Empty Hearts

Author: DarkJester
Rating: XXX
Type: Lemon (sex between two digimon)
18+ only please!

After watching Digimon a few times, I started showing in interest in it. The digimon are much like pokemon but possibly even more intelligent since all can talk! And their digilutions are dam powerful. Well, this lemon is about Gatomon (for you who don't know, the one that looks like a cat) and Armadillomon (who looks like a uhh... armadillo) need I say more besides enjoy? I think not! Hope you like it.

Chapter 1 
The nighttime was peaceful and all through the meadow, nothing was scurrying, not even a sparrow. (I did my best...) Except for a small digimon named Armadillomon.
"Cody.... Cody wake up.... please...." Armadillomon says shaking him as he snoozes in a sleeping bag under the clear night sky, along with the rest of the group.
"Zzzzzz..... huh? *Groan* who's there?" Cody says drowsily, rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?"
"Cody.... I need to talk to you!" Armadillomon tells him with eagerness him his voice.
Cody looks around for where the voice is coming from and then spots Armadillomon sitting in top of his sleeping bag staring at him. "Oh it's you Armadillomon..... what is it?"
"I know it's late.... but it can't wait! It's starting to affect me....." Armadillomon explains to him, sounding worried in his voice.
"What is?" Cody asks still very tired.
"Well.... I've been with you for a while but..... that whole time I've never actually been in love..... and the fact is that I'm very lonely.... I wanted to know if you could help somehow cause... I'm not fully myself without someone to fill in the gap in my heart...." Armadillomon explains nervously.
"Zzzzzz......" Cody snored as Armadillo finished, fast asleep again.
"Cody? Cody..... sigh....." Armadillomon says asks as he shakes his head and gives up, walking off a little ways behind a patch of grass.
At about the same time, Gatomon wakes up and spots Armadillomon walking into the patch of Grass and wonders what's going on and being the curious cat that she is, she follows him.

Armadillomon sighs and slumps down on the soft grass ad sighs again. "What can I do..... I have no one.... and all the times I've tried I've failed...." He looks up in the sky and tears a little. "My heart is so empty...." He then buries his head in his arms and cries.
The whole time Gatomon listens from behind the patch of grass and by hearing what Armadillomon was saying, she suddenly felt very sorry for him so sneaks into the patch of grass with Armadillomon and rubs his back. "Armadillomon..... I heard it all.... is there anything I can do?"
Armadillomon gasps and looks at her and gulps. "Y.... you were listening?"
"Yes..... I'm I feel very sorry for you about it....." She says passionately.
"This isn't your problem.... there's nothing you can do....." He replies sadly. "But at least there is someone who cares....."
"Oh I bet there are others who care...." Gatomon says trying to cheer him up.
But Armadillomon just looks away and cries a little more. Gatomon looks at him and kisses his cheek. "I care...."
Armadillomon the looks back at her in slight shock and smiles a little. "Really?"
"Yes.... I always have... to tell you the truth.... I've always thought you were quite cute....." Gatomon tells him in a whisper.
That causes Armadillomon to blush a light red and reply, "That's sweet Gatomon....."
Gatomon smiles and lays her left paw on his back. "I've thought you were real cute...."
Armadillomon smiles at her even wider and lies down. "Tanks Gatomon.... you've made me feel a lot better...."
"Sure.... always glad to help...." Gatomon replies smiling and begins to walk away.
"Hey Gatomon...." Armadillomon suddenly says to her as she walks away.
"Yeah?" She asks turning around. 
"Want to cuddle for the night? It's kind of cold anyways....." Armadillomon asks her with a smile.
Gatomon just stares at him for a few seconds and then smiles, "I'd like that...." She then walks next to him and squeezes underneath his right forearm, purring softly. 
Armadillomon smiles at her and hugs her closer, feeling her warm fur on his rough skin. "Your so warm...."
"Purr.... thanks Armadillomon," She replies, laying her tail against his backside and then slowly falls asleep.
Armadillomon looks down at her sleeping body and sighs happily, saying in his mind, "I think.... I think I've finally found that missing piece of my heart...." Then he kisses her lightly on the head and dozes off under the night sky as well. 

Chapter 2 
Morning comes and Armadillomon was sleeping on his back with a small smile, alone. "Mmm.... that's nice...." He says in his sleep. He then slowly opens his eyes and looks around. He sees the sun on the horizon and gets back on his feet and yawns. "Gatomon? Where are you?" Not seeing Gatomon anywhere around, he leaves the small patch of grass and rejoins the group and finds them all gone. 
"*Gasp* Where did everyone go? Cody? Davis? Hawkmon? Where is everyone?" He yells out as he walks around looking for them. He the hears a small digging sound from behind and looks that way, seeing Gatomon digging in the dirt for something. He smiles and sneaks up behind her unexpectedly and jumps at her screaming, "I've got ya!" 
Gatomon screams and turns around in a sudden twist and scratches blindly at what scared her. Armadillomon stands there for a few seconds and stares at Gatomon until a drop of blood runs down his face and he realizes what happened as the pains suddenly shoots through his head as he screams and holds his right claw on his forehead.
Gatomon blinks and realizes what she did as she sees the three big gashes across his face from her claw. "Oh no! Armadillomon are you ok?"
"You cut right through my shell....." He says as he watches a small stream of blood run down his cheek and drip into a small puddle on the soft ground just as he passes out.
"Aaaahhhh! Armadillomon! Someone heeellllpppp!" She screams as her heart races, seeing the blood run from Armadillomon's forehead.
Just then the rest of the group runs up from behind hearing the screams. "Gatomon what..... what the heck?" Kari asks but it then turned to the attention of the unconscious, bleeding armadillo. 
"Armadillomon!! Gatomon what happened?" Cody asks worried as he leans down next to Armadillomon.
"He... he scared me.... I freaked out and attacked him accidentally..... I... I didn't mean to......" Gatomon explains in a very nervous voice as she begins to cry. "I'm so sorry!!"
"It's ok Gatomon, we know you didn't mean to, right now we need to help him. Someone get me a first aid kit on the double!" Kevin yells out.
"I got it!" Yolei answers as she runs up to Armadillomon with a first aid kit in her hand. She quickly opens it and takes out some soft padding. 
"T.K., come over here and hold his head up. Cody, hold this padding here on the cut, try to slow the bleeding," She tells them, taking out some white bandage wrap from the kit.

As they work on Armadillomon, the other digimon try to calm Gatomon down. "Please don't hate yourself Gatomon, we all know it was an accident..." Hawkmon tells her with his wing on her shoulder.
Gatomon holds up her claws with Armadillomon's blood on them and shouts, "Look at this, this is his blood! On MY claws! It was MY fault!!!" 
"Come on Gatomon, please calm down..... we hate to see you like this...." Veemon tells her. 
"I can't help it! Look what I did to him!" She shouts crying and pointing to Armadillomon on the ground. 
They all sigh and comfort her at best they can as the group finishes bandaging him up.
"There, all done! Now I suggest we return to the real world and let him rest for a few days," Yolei explains to them.
They all nod and reply at the same time, "Right!" Then Cody picks up Armadillomon carefully who's still unconcious as the rest of them get their Digimon and prepare to leave.

Chapter 3
(A few hours later at Kari's house)
"Come on Gatomon, please get some rest, I hate to see you so upset." Kari asks worriedly as she rubs the top of Gatomon's head while Gatomon sits in her lap saddened.
"How can I calm down!? Armadillomon is in a lot of pain and it's all my fault!" Gatomon shouts whimpering. 
"Maybe so but what you did was only an uncontrollable reaction, everyone gets scared. It was an accident Gatomon, these things happen, you aren't to blame," Kari tells her trying to comfort her further.
"Yes I am!" She screams as she raises her claws to her face. "Look at these claws! They are responsible for the unnecessary pain I caused to Armadillomon! He probably hates me now." She begins to cry.
Kari sighs and decides the only thing left to do is to give her possibly the only medicine that will help her and slowly moves her left hand down to Gatomon's tiny clitoris, touching is lightly while saying to her, "Now relax Gatomon, try to enjoy this, for me."
Gatomon gasps a little and doesn't know how to respond so just sits there silently, looking down at Kari's hand. Kari then slowly rubs slowly and softly, trying not to make her uncomfortable. Gatomon blinks and sits there a little longer until she feels a small wave of pleasure run through her whole body which makes her jump slightly and crack a small smile. 
Kari sees the smile and smiles herself. "I'm glad to see you enjoying this," She says, rubbing a little faster and harder. "And hopefully this'll be enough to cheer you up." She then says in her head as she hugs Gatomon closer.
Gatomon purrs and licks her lips from the delightful pleasure as she uses her right paw to help speed up Kari's hand. Kari giggles at Gatomon's eagerness and pushes a finger slightly into Gatomon's vagina, making it leak a little. Gatomon moans and helps along Kari's hand with her own paw, panting a little and smiling even bigger. Kari keeps rubbing in slightly farther, her hand getting quite soaked by Gatomon's juices as Gatomon moans louder and louder as Kari continues on.
"Oh K...Kari I. I'm going to climax!!" Gatomon shouts as she pants heavily, spreading her legs wider.
Kari nods and hurriedly grabs a small washcloth from the laundry next to her bed that she's sitting by and sets it underneath Gatomon's legs and tells her as she rubs just a bit deeper, "Go ahead"
Gatomon moans one last time and let's loose a small gash of her juices on her own legs and the cloth, soaking it a moderately good amount and then sighs heavily and falls asleep almost instantly in Kari's lap. Kari removes her soaked hand and cleans it off with another washcloth while petting Gatomon's head softly. 
"My dear digimon, I love you very much. I hope tomorrow you will be your same happy self," Kari whispers to Gatomon as Kari carefully puts her in bed and covers her up. Kari walks back to the door, turns, looks at the sleeping Gatomon and sighs happily as she turns the light off and closes the door so Gatomon can drift peacefully off to dreamland.

Chapter 4
Gatomon drowsily walks out of the bedroom and rubs her eyes. She the glances at the clock on the wall that reads 8:14 am and realizes she fell asleep last night right after that nice massage. She hears sounds coming from the living room and heads out there, seeing Kari at the front door talking to someone and listens more intently.
"Thank you much Kari, I'm sorry you're going to miss out" The familiar voice of Cody is saying at the door.
"It's ok, someone needs to take care of him, I'm more than happy to. You just go finish your mission in the Digimon world, I'll do whatever I can to help from here," Kari explains. 
"Right. Good-bye Kari," Cody says as he leaves.
"Good luck!" Kari replies back in a yell as she closes the door.
"What was that about." Gatomon wonders, watching Kari.
Kari then slowly turns around, and it makes Gatomon gasps as she notices Kari holding Armadillomon! She swiftly turns back behind the corner as her knees begin clicking together, becoming very nervous. 
"Gatomon! Gatomon are you still asleep?" Kari shouts as she heads in Gatomon's direction.
"Oh no! What to do?" Gatomon asks herself looking around for somewhere to hide.
But before she had a chance to find a decent spot, Kari comes around the corner and runs into her. "Oh there you are Gatomon, guess who's here?" Kari asks her.
"I can only guess" Gatomon answers with a sigh.
Kari looks at her strangely and then shakes it off as she picks up Gatomon. "He came just to see you!" She tells her as she carries Gatomon into the living room.
Gatomon gulps as she spots Armadillomon sitting on the couch smiling at her. Kari sets Gatomon down on the couch and rubs her head as she says, "I'll give you guys some time to talk if you need me, I'll be out back in the garden." She waves to the both of them and slowly walks out of the room. They both wave back, Gatomon using just a small, nervous wave as she finds herself now alone in the with Armadillomon and before she realized it, Armadillomon was sitting right next to her.
"Hello Gatomon haven't seen you in a while" Armadillomon says with a smile.
"Yeah hi" Gatomon replies twiddling her claws.

About a minute goes by before Armadillomon finally asks, "So how are you today?"
Then Gatomon breaks out in tears and hugs Armadillomon tightly around his neck saying, "Oh Armadillomon, I'm so sorry for hurting you! Please. Please forgive me!"
Armadillomon blinks and wraps a paw around Gatomon and comforts her saying, "Oh Gatomon. It's ok, I know it was an accident, I heard from Cody what you've been going through and I'm sorry for doing that to you."
Gatomon let's go of the hug and looks into his eyes, wiping away a few tears asking, "You. You aren't mad at me?" 
"Of course not, I could never get mad at you for something like that. Actually, I was more impressed than anything," Armadillomon explains to her.
"Really? Why is that?" Gatomon asks, calming down a little.
"Well, you cut right through my shell on the top of my head, and my shell is VERY tough, yet you did it like it was nothing. You are quite strong" Armadillomon tells her with a smile. 
"Well. Thank you I'm just so relieved that you don't hate me," Gatomon says, looking at his bandages more closely. Most of his face was covered by white medical tape and padding on the scratches, a few old blood spots showing through and only his eyes and mouth are about the only thing uncovered. "Does it hurt?" She asks.
"Well it at first did, of course, but most of the pain is gone now, it might have looked bad, but it wasn't quite as bad as you think. No serious injury," Armadillomon explains.
"I'm glad" Gatomon replies relieved.

After a few more seconds of silence, Armadillomon suddenly blurts out, "Has anyone told you how cute you are Gatomon?"
Gatomon blushes and answers, "Not until now"
Armadillomon giggles and kisses Gatomon's cheek. Gatomon blushes even more and purrs a little. She stares at Armadillomon's bandages a little longer and then suddenly asks, "Can I see the scratch marks?"
Armadillomon blinks and smiles answering, "Sure Gatomon." He then slowly removes the bandages until it's all off and places it all on the ground, exposing three thin but long scratch marks across his face, on above his right eye across the top part of his head, the second between both eyes and a little below the nose, the third and final one just barely below his left eye and right above his mouth. "I tell you Gatomon, when you scratched me you couldn't have been more closer to my eyes, nose, and mouth than what you see here, lucky me I guess" 
"Heh sorry again Armadillomon," Gatomon says as she touches the claw marks, all three now scarred and no longer bleeding. 
"It's ok, like I said, no serious damage," Armadillomon replies smiling.
"How long will those scars be there?" Gatomon asks.
"The doctor said a few months, I would've guessed longer but" Armadillomon replies.
"Oh, that's good," Gatomon finishes as she sits closer to Armadillomon. "Shouldn't you put those bandages back on?"
"Nah, I think it's healed enough to keep them off now," Armadillomon answers as he looks at her. "Want to do something?" 
"Like what?" Gatomon asks back.
"A game, watch some T.V. whatever comes to mind," Armadillomon answers.
"A game? I know a few card games" Gatomon replies.
"So do I what do you have in mind?" Armadillomon asks curiously.
"Played power before?" Gatomon asks hopefully.
"Yes I have. Is that what you want to play?" Armadillomon asks back.
"Yes I do I'll be right back!" Gatomon shouts as she runs out of the room.
Armadillomon lies down and sighs as he says, "So far, so good."

Only about a minute or two later, Gatomon runs back in with a deck of cards. "Kari found some for me, how do you want to play this?" She asks.
Armadillomon gets an idea and replies, "Simple, whoever wins gets one thing from the other player, nothing permanent though. And we'll play by the regular rules."
"Sounds good, let's play it right here," Gatomon replies as they both get comfortable on the couch. Gatomon gets out the cards and amazes Armadillomon with her shuffling.
"Whoa where'd you learn that?" Armadillomon asks.
"Kari taught me, actually she taught me a lot of things about Poker, it's actually quite a simple game," Gatomon explains as she deals out the cards.
"I know" Armadillomon says back as he looks at his cards.
Gatomon picks up her cards and inspects them. "So, what do you want to do?"
"Hmmm. I guess I start the bidding then. Then I bid that the loser has to give the winner a foot cleaning," Armadillomon says with a grin.
"I'll meet your bid. So how many cards you want?" Gatomon asks.
"Hit me with three," Armadillomon says, throwing three cards next to Gatomon. Gatomon nods and hands him three and takes two for herself.
"Let's raise this bid some I bid that the loser has to kiss the winner right on the lips," Gatomon says.
Armadillomon blinks and smiles replying, "I meet your bid and call." He then shows his card, holding a three-of-a-kind of fours.
Gatomon gasps and then grins as she shows him her three nines. 
"Dang" Armadillomon thinks inside his mind.
"Haha I win! Now you have to give me a kiss!" Gatomon tells him.
Armadillomon nods and slowly leans closer to Gatomon until he could feel her breath on his lips. He smiles and kisses her on the lips for about three seconds and then slowly retracts while saying, "Mmm. I can't even remember the last time I kissed someone, and I now remember how nice it is." 
Gatomon smiles and giggles as she shuffles the cards. "Let's play again."
Armadillomon nods and deals the cards this time after Gatomon shuffles then and looks at them carefully.
"Ok, my turn. I bid that the loser has to give the winner an ear rub," Gatomon says.
Armadillomon agrees to the bid and takes one card while Gatomon takes four. "Let's raise the stakes the winner gets now a French kiss from the loser" Armadillomon says with a wide smile.
"Certainly I'll call your bid. Now can you beat a Full House?" Gatomon questions showing her hand. 
"Dang that beat my three sevens." He says showing three of his cards.
"Hehehe" Gatomon chuckles triumphantly.
"But not four," Armadillomon interrupts as he shows another seven.
"What!? Ugh." Gatomon replies sighing. 
Armadillomon smiles and relaxes, waiting for when Gatomon is ready. Gatomon waits a few seconds and surprises Armadillomon by how quickly she kissed him, almost immediately Gatomon's tongue was in his mouth, seeming to explore it all over. Armadillomon blushes a light pink and kisses her back with his tongue, moaning into the delightful kiss. By the time they broke the kiss, a whole minute and a half passed by.
"Ooohhhh, that was great" Armadillomon explains still blushing.
"Yes it was" Gatomon replies, blushing a little herself. "Well anyways, let's play again."
Armadillomon goes into dreamland for a few seconds but then shakes his head. "What was that? Oh play again, of course," He says as he relaxes again.
Gatomon shuffles and deals the cards. Soon after, Armadillomon says, "I bet that the loser has to give the winner a. hmmm. A massage I guess."
"Ok then, I agree, so how many do you want?" Gatomon asks. 
"Two please," Armadillomon answers.
Gatomon gives him two and takes 1 for herself. "Hmmm alright let's go for something more intense. If I win, you have to eat me out" Gatomon says with a strange grin.
Armadillomon blinks, looks at his hand, and then looks back up saying, "Sure, and if I win, you have to give me a blowjob."
Gatomon gets quite surprised at Armadillomon's willingness and asks, "Sounds fair enough, what do you got?"
"Get that mouth ready cause I gots me a four pair of Queens," Armadillomon tells her confidently as he shows his hand.
Gatomon asks surprised and says, "That's very good but. It doesn't beat this!" She then throws her hands on the ground, revealing a strait flush in spades of 4-8.
Armadillomon's eyes widen and mouth drops open for a few seconds before he says, "I lost"
Gatomon giggles and throws all the cards on the floor. "You know what this means don't you?" She asks lusciously. 
Armadillomon gulps and asks, "You not serious right?"
Gatomon looks at him strangely and answers, "Of course I am, weren't you?"
"No, I wasn't going to make you do it, that's why I said it, I thought I had won" Armadillomon explains.
Gatomon now understands why he made the bid and replies, "I see."
"I'm I'm sorry" Armadillomon says feeling bad.
Gatomon thinks of a plan and replies, "It's ok I don't mind really." She then covers her face in her paws and pretends to cry.
Armadillomon falls for and puts a hand on her shoulder saying, "I'm sorry for hurting you I'll. do it for you, if it makes you feel better."
Gatomon grins under her paws and removes them as she lays back on the couch, spreading her legs. "Then get to work," She says giggling.
Armadillomon just realizes he was tricked but not being one to back out of his word, sighs and walks up between Gatomon's legs and licks her clitoris slowly.
Gatomon moans and puts a paw Armadillomon on the head saying, "Ooohhh, your pretty good" 
Armadillomon looks up and replies, "Thank you." He then leans back in and licks a little faster, holding Gatomon's legs in his claws as he does.
Gatomon relaxes and sighs happily as she purrs. Armadillomon begins to taste a small sum of her juices and smiles as it tastes pretty good from what he thought it tasted like
"Enjoying yourself Armadillomon?" She asks. Armadillomon nods and continues licking, keeping his eyes closed to concentrate better. "I can tell" Gatomon says again as she smiles pleasurefully.
Armadillomon then pushes his tongue through her vaginal opening and licking the inner walls, taking in any juices he finds and swallowing it joyfully. Gatomon kicks a little and moans as she feels an orgasm coming on and pants slowly, a very pleasurable smile her face. Armadillomon continues his work, pushing as deep as he can inside Gatomon, his mouth being filled and satisfied with her warm juices. 
Gatomon sticks her tongue out and moans more, feeling ready to release and warns Armadillomon saying with a panting voice, " I can't hold back much longer Armadillomon oohh" 
Armadillomon understands and pulls his tongue out, giving her clitoris one last, long lick and waits for his prize. Gatomon buckles her hips and moans loudly as she climaxes and spills a small but efficient amount of her fluids onto Armadillomon's face and into his mouth. Armadillomon eagerly drinks it down and smiles as he slowly licks his face off and savors the last few drops of her sweet juices on him, also letting go of her legs a he does. 
Gatomon pants slowly and smiles as she suddenly hugs Armadillomon tightly saying, "oh thank you Armadillomon, that was great."
Armadillomon smiles and hugs her back. "Hey no problem, I actually kind of liked it" He says with a wide smile.
"Really? That's good," Gatomon replies with a giggle.
"So, do we play poker again?" Armadillomon asks.
"Nah, I think we can entertain ourselves in other ways now" Gatomon tells him with a wink.
Armadillomon blinks and smiles, seeming to understand as he lets go of Gatomon.
Gatomon kisses him slightly and smiles asking, "So what is it you wish to do?"
"I don't know" He answers back. "I'm new at this"
Gatomon blinks and grabs him and pulls him head up to her left nipple. "Then let me help you. How about some nice milk hmm?" She asks with another giggle.
Armadillomon sweatdrops a little but is soon overran with a big jump between his legs again so sucks on her left nipple slowly, drinking her warm breastmilk.
Gatomon blushes a little and lays on her back, letting Armadillomon relax on top of her as he sucks and he decides to do just that.

After a few minutes, Armadillomon finishes and gets off Gatomon. "Thanks Gatomon, that was delicious."
"Even more than my juices?" She asks curiously.
"Well, not exactly but they're very close," he replies with his same, usual smile.
Gatomon giggles and leans in to kiss him again. Armadillomon giggles too and kisses her back, both using their tongues again. They quickly break the kiss as Armadillomon explains to her, "You know, ever since that event last night, I have really liked you, I mean REALLY like you. Which is why I am doing the things with you now, which is why I didn't get upset when you scratched me like this, which is why I convinced Cody to bring me here today. You see I love you"
Gatomon just stares blankly at him for a few seconds as her face slowly turns redder and redder before she finally replies, "Oh Armadillomon.. that's so sweet I love you too I guess I kinda always have"
"I'm glad to hear that" Armadillomon replies with relief.
"Now how about you show me how much you love me?" Gatomon raises as she kisses his cheek.
Armadillomon smiles and nods as he slowly mounts the eager Digimon and pushes his small, erect penis inside her, breaking her cherry almost immediately. "I see you're a virgin," He says with another smile.
"Yes I wanted to wait for the right one but I think he's found" Gatomon explains smiling and moaning softly.
Armadillomon blushes lightly to the reply and kisses her on the lips as he pumps in and out slowly inside her vagina. 
Gatomon moans more and kisses Armadillomon passionately, hugging him and squeezing her clitoris tightly around Armadillomon's penis. Armadillomon moans to as he pumps faster, keeping the kiss locked and pushing his tongue in. Gatomon purrs softly and wraps her tail around Armadillomon's as she pushes her tongue inside Armadillomon's mouth as well. Armadillomon feels the tail and giggles as he keeps his pace, moving back and forth on Gatomon, feeling close to release as he fiddles with Gatomon's tongue. Gatomon feels orgasm coming on and kicks in the air as she hugs Armadillomon even tighter. Armadillomon groans and sweats a little as his pumping gets more intense, knowing he'd climax any moment now. Gatomon breaks the kiss and pants as she gives him one last, long lick across his scarred face as she orgasms for the seconds time, this time a little less than last time, but still a good amount and squeals pleasurefully as she goes. Armadillomon feels it and moans himself and about seven seconds later, orgasms himself and sprays his hot cum inside Gatomon's small vagina.
They both collapse into each others arms and pant together as Armadillomon tells her, "Oh your wonderful."
Gatomon smiles and replies, "As are you. Very wonderful"
"Shall we tell the others about this?" Armadillomon poses.
"No, let's leave it between us, for now. We'll tell them later," Gatomon replies.
"Ok," Armadillomon finishes as he kisses her forehead.
Gatomon sigh happily and slowly falls asleep peacefully in his arms followed by Armadillomon who falls asleep on top of her.

Kari walks in the room and sees them sleeping together and thinks, "Could they have just Nah couldn't be could it?" She shakes the thought off and goes over and pats the two on the head saying, "Have a good sleep" She then turns off the lights and walks out.
Armadillomon opens an eye and looks down as the beautiful sleeping Digimon and says, "Ah my love I hope we can live happily ever after and thank you for filling that empty section in my heart" He then falls happily back to sleep.


My first Digimon lemons is done and man is it freaking long! The longest lemon yet. Well, this is the beginning of my Digimon lemons so expect many many more in the future. That's all I have to say now, hope it was satisfying for you.