A Furry Relationship




This fic is dedicated to El Intruder who requested it.


Disclaimer: I own digimon just as much as I own the clockmond diamond. Nuff said? No? Well then, this story is a lemon, which means if you are below the age of 18, you shouldn't be reading this. Then again, I'm only 16 and I'm writing it so it doesn't really bother me all that much. So in short, if you’re mentally mature enough to handle something like this and you like reading this stuff, then by all means proceed on.



Somewhere in Japan, Mimi Takenouchi was in town visiting some of her friends. After spending a long day of talking with everyone and getting reconnected, she was trying to visit her old boyfriend, Matt. Hearing that he was now a singer, she waited at the school staging area where he and his band practiced.


After waiting for a short time, Matt and the rest of the band made their exit from the stage, and Mimi ran up to greet him. "Hey Matt!" she called at him. "How are you doing?" Hearing her, Matt suddenly froze, and stared at her for a moment.


Then, after several moments of silence, he said, "hey Mimi! What are you doing back over here in Japan?" Running up to his side, she said "I'm here on vacation. I've already talked with everyone else except for you, and seeing as how it’s been a while, I decided to see how you were doing in life."


"Pretty good. The bands been mainly keeping me busy and out of trouble." "I do remember hearing something about you being in a band" Mimi said. "How is it doing so far?" "Pretty good, but if you'll excuse me for a moment, I need to get some thing put up first before we can continue talking." "Okay" Mimi said, feeling a little sad because she had to wait.


Fifteen minutes latter, Matt was returning from his task at hand, both hot and sweaty. "I'm sorry about the wait" he panted. "I hurried so you wouldn't have to wait so long." "Don't worry" Mimi said. "Just as long as your here to talk to I'm happy."


Giving her a slight smile, Matt said "so how’s America? Is it pretty exciting?" "Its a great place to be. So many people, so many things to see...it’s wonderful." "Is it better than home?" Matt asked with a touch of humor to his words.


With a laugh, Mimi said "hardly. Its great place to be, but I still prefer my original home." "And why is that?" Matt asked. Mimi was silent for a moment. "I guess it’s because of you." Matt was silent for a moment. Finally, he said "I'm sorry Mimi. I can't return you love."


Mimi's eyes widened. "Huh? Why not?!" she asked shocked. "Well..." Matt said. "Since you live in America, and I live over in Japan, I'm not sure that a long distance relationship would work out. I'm sorry. I wish it were otherwise.


Mimi sat there frozen. This was about the worst day of her life. She didn't even know what to say!" "Matt..." she said, starting to tear up. "You can't really mean this can you?" Matt was silent. He just stuck his hands in his pockets and began to stare at the ground.


"I'm sorry" he said. "But that’s just the way it’s got to be." Casting Mimi a glance, he sighed deeply and said "we can still be friends though. We can at least have that much." Bursting into tears, Mimi covered her face with her hands and ran away from him. Matt called out to her to come back, but she didn't even slow down. She was to broken hearted to hear him.




Running into her room, she threw herself onto her bed and wept. After a good cry, she grabbed a tissue and blew her nose. Throwing it away, she wondered what she should do now. If only her parents hadn't moved to America this would never have happened. Things were so much better when they were back in the Digiworld.


The Digiworld? At this thought, Mimi soon found herself filled with a desire to go there. Part of the reason was to reminisce about the past, and another was to brood about her current problem. The only problem was that only one of the new digidestinends could go there, or one that was in their immediate company. She would have to get one of them first.


Grabbing the phone book, she hastily looked up Yolie's number. Finding it, she quickly dialed it, and anxiously waited for the phone to finish ringing. After the third ring, she heard Yolie's voice on the other end. "Hello?" she said. "This is Yolie, how may I help you       `1`/+-*?"


"Yolie" Mimi said "can you come over to my house please. I need to borrow your digivise so I can go to the Digiworld." "Why do you want to go to the Digiworld?" "Matt sort of dumped me. I just want to brood about it for a while." "Oh? Sorry to hear about that. Sure, I'll be right over" she said and hung up.




Half an hour latter, Mimi heard a knock at her door. Opening it, Yolie quickly ran inside. "Hi Mimi" she said. "You ready?" Giving a nod, Mimi led Yolie into her room. As soon as Yolie walked inside, she took a brief look around at Mimi's room while Mimi started up her computer.


"Not a bad place" she said. "I'm surprised that there isn't pink everywhere." "Why's that?" Mimi asked. "Well from what your friends told me, pink was your favorite color, and that I shouldn't be surprised if that was just about the only color I saw in your room."


"Well that was over four years ago" she said, bringing up the screen that would take her to the digiworld. "I've changed a bit. Its still my favorite color, I just don't want to look at it all the time." "Oh..." Yolie said "I never knew." After she said this, an uncomfortable silence feel over the room.


Trying to break the monotone, Yolie said "so...are you ready to go?" "I'm ready to go whenever you are" Mimi said. With a nod, Yolie reached into her pocket and brought out her D-3. Turning to the screen, Yolie shouted "digiport open!"


As soon as it was opened, Yolie turned around and started to walk away. "Aren't you coming with me?" Mimi asked. "Theres no need to" Yolie replied. "Just hold your digivise up to the screen to take yourself to the digiworld, and do the same thing to the TV screen when you want to come back, and you should have nothing to worry about." Abashed, Mimi remained silent. Holding her digivise to the screen, she was soon on her way to the digiworld.




Taking a look at her surroundings, Mimi slowly began to notice that the area seemed familiar. She wasn't sure, but by the looks of it, this was File Island. This was the first place in the digiworld that she and the gang had ended up. It was also the place where she had first begun to notice Matt.


Taking a look down the dirt beaten path that lead to the nothing, she realized that if she took this path it would take her to the mansion where everyone had their first meeting with Devimon. Getting onto the path, she started the long walk towards the mansion.




Arriving at the mansion, it was just as she had remembered it when Devimon removed the illusion that was placed on it. It was old, boards were being eaten away with age, and over all it looked like a complete disaster area.


But for some reason Mimi wanted to take a look inside of it. Walking up to it, she opened the door (or what was left of it), and walked inside. Stepping inside of the landing, she heard the floor creak underneath her weight. 'I wonder whatever happened to this place?" Mimi asked herself.


Taking a few more steps, the floor gave a loud creaking sound before collapsing all together. Mimi fell a short six-foot drop, and landed with a thud onto the ground. While small pieces of debris fell onto her, Mimi slowly opened her eyes, and winced with pain from the fall.


Standing up, she saw that she was under ground in what appeared to be a cave. It was dark inside with no light except what bit came in from above. Reaching out her hands, Mimi touched the side of the wall, and tried to feel her way around. The cave she was in wasn't to big, and she could probably make her way to the outside just by feeling her way along the walls.


Keeping her hands against the wall, Mimi began to walk forwards, and away from the light that was above her head. As the last bit of light left her, Mimi was plunged into darkness. She was feeling a little scared, but she could handle it.


She knew that if she just kept on walking, it all had to come out to an end somewhere shouldn't it? After following the inside of the wall for about ten minutes, Mimi was beginning to get nervous. She didn't like being in the dark, and especially in a cave.


As she walked, Mimi thought she heard someone following her. Becoming nervous, she started to quicken her pace. Still listening, Mimi heard the steps behind her pick up. Now afraid, Mimi broke out into a full run, trying to escape whatever it was that was following her.


As she ran, she noticed that somewhere above her, a light was shinning. Seeing it, she ran even harder, wanting nothing more in the world than to be out in the clean fresh air. As she neared the light, she heard her pursuer pick up speed.


This wasn't all she heard. She also heard a sword or a dagger being removed from its satchel, and the sound of rocks being knocked aside as someone prepared themselves to jump into the air. Before Mimi even had a chance to turn her head around, she felt something heavy landing on her back.


As she hit the ground, she noticed that the exit was only 25 feet in front of her. From what light spewed into the inside, Mimi managed to get a look at something blonde colored. It was hair. Trying her best to turn her head around, Mimi saw it was a hand. From the hand, there was an arm, covered in the same yellow hair, and from the arm was... "Leomon" Mimi asked confused?


"Mimi?" said an equally surprised Leomon. "What are you doing back in the digiworld?" "Its kind of a long story, so lets skip it. What I want to know is, when are you going to get off of me, and why did you tackle me?"


Getting off of her, Leomon said "sorry for the rude behavior. Its just that your in my home, and I wasn't to happy to find that I had visitors." "This is your home?" Mimi asked. With a nod, Leomon said "it’s been my home since I first came back to File Island."


"But how are you alive?" Mimi asked. “Didn’t you die right after MetalEtemon attacked you?" "Yes, I did die" he said. "However, after the reconfiguration was over, I was reborn. Shortly after my rebirth, I and all the other digimon that were defeated by the Dark Masters, began to digivolve into our recent stages."


"And after that" Mimi said "you come here to restart your life. But why did you choose a cave that was underneath that old hotel? It makes no sense to me. That was the place where Devimon almost got us. That doesn't make any sense to me."


Leomon was quiet for a moment. After a pause, he said "I guess I came here for personal reasons. Since it was the first place I met you guys, and also the first place where he actually showed himself, I guess that in itself is why I started to live here. Besides that, this cave seemed to be a good place to live, especially with all the room its got, but I'm sure you all ready knew all that" he said, with a light chuckle.


Blushing slightly, Mimi didn't know what to say. "Anyway" he said, "know that I've told you my story, why don't you tell me yours?" With a sigh, Mimi sat on the ground with her back to Leomon. Staring outside of the cave, she began her story.


"I moved to America because my parents wanted to get out of Tokyo seeing as how the digimon invasion and all took place. Well after four years, my parents returned to Japan to meet a few old friends of there’s, and as for myself, I tried to do the same." "But how can that relate to you being back in the digital world?" Leomon asked.


"I was about to get to it" Mimi replied. "Oh, sorry" Leomon said, apologizing. "Please continue." "Well after meeting all of my friends except for Matt, I tried to find him. After I found him, we talked for a little bit about my time in America, and when I told him that I preferred to live here rather than in America, he asked me 'why was that?' And I told him it was because of him. After he heard that, he said that he couldn't return my love because he doubted a long distance relationship would work out."


"So he dumped you" Leomon said. "yeah" Mimi said, staring at the ground. "He did." Sitting down beside her, Leomon sighed and looked at her for a moment. "When it comes to 7situations like these" Leomon said "I don't have much experience in them. However, I think what Matt did was for the best."


"You mean you actually think it was right for him to dump me!" Mimi said in shock. "No, that’s not what I mean" Leomon said quickly. "What I meant was, since you two live so far away, how will you be able to interact with each other? I think what he did was for the best."


"I'm not so sure about that" Mimi said sadly. "You could still be friends." "That’s what Matt said after he told me that he couldn't return his love." "I'm sorry to hear that" Leomon said quietly. "I wish I could help you with you problem." "No one can help me" Mimi replied.


"And how can they unless you let them?" Leomon queried her. "What do you mean?" Mimi asked. "Well in my opinion, the only reason you came here was so you could morn in silence. If you let things like these hold you down, you'll never get over it. What’s the use in brooding around when it accomplishes nothing?"


Mimi was silent for a moment. "I guess your right" she said. "But what can I do?" "Get over it, live you life as you always do, and hopefully you'll find someone else. It may take a while, but you should find someone eventually."


Sighing, Mimi leaned against Leomon and rested for a moment. Still leaning on him, Mimi said "you know what? Mimi asked him, "Your right. Maybe I should do that. But the only question is who?" Leomon was quiet. He didn't know what to say. At last, after struggling to think of something to say, he said "whoever you think you should be with."


"And how would I know if I found him?" Leomon shrugged. "All that depends on you. You'll know when you've found him." Sighing again, Mimi closed her eyes, and began to rest against Leomon. Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep.




Staring up at the full moon, Leomon sat in silence on the ground. Glancing at the cave where Mimi slept, he began to think about her. It had been four years since he had last seen her. After they're first meeting that day, he realized that he was feeling lonely in his life as a fighter. He wished that Mimi would love him, but he knew it was impossible.


She was a human and he a digimon. As if that wasn't bad enough, she was also from a different dimension. He knew that in reality, it was impossible, but still he longed for it to be so. Glancing away from the cave, his mind began to wander back to the last time they were together.


Back in the Digiworld, when the Dark Master's had reconfigured everything, he had met her and Joe for a brief period of time. One of them being because he was soon deleted latter on. He saddened him to leave Mimi unprotected, but then what could he have done? He could have barely helped himself!


After that first time, he doubted he would ever see anyone again. But after today, he knew he was wrong. She was back and so was he. But still the problem of them being different species remained in the way, plus she had just broken up with a friend of hers. It wouldn't be right to try anything now. He would be taking advantage of her. It just wouldn't be right.


Sighing, he stood up. Maybe in time he would be able to tell her how he felt. Now, however, was not. Walking back into his cave, he saw Mimi sleeping on the ground with a look of content in her eyes.

Smiling softly, Leomon walked over to her and moved a bit of stray hair off her face.


Mimi stirred a little in her sleep but did not wake up. Still smiling, Leomon backed away from her and laid down on the ground and closed his eye. Tomorrow, he knew, she would be returning to her world. It saddened him, but he knew it must be.


Before Mimi would leave, he would first try to relieve her of her break up with her current boyfriend. But as of now, it was night, and tomorrow has not yet come. So until then, he would try to get some sleep. It was after all best to attempt something when one was well rested.




As the sun rose, Leomon got up and stretched. After clearing his eyes, he noticed Mimi was missing. "Mimi" he called. After getting no response, he raised his voice and called again. "Mimi!" Still getting no response, he started to get nervous.


What if she left while he was still asleep? Worse yet, what if a digimon had snuck in during the night and kidnapped her? No, they both seemed unlikely. If she had left, he was sure she would have at least waited until he was awake and told him goodbye. And if a digimon had crept in, Mimi would have screamed and woke him up. No, something else must have happened.


Dashing out of the cave, he searched for her. Stopping for a moment, he looked at the ground. They were small, very light, and had the shape of a human sole. Following them, he found a small cluster of shrubbery that concealed a small pond near by. Blushing slightly, he began to realize what had happened. But still, he had to make sure that she was there.


Glancing through the bushes he saw Mimi, or to be more precise, he saw her back. She was currently kneeling down in the water, somewhere in the process of watching herself. Feeling like he had already seen enough, he turned to go.


As he was leaving, he heard Mimi scream in terror. Peering through the shrubbery, he saw that a monochromemon was standing by the body of water Mimi was in! Fearing for his friend's life, he sprung through the bushes and encountered the monocromemon head on.


As soon as Leomon landed, the digimon turned so it could face Leomon. Lowering its head, it charged at Leomon head on. As the digimon drew close to him, he leapt aside and dodged it with apt swiftness. Turning around, he hollered out "Fist of the Beast King!"


His attack hit the digimon hard! Stumbling back in dizziness, the monocromemon shook its head in an attempt to clear. While it was doing this, Leomon ran up to it and started to deliver a volley of blows to its head. Not liking this, it tried to take a bite out of Leomon.


Jumping back, he missed the attack by just a few inches. Having some room now, the digimon charged at Leomon, trying to run him over. Jumping again into the air, he landed on its back. Pulling out his knife, he crept up to its neck, and made a quick slice at its throat.


Coming to an abrupt stop, Leomon was thrown clear off the rampaging digimon. Standing up, he managed to get a few seconds glance as the digimon was deleted into into data. Wiping his brow, he walked over to Mimi, to make sure she was all right.


As he reached the pond, Mimi jumped out of the water and tightly embraced Leomon in her arms. "You saved me!" she hollered as she squeezed him. Leomon tried to say something for a moment but found it hard for him to talk straight.


Finally, after several failed attempts, he said "um...I think you'd better get some cloths on first." "Huh?" Mimi asked confused. Looking down, she suddenly became aware that her front was pressing against Leomon's chest in what was normally considered an obscene way. To make matters worst, Leomon was starting to have an obvious male reaction.


Backing up a little, he got out of Mimi's warm embrace, and turned around so that his back was facing her. "I think I should go now" he said, blushing furiously. Walking forwards, he heard the sound of rapid footsteps approaching him.


Coming to a stop, he waited and listened. "Are you embarrassed?" Mimi asked him. "Does it make you blush to look at me without any cloths on?" Leomon was silent. He didn't know exactly how to answer those questions.


Throwing her arms around him, Mimi said "come on...you don't need to be embarrassed about seeing me naked! You’re a digimon and I'm a human." Trying to keep his eyes from turning around in their sockets, Leomon said "well for your convenience, I prefer not to look."


He was lying of course, but it was the only thing he could think of to tell her. It was certainly a lot better than to tell her that he had an eye out for her. "Well you can look at me...I don't mind." Leomon felt his veins run with ice. He knew that if he didn't get out of her and soon, he would latter do something he would undoubtedly regret.


Getting out from underneath Mimi's embrace, he walked forward at a fast pace. Mimi called for him to come back, but he pretended not to hear. As soon as he disappeared behind the bushes, he broke off into a run for his cave. Reaching the entrance, he rested his back against the wall. Sighing, he shifted his pants just slightly so his bulge wouldn't be under so much pressure.


'That was a close one' he thought. 'If I hadn't left right then, I'm sure I would have lost it right there.' Resting his head on his knees, he began wonder what he would do when Mimi got dressed. She was probably just teasing him back there at the pond, but then again, she probably didn't know the feelings he had for her.


Maybe he should tell her how he felt. Yeah, right, he could all ready imagine how that scene would go. "Mimi...I'm in love with you." "Just great. I got some kind of lion guy who is hopelessly in love with me. Why couldn't this have happen to someone else?"


That was probably not a good idea. But if he didn't tell her that, then what would he tell her? He had no idea. He could only hope he would be able to keep himself composed next time he saw her. And then? And then...see her off to her own word. Yeah, that would be the best. Have her be with her own kind instead of being with a digimon like him. He would try to do that next time he saw her.




Fifteen minutes latter, Mimi walked into the cave and found Leomon with his back resting against the wall. He seemed deep and thought and didn't even notice her presence. Walking quietly towards him, she whispered into his ear "hi Leomon."


Leomon jumped with a start. Turning around, he came face to face with her. Looking at her, he tried to keep his voice calm. “Mimi" he said. "Its good to see your done with your bath. Are you ready to go back to your world yet?"


"Go back?" Mimi said, looking at him with a blank expression? "What are you talking about? I was planning to stay in the digiworld with you for a couple of days." Leomon panicked. She was planning to stay with him for a few days? This could be disastrous!


"I think that it’s best that you be with your own kind, rather than with someone who wasn't." "Why is that?" she asked. Leomon was quiet for a moment. "Because...well...just trust me on this. Your better off in your world than you are mine."


"Is that all it is?" Mimi asked. "What do you mean?" Leomon asked. "Don't think I didn't notice when you left the cave last night, or when you moved a strand of hair off my face once you returned." Leomon was shocked. He had no idea Mimi was awake. In a panic know, he tried to think of something he could say to her. Something that could explain away what he had done.


"Well...you did look sort of cute as you slept" he mumbled. "I guess it was all a natural reaction." "Or that your in love with me." Leomon was speechless. He was trapped and he knew it. "All right" he said "your right. I do have feelings for you. That’s why you most go. I don't want to take advantage of you especially since your break up with Matt, so please do us both a favor and leave before we both do something we will eventually regret."


"You don't understand" Mimi said. "The reason I want to stay is because I finally realized what I've been doing wrong. I ended up breaking up with Matt, but with you, you’re different. You’re a digimon and also a friend. I think it could work out."


Leomon looked at her questionably. "The reason your going for a digimon who lives in another world is because of a human who dumped you in yours? That does not make any sense." "You still don't understand!" Mimi proclaimed. "The reason I prefer you rather than a human is because with you, there will be a chance in making it last."


"And that would be by what?" "By relationship! Four years ago, you got deleted to save me and Joe. Now that your back, I don't want to waste my chance. I want to stay here with you for as long as I can possibly manage!" "But when you go back to your world, you will not be able to return her seeing as how you live in America."


Mimi posed for a moment. "How did you know I lived in America?" "Yesterday, when the new digidestined came here, I met one of their digimon and we talked. As we talked, I learnt of your arrival. That’s how I know. What I also know is that you had better go. You’re seeking a relationship that will not last."


"Then I will stay here!" Mimi cried, grabbing onto Leomon's mane. Leomon only shook his head. "Really? And leave your friends and family behind? They would become worried. Not only that, but it would be wrong for me to hide you from them."


Mimi rested her head on Leomon's chest and cried. "But what will I do? I don't want to leave without you!" Reaching down, he wiped away some of Mimi's tears. "You'll manage...somehow." Still holding tight to Leomon's mane, Mimi began to cry anew.


Wrapping his arms around her, Leomon settled onto the ground and held Mimi close to him. He felt terrible for what was happening, but he knew it must be. Finally, after her tears began to subside, she just laid there in his arms and was reduced to a low whimper.


Lowering his head slightly, he gave Mimi a light hug. Slowly, a tear rolled down his eye. She would be going soon, and he would miss her greatly. As Mimi sat there on his lap, Leomon began to notice something. The area of his body that Mimi was sitting was directly on his manhood, and the weight from her body was starting to get him aroused!


Hoping that she hadn't quite noticed, he gently pushed her off of him. Standing up, Mimi turned around, and giggled. "I didn't know that you had such feelings for me" she said, blushing slightly. Leomon paled right there on the spot. This was bound to be a bad situation.


Turning around, Mimi said "don't worry...I don't mind." Kneeling onto the ground, she reached out her hands and started to remove Leomon's pants. Leomon, experiencing several different emotions as she did this, stopped her and asked "are you sure you want to do this? What will your parents say? Your friends?"


Mimi gave an exaggerated sigh and said "Leomon...I know how concerned you are about me, but I really want to do this. What my friends and families think is their opinion. This is what I want to do, now stop being such a pessimist!


Not even sure what to say, Leomon simply allowed Mimi to remove the rest of his pants. After they were removed, Mimi placed them on the ground and turned her gaze back to Leomon. What she saw made her eyes widen.


Leomon was at least nine inches long and about an inch and a half thick. The shaft and the head of his penis didn't have any fur on it like Mimi had once expected, which kind of disappointed her. She was kind of looking forwards to getting deflowered by a hunk of meat encased in a warm fur coat. However, even though his penis was without fur, his balls were covered in it.


Mimi didn't know why, but this did please her to an extent. Reaching down, she grabbed the shaft of Leomon's prick, and coaxed him into a full erection. After he was erect, she began to slowly masturbate him.


Purring in delight, Lemon couldn't help, but delight in Mimi's actions. Seeing that she was having such an effect on Leomon, she lowered her head and began to slowly suck him off. Using her tongue, she lightly wrapped it around the head of Leomon's shaft and, in a rhythm like motion, began to slowly move her head up and down Leomon's great length.


As she sucked him, she reached down and began to lightly play with his balls. Digging his claws in the ground, he tried to brace himself as Mimi brought him closer and closer to orgasm.  Finally, after he could stand it no more, he exploded inside of Mimi's mouth.


As a full stream of semen started hitting the back of her throat, Mimi got her first real taste of cum. Swallowing as much as she could, she raised her head and looked at Leomon lovingly. "So what do you think?" she asked him. "Do you still think that I should still leave?"


"Right now, no" Leomon said. "But just answer me this...how do you know so much about sex?" Mimi blushed. "I remember watching an X-rated video at one of my friends house. What I saw interested me, and I decided to try some of it out. As for the rest...you know."


"Oh..." Leomon said "that would make sense then. Well now that’s answered, I've just got one more question for you." "What is it?" Mimi asked. "Are you sure you want to go all the way with it?" Mimi was quiet for a moment. At last, she gave a nod of her head and said "yes, I'm ready."


Reaching up, she pulled her shirt up and over her head, and threw it on the floor leaving only her bra to cover the top section of her body. Ignoring it for now, she sat on the ground and removed socks and shoes. Standing pack up, she lowered her hands down to her waist, and quickly removed her pants.


Now wearing only a bra and panties, she walked over to Leomon who looked like he was about to faint at any moment. "Can you help me with these" Mimi said, indicating her scant clothing. Turning around, she felt Leomon's fingers start fumbling with the snap on her bra. In a moment, he managed to get it free, and drew it off of her.


After tossing it aside, he grabbed the sides of Mimi's panties and slowly drew them off of her body. As he did so, he managed to get a good look at Mimi's rear end. After the last piece of clothing was gone, Mimi began to turn back around.


Deciding that he had better start looking up, Leomon directed his gaze back up into Mimi's face so he wouldn't be caught staring at her privates. As he was looking up, his gaze unfortunately went over Mimi's breasts and stopped right about there.


"Um...Leomon?" Mimi asked tentatively. "Yes?" he said, still not looking up. "My face is up here you know?" Leomon soon found himself averting his gaze and blushing rather badly. "Oh don't worry" Mimi said with a giggle "if your staring at me it at least means that I'm pretty."


Leomon gave a slight smile. Backing to her, Mimi walked over to him. Grabbing the end of his cock, Mimi positioned the head at the opening of her pussy. Taking a deep breath, Mimi forced the first four inches inside of her, and felt her hymen break.


Screaming out in pain, Leomon looked at her with a concerned expression. "Are you all right?" he asked. "Y-yes" Mimi said. "I'm fine. I just lost my virginity, that’s all. We  can still continue." Sighing in relief, Leomon was glad to hear that he had not accidentally harmed her.


Bracing herself, Mimi slid down four inches onto Leomon's cock, just barely leaving two inches left until she reached the base of it. Leomon, who was now in a state of bliss, suddenly began to encourage her to continue her way downward.


Smiling broadly, Mimi planted her legs onto the floor and with a sudden push, she successfully managed to get all of Leomon's dick into her. Reaching up tentatively, Mimi places her hand against her stomach and noticed a slight bulge.


Liking the idea of how far it was in her, she rose up several inches and then forcefully slid back down the entire nine inches. Leomon, who was enjoying the tightness of Mimi's pussy, soon found his back up against the ground due to the amount of pleasure he was achieving from it.


Mimi looked down at him for a moment. "Awe...is the poor whittle kitty getting tired?" she asked in a motherly tone. "Maybe I had better stop." Leomon just laughed. "You do and I'll gobble you whole." Fending an act of timidness, Mimi said "please don't do that. I promise I won't stop." "Then go to it" he said, reaching up with his arm and giving her a light slap on the ass.


Taking that as encouragement enough, Mimi began to give Leomon quite a work out. As soon as she rose up until the tip of his cock was in her, she suddenly came thundering back down. She repeated this many times until she felt her own orgasm growing.


"Leomon" she said "I'm about to cum!" "So am I" he said "lets change positions." Quickly getting off of him, Mimi climbed up on Leomon and turned around until her bottom was directly in his face. Grabbing the end of Leomon's still stiff cock, Mimi plunged it into her mouth.


Leomon, who didn't want to take without giving at least something back, leaned his head forward and stuck his tongue as far as he could up Mimi's cunt. As he did this, he managed to get a taste of her pre-cum. Liking it, he began to rub his tongue all over the inside of Mimi's walls.


Mimi, who was doing just as good a job as Leomon was, was doing her best to get him off. She sucked him so hard that for a moment she was afraid that she might actually inhale Lemon via his cock. Laughing a little at this thought, Mimi continued on with her blowjob.


Finally, after both human and digimon tongued their partners, that’s when they felt it. Mimi's cunt walls suddenly squeezed tightly against Leomon's tongue almost painfully. Leomon didn't quite mind that, especially when a torrent of cum was washed into his mouth.


As for Mimi, when Leomon started his orgasm, Mimi made sure that she had his cock planted securely in her mouth. As soon as the first batch of cum exited Leomon, she was sure to drink as much as she could. However, Leomon being a digimon, ended up spraying what seemed like gallons of cum.


This wasn't all bad. It at least meant that Mimi would be able to get her fill on Leomon's cum. At last, after Leomon began to subside, Mimi lifted her head as two small streams of excess semen ran down the side of her mouth.


Standing up, Mimi felt a little uneasy on her legs. After regaining her barrings, she sat back down beside Leomon. "So..." Mimi said "do you want me to stay, or do you think I would be better off leaving?" "I think that you staying would be just great" Leomon said, sitting up.


"You know what?" Mimi asked. "No. What?" Leomon asked. "I think that in the next few days, we're bound to have a wonderful time." Smiling, Leomon said "that would be just...wonderful." Closing each other's eyes, they gave each other a deep kiss. "Yes" Leomon said "it will be wonderful in the time that we shall spend together."



Well that’s the end boys and girls. Hope you enjoyed the lemon. If you wish to e-mail me, my address is at Angeteen@hotmail.com If you wish to visit my website, go to http://www.geocities.com/angeteenagermon Either way, please be sure to give me some fee back on what you think of my current lemon.