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Twittering with popular people or celebrities..
You all are just jealous that I've been tweeting with Bill Murray. /This is a fucking joke. XP

Eh, I find Twitter kind of silly, but I don't really mind it. Unless I'm trying to give a direct answer, I find it's hard to say things in one or two short sentences. There's not enough room for substance I suppose. Occasionally though, you get to hear some fun little details from people out there. I can't say it's all bad.

Anyways, there are leeches of all varieties out there. You can get mad, but you won't stop them with spite alone. As long as you keep yourself from becoming a conceited douchebag like them, then you'll be better than them in all honesty.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
I don't get the point of Twitter, either. Who needs to know what you're doing, every 5 minutes? I can easily do that with the personal message thing on MSN.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Leeches need entertainment, as crimson said.
It's best to just give it to them, since they make up 60% of humans.
You'll always have half the people who keep their head while using it.

And the other half who are like drooling lunatics who just orgasmed by reading up that a celebrity responded to them.

That's how I see it anyway.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
It's how the world works, but don't knock the peons. They have their uses.
I don't say what I'm doing every 5 minutes. I mostly talk to others.
Twitter is stupid; whether or not you're a celebrity, you're still human, and you're probably not doing anything extraordinary at the moment. I'm not a part of that.

I do, however, like Facebook because you can establish a profile, chat with old friends, and see what's going on in their lives.

UnknownH Wrote:I only joined because of two friends. One was Wise. So I almost had to join.
It would have been awkward if you refused my invite, so yeah, you kind of did. If you meet more people like yourself, you might find you like Facebook better, but that could take a while.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
(06-05-2010 10:55 PM)Wisemon Wrote: If you meet more people like yourself, you might find you like Facebook better, but that could take a while.
(06-05-2010 10:55 PM)Wisemon Wrote: Twitter is stupid; whether or not you're a celebrity, you're still human, and you're probably not doing anything extraordinary at the moment. I'm not a part of that.

I do, however, like Facebook because you can establish a profile, chat with old friends, and see what's going on in their lives.

It would have been awkward if you refused my invite, so yeah, you kind of did. If you meet more people like yourself, you might find you like Facebook better, but that could take a while.

No, that was fine, I found one. But when my family got on there and found me, that's the problem. I had to clean up anything I said that I didn't want them to see.