Oh! Now it makes sense

By: Chronos, keeper of time


*WARNING* In case you haven’t already guessed that is a lemon (not the fruit) then let me explain to all those who aren’t familiar with the term.  I’ll put it in movie terms: the following contains graphic content that maybe inappropriate to people under 17. So if your underage and read this don’t sue me cause your scared for life cause I warned you.  But why am I bothering you with this, your probably not even reading this.  For all those who are old enough this is my twenty-first lemon.    Ok, so lets get this started.

The Dark figure said, “Excellent!  Everything is going as plan…now bring them to me!”

“Yes Master” the digimon replied, flicking some switches and pushing some buttons.

“Come, we won’t be late for our guest” the Dark figure said as he got up from his chair.

The digimon nodded as he flapped his wings as he followed the Dark figure as they both disappeared into the darkness.


Everyone was experiencing the earthquake; they had no clue on what was going on as thoughts rushed into there mind trying to explain the sudden disaster that was taking place. With Joe, Palmon, and Mimi rumbling as they tried to put back on there cloths.  Lillymon shouted towards the others, “THIS CAN’T BE GOOD, WHATEVER IT IS!!!”

Joe shouted, “WE HAVE TO STAY TOGETHER!!!” as the rumbling continued.

Mimi screamed as a tree branch fell before her.  Lillymon came to her aid, she shouted, “DON’T WORRY MIMI, I’VE GOT YOU…JUST HOLD ON!!!”

Then Joe said, “I’M SURE THIS WILL PASS!  WE JUST GOTTA HANG IN THERE!” But as Joe said this he seemed to become slightly transparent.  He looked in shock at his hands, as he seemed to fade and disappear from their gaze. 


She replied, “I DON’T KNOW MIMI, BUT WHATEVER HAPPENED TO HIM IS NOW HAPPENING TO US, NOW!”  As she and Mimi as well were fading and disappearing.

Now with Kari and Gomamon…

Kari shouted at the top of her lungs, “GOMAMON!”

Gomamon was struggling in the river as wave after wave in the once calm river was now splashing against him.  Coughing and spitting out water, he swam towards Kari.  With sheer will power and determination he managed to reach the shore as Kari rushed to aid him.  She grabbed his flipper and dragged him out of the raging river.  Gomamon, now out of the water, continued to spit out water, he said, “That was a close one!  Wonder what this is all about?”

Then they heard voices coming behind them.  They heard someone yelling, “KARI!” as Kari quickly released who was calling out.  She yelled back, “TAI!  I’M OVER HERE!”

Tai came running towards them with Gatomon following behind him.  He came in knelt down and embraced her in a hug saying, “Kari!  I’m so glad your, ok!  Someone or something is doing this…”

Kari interrupted, “Tai?”

“Yeah what is it?” Tai replied as he stared at Kari

Gatomon spoke to Gomamon saying, “Gomamon where is Agumon and Joe?  I thought they were with you went fishing over here?” before Gomamon could answer he saw Kari and Tai disappearing.

He shouted, “Hey what’s happening to you guys!?!”

Tai stared in horror to see his little sister slowly vanishing until there was nothing left.  He then stared at his hands, which were also vanishing.  He shouted, “Gato…” but he had completely disappeared.

Gatomon and Gomamon then looked at themselves, they were also being wiped out.

TK and Patamon were cuddled in a small ball.  TK hugged Patamon tighter and yelled, “PATAMON!  I’M SCARED!!!  MAKE IT STOP!!!”  TK muttered out, “Big brother where are you?” and they both disappeared into nothing leaving no trace of them left.

Izzy and Kabuterimon where still in the sky fighting off the two Flymon.  They hadn’t noticed the earthquake down below as they continued to spar.  Finally Kabuterimon launched his attack, “ELECTRO SHOCKER!” as it headed straight for one of the Flymon.

To there surprise the attack went right through it.  Then it seemed to blur out of their view, like it was a hologram and it just lost its signal.  They looked over to the other Flymon, it too was just blurring out.

Izzy said, “Kabuterimon, what just happened?” then he let out a gasp as he saw Kabuterimon fading away.  He yelled, “Kabuterimon what’s wrong!?!”

He said, “Izzy it feels like I’m being brought somewhere…” then Izzy looked at his shirt as he too was fading along with Kabuterimon.

One by one the digidestined and their digimon seemed to fade and disappear.  Sora and Matt, Agumon and Biyomon and also Gabumon, they all disappeared.

Then just like that, they appeared again slightly levitating above the ground.  Until they all fell on the ground hitting it hard.  They all got up, dusted themselves off, and then noticed that they were all together.  They where all happy, one reason because they were reunited once more and second reason because the earthquake had stopped.  Then sky seemed to grow dark as bats flew around the sky.  Gatomon shuttered, as she closed her eyes and her hairs stood on end.  Kari noticed this, she said, “Gatomon? What’s wrong?”

Gatomon replied, “Someone’s coming…”

Then they heard an evil laughter coming from the sky.  Gatomon’s eyes opened with fear she said, “NO!  IT CAN’T BE…IT JUST CAN’T, MYOTISMON!!!”

 Myotismon levitated downward towards the group, with Demidevimon flying besides him.  He continued to laugh at the children and there digimon.

Tai said, “What’s he doing here, better yet how is he here?”

Agumon added, “What’s he so cocky about anyways?”

He landed before them as he covered himself in his dark cloak as Demidevimon landed next to him.

Izzy said, “This can’t be…we defeated you already, how can you be back in the digital world?”

He let out a small laugh and grinned, “It’s just like you…and I thought you were the smartest of the group…who says we’re in the digital world?”


“Where not really in the digital world you stupid human.” Demdevimon said, “This ain’t even the real world, where really in your minds.”

This surprised them all as Myotismon said, “My young servant is quite right, we are really in your minds.” he began to explain, “After you defeated me, normally a digimon would be reconfigured in primary village, but I was defeated in the real world.  My data was free to wander and so a part of my data each went into you, so that I was in all of you.  I remained dormant in your minds until I devised a well enough plan.  This is how you are all sharing this dream and it’s experiences.”

“Errr…enough with your talk!” Tai shouted, “We defeated you before and we’ll do it again!!!”

He shouted, “Agumon! Warp digivolve!!!”

“You too Gabumon!” Matt said

“Agumon warp digivolve to…”

“Gabumon warp digivolve to…”

Demidevimon said, “heheheh…not so fast” as he pushed a button on a controller.  Agumon and Gabumon both stopped their digievolution and fell down to the ground in pain.  Tai and Matt quickly rushed over to there digimon.  They asked, “Are you ok? What’s wrong?”  Agumon replied back,

“Tai!  I feel like something’s inside me preventing me from digivolving!”

Tai looked back at Myotismon and yelled, “What’d you do!?!”

He let out a soft laughter as he said, “You fool, don’t think I forgot about you.”

He began again, “Before you defeated me, I infected Gatomon with a certain virus for insurance.  The virus was a sheer work of brilliance as in its first stage it allowed me to control Gatomon’s emotions and instincts.  You say that wouldn’t do much…but in fact it insured your downfall.  While it might not be very effective in real life, it would be very effective in a dream.  Since Kari and Gatomon shared the same light she too was infected, but to get to all of you infected that took a little more cunning.  I used Gatomon and Kari to spread the virus to each and everyone one of you, and the only way to infect one another was through sexual intercourse. (Yes! I did monitor where the virus traveled starting from Kari and Gatomon…hehehehe…and you thought I was just picking random couples.  If you don’t believe me you can check for yourself.)   Since you are all older in real life, this wouldn’t be a problem with the desire to do so.”

The digidestined and their digimon all looked at each other uncomfortably and in embarrassment.

Izzy then worked up the nerve and shouted, “If you could control our emotions when we were infected, why not just infect us right then and there instead of just playing this charade!?!”

Myotismon said out, “I had to maintain that all of you believed that you were still in the digital world fighting the Dark Masters.  If any of you would completely figure it out you could easily have defeated me by using your minds, but you didn’t.  Of coarse there were some flaws, in which your recent memories would collide with this dream state.”

Demidevimon said, “Didn’t any of you notice that an evil digimon would never attack you unless you thought about it?  And when have you ever killed a digimon, what about the dark gears?  Or that if you were wounded, it would soon heal up, or when you wanted it to be cold or hot at certain times, or when you where hungry?  Gosh you were just completely in the dark.”

Sora pulled out the green bandana she received from Matt to wrap around her wound.  All the other digidestined and their digimon all looked to the ground in shame.

Tai then released, “I knew I thought I saw something at the corner of my eye, that black tower I saw earlier…it was a control spire!!!”

Myotismon began again, “Ah!  So your memories are coming back to you.  Of Davis and the other new digidestined and their digimon.  No matter, I’ll take care of them eventually…but for now they’ll have a shortage of eight digidestined to help them.”

Kari shouted, “What do you mean!?!”

He grinned a bit, “My dear, controlling your emotions was only the first stage.  Do you honestly believe that is all I would do…the second stage is much more lethal as you have already seen.  For the second stage robs your digimon of the power of digievolution and also give me complete control over you minds so you are powerless to stop me even if you have figured all this out, but this would only take effect after all of you are infected.”

“So what now, are you just going to leave up trapped in our minds?” Izzy said

“Don’t be ridiculous, nothing will satisfy my revenge until all are you are totally annihilated once and for all.  The third stage of the virus will make sure of this, for after it is finally uploaded into all your minds.  This may be only a dream, but what makes your body actually feel pain?  Your mind…so your mind will make this happen in real life.” Myotismon explained

“Your forgetting one thing Myotismon!” Izzy said, “When we fought Apolycamon, we didn’t need our crest and digivices to make our digimon digivolve.

“Yeah! Virus or no Virus we’ll defeat you, just like last time!” Tai shouted

He let out a small laugh, “I am well aware of your battle with Apolycamon, but take a good look around you…feeling nostalgic?”

Izzy observed his settings then it hit him, “I knew this place looked familiar, it’s File Island!”

“Correct, but I won’t make the same mistake that Devimon, the Dark Masters, Apolycamon made.  For little trick of that to work, you would need to be all together.  Lets see you pull off that little trick when I separate the island like Devimon did and banish you in to each separated places with a firewall surrounding each island.  Fare well digidestined!!!”

“GRIZZLY WING!!!”  As a group of bats each surrounded a pair and carried them off to separate islands while a huge dark obelisk emerged from the mountain and stood levitating above the island.   (Will this be the end for the digidestined?  Don’t worry I won’t leave you hanging their…)

One more thing before I say my goodbye line, I’m willing to hear your opinion on who gets partnered up, remember no one can be partnered up with there actual partner.  You can send me your list at Epoc_Writer83@yahoo.com, and please, I really don’t feel like opening an email just to read “you suck” or something like that written on it, ok? 

OK, well that’s it.  Well I’m just gonna go back to my room until I get another idea, peace till then