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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
Dark jumps down from a tree, taking his sword out, and pointing it at the two robots. "You better let her go." Dark said coldly, with a cold yet deadly look in his eyes.
[Image: 34snomc.png]

[Image: DarkChibimon.png]
Gabumon Loverz
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds
-( o_o Wow... Srry about the semi-late reply >.<'' )-

"Target captured. Identifying."

Alicia awoke with a start as she heard a mechanical voice near her. She had fallen in too deep of a sleep too soon and so she wasn't alert to the metal wolf's presence at first. Pressing into the sides of the clear box of blue light with her hands and feelers as she tried desperately to escape confinement, she looked at her captor and at once knew who it was.

"Professor Jaden Curtis's fourth project, experiment number zero-four. Scanning."

Stopping she was forced to close her eyes as another green light came over her. When she opened them again she looked to where it came from and gasped. "You... I thought I had disabled you..." She whispered in fear. She remembered that prior to her escape she had done what she could to the power generator to the facility to shut it down for good, but as seeing this one again it seems she was unsuccessful.

"Affirmative. You are experiment 04 of Professor Jaden Curtis."

"I am no experiment of that monster!" Alicia shouted at him, focusing her thoughts on her makeshift prison and creating force to try to shatter it. A second machine appeared next to the first, one Alicia did not recognize at all.

"As per request of Professor Jaden Curtis, Professor Signora has deployed special units to retrieve you. Will you comply or resist?"

Staring at the two, she redirected her power towards the front of the cage. "I will not go back there! NEVER!!!" She shouted as she released a surge of her mental energy against the cube, to try and break it and the two machines too if she could, eyes closed and focusing hard on her targets.
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
I had just woken up to a noise, I streched a little before looking down on the tree is was on. "What the heck is going on here?" I asked my slef as my eyes widened as I could see two droid's, two men and a small girl. I didn't like the look on what was going on and picked up my bag. I then started to walk down the tree fast, stopping in the middle and waiting for the right time to attack the droid's.

Name: Sky (Last name is unknown)
Gender: Female
Breed: Human/Cat
Height: 5”4’
Weight: Unknown but looks slim
Real Age: 17
Looks: 15
Birthdate: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Hair: White/Silver and goes down to back
Eyes: Light blue in day time but and night they change to red
Breast size: D
Cat parts: She has a white tail, eyes and claws (claws only show when she is in a fight or is climbing trees)
Clothing: A black strapped top, dark blue jeans and wears no foot wear
Personality: Happy and around anyone she meets. She is playful at times and the only time when she gets angry or upset is if anyone starts to be horrible to her.
Friends: None
Enemies: None
Family: None
Marital Status: Single
Children: None
Pets: None
Hobbies: Like playing a lot, she also likes swimming, running and climbing trees. She also like sword fighting at times when she gets board.
Addictions: Unknown
As she is half cat there are some things she can do.
She can be very flexible; she can go through very small gaps in bars and walls. She can hear is anything from a long distance. She can also jump very high.
She can also change into a cat when need to.
Running speed: Sky has super speed and uses it only when needed.

Regeneration: Sky has the power to bring herself back to life when she is very close to death.

Other information: Sky is an orphan, when she was eight years old she was found on the street covered in blood. She has no memory on what happened but sometimes has faint memories of her parents.
When she turned 14 she ran away from her foster parents as she didn’t get along with them.
But at the age of 15 she was kid napped by a man, this happened to her 10 time but escaped all of them before they could do anything to her. After that Sky had gone to a camp to fight for her slef as she had enough of getting kidnapped and kept knife's and swords with her at all times.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
Upon hearing the small, strange black creature's command, the larger of the two droids simply nodded. "Okay. Directive is a mistake." It said in it's male, robotic voice, deactivating the photon grid and releasing her.

The red droid was emotionless as it pulled back an arm and smacked the larger blue droid on the back of the head with a dull clunk. "Directive is not a mistake."

"Directive is not a mistake." The blue droid repeated and the blue photon-grid cage reformed around Alicia, flickering into existence at the speed of light, though this cage was much bigger than the one earlier.

"Numerous interlopers. Perform omni sweep." The red droid commanded in its' dominant female robotic voice.

"Affirmative, Omni Sweep Activated." The blue droid's eyes blinked green, sending a clear, greenish, spherical grid to spread over a wide diameter. "Distance: Nine meters, two feet, seven inches south east: Male carbon based life form of incalculable age. Race is of unrecorded data." He said, followed by weight and height. "Recording data. Unnamed race recorded."

"Distance: Five feet, nine inches north: Male digital carbon-based life form aged 180 years, two months, three weeks and five days. Height: 24 inches. Weight: 100 pounds. Race is of unrecorded data. Recording data. Unnamed race recorded."

"Distance: Three feet, two inches west: Female carbon based life form aged 12 years, five months, one week and six days. Height: 50 inches. Weight: 90 pounds. Experimental human-insect hybrid: Periplaneta Sapien. Subject is Alicia Kaiwing."

"Distance: Seven feet, 11 inches east ~ eight feet, five inches above ground: Female carbon based life form aged 17 years, eight months and two days. Height and weight is attractive-" The blue droid commented in it's monotone robotic voice, only for the red one to smack it on the back of the head again. "Natural human feline hybrid: Felis Sapien."

"Distance: 70 meters, two feet, 2 inches north east: Male life form of unknown composition of incalculable age. Height: 72 inches. Weight: Incalculable weight. Race is of unrecorded data. Recording data. Unable to record and identify unnamed race." The blue one finished rapidly.

"Targets confirmed. Targets acquired." Said the red droid, emitting a low hum as red dots of light appeared on the foreheads of everyone in the vicinity. "Directive is Experiment 04. Impeding retrieval will result in conflict and possible termination." The female robotic voice drawled coldly.

[70 meters, two feet, 2 inches North East of the Encounter]

Gordon stood at the side of a river, one hand on his hip, the other holding up a skillet. "C'mon, didnee give me any trouble! Gid in deh skillate!" He grumbled in a Scottish accent, shaking his skillet as he waited for a fish to jump into it. He was a great gook, but he couldn't fish for his life. He didn't even notice the red dot of light on his forehead.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
I take a step back as the red droid pointed it's arm toward me, as well as few others by the looks of things. I take another step back, in hopes of running as fast as i could away....only to go falling down the various tree branches and fall next to that girl, Alicia. "ow..."
Many times lost, many times found again.
Zex walked casually through the forest, hearing most of the strange noises echoing through the seemingly empty fields of brown and green. His eyes flailing about every which way to gather the surrounding life camouflage could escape his keen eyes. His weapon was already brandished and ready, as was his sword. He licks his lips, as if tasting the future. "My prey is near." he stated in a cold voice filled with satisfaction.
Each step taking him closer to the monsters and the robots.
Alicia was shocked to see that her powerful wave attack seemed only like a breeze to these two. She was too shocked however to notice that the cage had been removed. "What... exactly are you...?" Alicia asked in a small whisper, feeling her fear rise up in her again. Now noticing she was free, she tried to sprint away right before she hit the wall of a similar light cage, but seemed stronger and bigger than last time. Hearing the blue machine talk about various 'subject' as Alicia knew to be other people, she started looking around nervously, as if they were calling forth someone else to take care of her. With a sudden yell someone landed next to her. "Ah!" Alicia squeaked in surprise, backing away to a side of the wall, her mandibles on her face moving around a little as she looked at the newcomer with worried eyes.

*Meanwhile, inside the base...*

In a darkened room only lit by four screens, a long, brown-haired man with glasses and a lab coat looked on as he watched the events unfold. "So it seems like your experiment was more of a success than you thought, Veleno." The man said in a cool, calm voice, smiling at what he was seeing. He knew the other was a professor like himself, but he prefers to just keep the title to himself, although his respect for this woman was increasing rapidly enough. "They have captured what I've lost. At least now she will know that there is no running from me..." He said to her, almost seemingly like a selfish comment.

-(Bio will be up next post for this one. The base itself resembles the underground base like what you would see in Resident Evil 1, ruins above and complex below,, but diffrent design of course-)
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Sky made a slight giggle from what the blue and red droid's where doing as they where acting like they where an old married couple. She then became slightly nervous as there was a red dot on her forehead, knowing they where probably going to capture her or kill her. Her eyes then looked at the boy falling on the floor by the girl, thinking on how clumbsey that guy is.
After that happened she didn't know what she should do as she was stuck between getting that guy out of there and destroying the droid's.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds
Zex grinned, and his eyes grew seemingly darker, although their color did not change.
He lifted his rifle from his back and set it in his left hand...due to his cybernetically enhanced arm, he could not only fire a sniper rifle with one hand, but do so with a decent amount of accuracy. (Note: Not that he plans on doing so)
"This unit is Hunter Model: X-HS-" The blue one answered Alicia in an almost friendly monotone, only to get another smack upside the head from his red companion.

"Model is classified." She spoke coldly.

The blue droid rubbed the top of his head. "This Unit is Alias." He pointed at the red droid. "That unit is Façade."

"This unit did not want it's codename revealed." Facade hit Alias again, and his eyes flickered green.

"This unit missed and just detected another life-form." Alias spoke as if nothing had happened.

"Codename: Alias is incompetent and inefficient." Facade sounded slightly irritated now. "That unit should return for reevaluation."

"Distance: One mile, fifteen meters, five inches north east: Male, Cybernetic Carbon-Based life form aged 39 years, seven months, one week and four days. Height: 76 inches. Weight: 470 pounds. Cybernetic Human." Alias answered anyway. "Maybe reinforcements?" The robotic husky cocked his head to one side.

"Target confirmed. Target Acquired." Facade repeated, and a red, laser-pointer light appeared on Zex's forehead.

"This unit wonders why that unit does that." Alias pointed at the laser light on Alicia's forehead curiously. "That unit will not terminate targets, will it?"

Seemingly irritated now, if she was capable of being irritated that is, Facade spoke once more. "Target confirmed. Target Acquired." And a red dot appeared on Alias's forehead.

"Codename: Facade does not like this unit." Alias narrated in his innocent, robotic monotone voice, though his mechanical ears swiveled back and lay flat against his metal skull.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers