the next story I need to say this, English is my only language and I don't have an accent. Also I had this problem when I was speaking that I would replace some of my Rs with Ws so every once in a while I'd sound like an idiot as my teachers made me feel. It just irritated them so much for some reason so they made me take "Special Classes" (that's what they called it. Yeah that made me feel good about myself...) to help me with this problem I had. They also didn't like that I was Left Handed or the way I held my pencil but it was the R thing that they hated the most. But eventually my mother found out in a Parent/Teacher Conference and asked me if I really wanted this and I told her that I hated it so she demanded that they stopped at once.

Man did they hate my mother, they hated that she would stand up for me and that she would point out that they were assholes and morons.

Anyway in 7th grade I would from time to time do that R/W thing and the people at the school actually thought I was German. I don't know what gave them that impression but that's what they thought.

In 3rd grade I got the Chickenpox and like any normal person I stayed home and a week after it had broke out my teachers were demanding that I come back to school but I really shouldn
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